Licensed to Virginia Swimming - For Office Use Only License
                                   HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 5.0 3/25/2014 02:58 PM
         2014 Speedo Championship Series Meet - 3/20/2014 to 3/23/2014         
                              Sanction # VS-14-57                              
Event 1  Women 1000 Yard Freestyle
        EZSC: # 9:29.79   3/20/2005 Kate Ziegler, FISH-PV                      
                9:54.79  NAT
                9:58.79  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  10:39.79
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Nunan, Amanda J     15 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA 10:01.55    9:55.67 JRN     20  
                  26.97       56.06 (29.09)     1:25.66 (29.60)     1:55.26 (29.60)
        2:24.94 (29.68)     2:54.87 (29.93)     3:24.67 (29.80)     3:54.60 (29.93)
        4:24.45 (29.85)     4:54.52 (30.07)     5:24.42 (29.90)     5:54.27 (29.85)
        6:24.33 (30.06)     6:54.73 (30.40)     7:24.99 (30.26)     7:55.27 (30.28)
        8:25.38 (30.11)     8:55.87 (30.49)     9:26.24 (30.37)     9:55.67 (29.43)
  2 Chabbott, Amanda H  16 Eagle Swim Team-MD  10:21.64   10:05.21         17  
                  26.83       55.98 (29.15)     1:25.62 (29.64)     1:55.50 (29.88)
        2:25.61 (30.11)     2:55.74 (30.13)     3:26.06 (30.32)     3:56.61 (30.55)
        4:27.03 (30.42)     4:57.52 (30.49)     5:28.16 (30.64)     5:58.56 (30.40)
        6:29.47 (30.91)     7:00.43 (30.96)     7:31.45 (31.02)     8:02.70 (31.25)
        8:33.89 (31.19)     9:05.07 (31.18)     9:35.83 (30.76)    10:05.21 (29.38)
  3 Daday, Caitlin E    18 Parkland Aquatic-MA 10:10.68   10:06.67         16  
                  28.69       58.21 (29.52)     1:28.11 (29.90)     1:58.12 (30.01)
        2:27.95 (29.83)     2:57.83 (29.88)     3:27.98 (30.15)     3:58.02 (30.04)
        4:28.49 (30.47)     4:59.06 (30.57)     5:29.69 (30.63)     6:00.48 (30.79)
        6:31.49 (31.01)     7:02.65 (31.16)     7:33.60 (30.95)     8:04.66 (31.06)
        8:35.83 (31.17)     9:07.04 (31.21)     9:37.56 (30.52)    10:06.67 (29.11)
  4 Jordan, Erin K      17 Parkland Aquatic-MA 10:10.56   10:10.87         15  
                  27.12       56.49 (29.37)     1:26.42 (29.93)     1:56.73 (30.31)
        2:27.18 (30.45)     2:57.82 (30.64)     3:28.68 (30.86)     3:59.70 (31.02)
        4:31.06 (31.36)     5:02.45 (31.39)     5:33.53 (31.08)     6:04.85 (31.32)
        6:35.92 (31.07)     7:06.91 (30.99)     7:37.81 (30.90)     8:08.98 (31.17)
        8:39.57 (30.59)     9:10.64 (31.07)     9:41.80 (31.16)    10:10.87 (29.07)
  5 Anderson, Gail F    15 Rockville Montgo-PV 10:29.66   10:15.98         14  
                  28.41       58.67 (30.26)     1:29.46 (30.79)     2:00.07 (30.61)
        2:30.78 (30.71)     3:01.83 (31.05)     3:32.66 (30.83)     4:03.53 (30.87)
        4:34.50 (30.97)     5:05.68 (31.18)     5:36.73 (31.05)     6:07.86 (31.13)
        6:39.18 (31.32)     7:10.37 (31.19)     7:41.52 (31.15)     8:12.65 (31.13)
        8:43.88 (31.23)     9:14.91 (31.03)     9:45.79 (30.88)    10:15.98 (30.19)
  6 Merriman, Abigail   15 Cardinal & Gold-MD  10:22.00   10:18.62         13  
                  27.60       57.62 (30.02)     1:28.37 (30.75)     1:58.85 (30.48)
        2:29.62 (30.77)     3:00.58 (30.96)     3:31.72 (31.14)     4:03.02 (31.30)
        4:34.63 (31.61)     5:06.17 (31.54)     5:37.26 (31.09)     6:08.53 (31.27)
        6:39.88 (31.35)     7:11.27 (31.39)     7:42.81 (31.54)     8:14.25 (31.44)
        8:45.52 (31.27)     9:17.00 (31.48)     9:48.11 (31.11)    10:18.62 (30.51)
  7 Daday, Colleen M    15 Parkland Aquatic-MA 10:20.81   10:20.89         12  
                  27.61       57.09 (29.48)     1:27.26 (30.17)     1:57.33 (30.07)
        2:28.00 (30.67)     2:58.55 (30.55)     3:29.43 (30.88)     4:00.53 (31.10)
        4:31.61 (31.08)     5:03.01 (31.40)     5:34.43 (31.42)     6:06.05 (31.62)
        6:37.95 (31.90)     7:09.88 (31.93)     7:41.78 (31.90)     8:14.02 (32.24)
        8:45.80 (31.78)     9:18.12 (32.32)     9:50.13 (32.01)    10:20.89 (30.76)
  8 Giddings, Grace B   13 Rockville Montgo-PV 10:30.61   10:22.49         11  
                  28.41       58.58 (30.17)     1:29.61 (31.03)     2:00.83 (31.22)
        2:31.94 (31.11)     3:02.77 (30.83)     3:34.14 (31.37)     4:05.62 (31.48)
        4:37.15 (31.53)     5:08.85 (31.70)     5:40.20 (31.35)     6:11.53 (31.33)
        6:43.40 (31.87)     7:14.69 (31.29)     7:46.35 (31.66)     8:18.02 (31.67)
        8:49.33 (31.31)     9:20.69 (31.36)     9:52.02 (31.33)    10:22.49 (30.47)
  9 Liu, Danielle       17 Duke Aquatics-NC    10:09.88   10:22.64          9  
                  27.43       57.33 (29.90)     1:27.67 (30.34)     1:57.88 (30.21)
        2:28.43 (30.55)     2:59.19 (30.76)     3:29.94 (30.75)     4:01.07 (31.13)
        4:32.58 (31.51)     5:04.22 (31.64)     5:35.85 (31.63)     6:07.47 (31.62)
        6:39.38 (31.91)     7:11.43 (32.05)     7:43.55 (32.12)     8:15.68 (32.13)
        8:47.90 (32.22)     9:20.26 (32.36)     9:52.08 (31.82)    10:22.64 (30.56)
 10 Hursey, Karly M     18 Merritt Athletic-MD 10:30.06   10:22.88          7  
                  28.19       58.69 (30.50)     1:29.74 (31.05)     2:00.86 (31.12)
        2:32.32 (31.46)     3:03.60 (31.28)     3:34.95 (31.35)     4:06.37 (31.42)
        4:37.93 (31.56)     5:09.24 (31.31)     5:40.93 (31.69)     6:12.64 (31.71)
        6:44.37 (31.73)     7:16.47 (32.10)     7:47.93 (31.46)     8:19.21 (31.28)
        8:50.53 (31.32)     9:21.85 (31.32)     9:52.92 (31.07)    10:22.88 (29.96)
 11 Waters, Carly J     18 Retriever Aquati-MD 10:21.06   10:23.25          6  
                  28.31       58.84 (30.53)     1:29.77 (30.93)     2:00.67 (30.90)
        2:31.74 (31.07)     3:02.93 (31.19)     3:34.19 (31.26)     4:05.42 (31.23)
        4:36.81 (31.39)     5:08.03 (31.22)     5:39.40 (31.37)     6:10.91 (31.51)
        6:42.53 (31.62)     7:13.97 (31.44)     7:45.65 (31.68)     8:17.28 (31.63)
        8:49.04 (31.76)     9:20.82 (31.78)     9:52.25 (31.43)    10:23.25 (31.00)
 12 McNichol, Madison   18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA 10:34.45   10:28.34          5  
                  28.96       59.92 (30.96)     1:31.35 (31.43)     2:02.88 (31.53)
        2:34.55 (31.67)     3:06.12 (31.57)     3:37.55 (31.43)     4:09.11 (31.56)
        4:40.66 (31.55)     5:12.18 (31.52)     5:43.65 (31.47)     6:15.24 (31.59)
        6:46.89 (31.65)     7:18.54 (31.65)     7:50.39 (31.85)     8:22.04 (31.65)
        8:53.96 (31.92)     9:25.73 (31.77)     9:57.27 (31.54)    10:28.34 (31.07)
 13 Walker, Peyton G    17 Columbia Aquatic-MD 10:32.51   10:30.89          4  
                  28.49     1:00.08 (31.59)     1:32.19 (32.11)     2:04.44 (32.25)
        2:36.36 (31.92)     3:08.27 (31.91)     3:40.39 (32.12)     4:12.22 (31.83)
        4:43.86 (31.64)     5:15.35 (31.49)     5:46.81 (31.46)     6:18.61 (31.80)
        6:50.33 (31.72)     7:22.08 (31.75)     7:53.66 (31.58)     8:25.53 (31.87)
        8:57.25 (31.72)     9:28.87 (31.62)    10:00.29 (31.42)    10:30.89 (30.60)
 14 Garrett, Danielle   16 Occoquan Swimmin-PV 10:33.10   10:31.03          3  
                  30.24     1:02.41 (32.17)     1:34.47 (32.06)     2:06.67 (32.20)
        2:38.44 (31.77)     3:10.00 (31.56)     3:41.60 (31.60)     4:13.49 (31.89)
        4:44.97 (31.48)     5:16.78 (31.81)     5:48.56 (31.78)     6:20.32 (31.76)
        6:52.26 (31.94)     7:23.72 (31.46)     7:55.56 (31.84)     8:27.39 (31.83)
        8:58.74 (31.35)     9:29.76 (31.02)    10:01.05 (31.29)    10:31.03 (29.98)
 15 Stewart, Alexa C    15 Rockville Montgo-PV 10:32.66   10:32.34          2  
                  28.59       59.04 (30.45)     1:29.98 (30.94)     2:01.09 (31.11)
        2:32.52 (31.43)     3:03.85 (31.33)     3:35.45 (31.60)     4:07.11 (31.66)
        4:38.68 (31.57)     5:10.45 (31.77)     5:42.08 (31.63)     6:13.97 (31.89)
        6:46.10 (32.13)     7:18.14 (32.04)     7:50.49 (32.35)     8:22.79 (32.30)
        8:55.37 (32.58)     9:27.83 (32.46)    10:00.31 (32.48)    10:32.34 (32.03)
 16 Shepherd, Sarah H   15 Duke Aquatics-NC    10:33.47   10:32.78          1  
                  29.66     1:01.14 (31.48)     1:33.28 (32.14)     2:05.63 (32.35)
        2:37.82 (32.19)     3:09.81 (31.99)     3:41.14 (31.33)     4:12.49 (31.35)
        4:44.25 (31.76)     5:16.03 (31.78)     5:47.73 (31.70)     6:19.38 (31.65)
        6:51.17 (31.79)     7:23.19 (32.02)     7:54.83 (31.64)     8:26.63 (31.80)
        8:58.37 (31.74)     9:30.02 (31.65)    10:01.64 (31.62)    10:32.78 (31.14)
 17 Nguyen, Claire P    13 Nation's Capital-PV 10:37.10   10:34.15        
                  27.47       57.75 (30.28)     1:28.70 (30.95)     2:00.33 (31.63)
        2:32.20 (31.87)     3:04.00 (31.80)     3:36.02 (32.02)     4:08.27 (32.25)
        4:40.46 (32.19)     5:12.21 (31.75)     5:44.66 (32.45)     6:17.31 (32.65)
        6:49.64 (32.33)     7:21.92 (32.28)     7:54.44 (32.52)     8:26.80 (32.36)
        8:59.42 (32.62)     9:31.22 (31.80)    10:02.97 (31.75)    10:34.15 (31.18)
 18 Barthold, Laura K   17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA 10:31.70   10:34.71        
                  28.49       59.91 (31.42)     1:31.79 (31.88)     2:03.78 (31.99)
        2:35.29 (31.51)     3:07.17 (31.88)     3:39.48 (32.31)     4:11.62 (32.14)
        4:43.37 (31.75)     5:15.37 (32.00)     5:46.90 (31.53)     6:18.89 (31.99)
        6:50.68 (31.79)     7:22.95 (32.27)     7:55.20 (32.25)     8:27.50 (32.30)
        8:59.44 (31.94)     9:31.39 (31.95)    10:03.29 (31.90)    10:34.71 (31.42)
 19 Levendusky, Sarah   14 Rockville Montgo-PV 10:33.18   10:35.46        
                  28.89       59.91 (31.02)     1:31.14 (31.23)     2:03.21 (32.07)
        2:35.03 (31.82)     3:06.86 (31.83)     3:38.89 (32.03)     4:10.86 (31.97)
        4:42.92 (32.06)     5:15.22 (32.30)     5:47.34 (32.12)     6:19.48 (32.14)
        6:51.74 (32.26)     7:23.88 (32.14)     7:55.95 (32.07)     8:28.11 (32.16)
        9:00.13 (32.02)     9:32.25 (32.12)    10:04.32 (32.07)    10:35.46 (31.14)
 20 Romano, Elizabeth   15 Nation's Capital-PV 10:37.62   10:35.79        
                  28.17       59.07 (30.90)     1:30.43 (31.36)     2:02.10 (31.67)
        2:33.93 (31.83)     3:05.71 (31.78)     3:37.58 (31.87)     4:09.29 (31.71)
        4:41.22 (31.93)     5:13.25 (32.03)     5:45.25 (32.00)     6:17.29 (32.04)
        6:49.71 (32.42)     7:22.08 (32.37)     7:54.51 (32.43)     8:26.89 (32.38)
        8:59.39 (32.50)     9:31.77 (32.38)    10:04.23 (32.46)    10:35.79 (31.56)
 21 Williams, Jessie D  14 Monocacy Aquatic-MD 10:34.73   10:36.19        
                  28.89     1:00.76 (31.87)     1:33.05 (32.29)     2:05.42 (32.37)
        2:37.63 (32.21)     3:10.13 (32.50)     3:42.40 (32.27)     4:14.38 (31.98)
        4:46.67 (32.29)     5:18.57 (31.90)     5:50.67 (32.10)     6:22.49 (31.82)
        6:54.48 (31.99)     7:26.54 (32.06)     7:58.42 (31.88)     8:30.51 (32.09)
        9:02.38 (31.87)     9:34.29 (31.91)    10:05.66 (31.37)    10:36.19 (30.53)
 22 Otwell, Bria N      16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM 10:26.10   10:36.35        
                  27.42       57.17 (29.75)     1:27.46 (30.29)     1:58.11 (30.65)
        2:28.92 (30.81)     3:00.46 (31.54)     3:32.22 (31.76)     4:04.27 (32.05)
        4:36.49 (32.22)     5:08.73 (32.24)     5:41.32 (32.59)     6:14.17 (32.85)
        6:47.04 (32.87)     7:19.91 (32.87)     7:52.76 (32.85)     8:25.51 (32.75)
        8:58.80 (33.29)     9:31.49 (32.69)    10:04.37 (32.88)    10:36.35 (31.98)
 23 Sheehan, Aurelia M  16 Jewish Community-AM 17:51.78   10:37.07        
                  28.03       59.08 (31.05)     1:31.13 (32.05)     2:02.97 (31.84)
        2:34.70 (31.73)     3:07.08 (32.38)     3:39.42 (32.34)     4:11.99 (32.57)
        4:44.23 (32.24)     5:16.23 (32.00)     5:48.69 (32.46)     6:21.32 (32.63)
        6:53.34 (32.02)     7:25.42 (32.08)     7:57.84 (32.42)     8:29.78 (31.94)
        9:02.15 (32.37)     9:34.99 (32.84)    10:06.59 (31.60)    10:37.07 (30.48)
 24 Carter, Hannah M    13 Snow Swimming-PV    10:34.91   10:37.94        
                  28.84     1:00.64 (31.80)     1:32.29 (31.65)     2:04.34 (32.05)
        2:36.13 (31.79)     3:08.14 (32.01)     3:40.08 (31.94)     4:12.21 (32.13)
        4:44.54 (32.33)     5:16.81 (32.27)     5:49.23 (32.42)     6:21.62 (32.39)
        6:53.60 (31.98)     7:26.33 (32.73)     7:58.80 (32.47)     8:31.11 (32.31)
        9:03.20 (32.09)     9:35.54 (32.34)    10:07.27 (31.73)    10:37.94 (30.67)
 25 Mautino, Sarah L    14 Jewish Community-AM 10:32.25   10:38.20        
                  27.93       58.78 (30.85)     1:30.29 (31.51)     2:01.61 (31.32)
        2:33.27 (31.66)     3:05.27 (32.00)     3:37.41 (32.14)     4:09.91 (32.50)
        4:42.32 (32.41)     5:14.91 (32.59)     5:47.33 (32.42)     6:19.83 (32.50)
        6:52.48 (32.65)     7:25.07 (32.59)     7:57.42 (32.35)     8:30.18 (32.76)
        9:02.25 (32.07)     9:34.61 (32.36)    10:07.12 (32.51)    10:38.20 (31.08)
 26 Mann, Madeline R    16 Cardinal & Gold-MD  10:39.50   10:38.92        
                  27.57       58.42 (30.85)     1:29.67 (31.25)     2:01.48 (31.81)
        2:33.10 (31.62)     3:05.07 (31.97)     3:37.08 (32.01)     4:09.36 (32.28)
        4:41.65 (32.29)     5:13.97 (32.32)     5:46.23 (32.26)     6:18.90 (32.67)
        6:51.54 (32.64)     7:24.21 (32.67)     7:56.65 (32.44)     8:29.38 (32.73)
        9:02.22 (32.84)     9:35.02 (32.80)    10:07.31 (32.29)    10:38.92 (31.61)
 27 Byrnes, Julia M     13 Nation's Capital-PV 10:36.48   10:41.20        
                  28.25       59.76 (31.51)     1:32.00 (32.24)     2:04.39 (32.39)
        2:36.44 (32.05)     3:08.48 (32.04)     3:41.21 (32.73)     4:13.64 (32.43)
        4:45.84 (32.20)     5:18.62 (32.78)     5:50.91 (32.29)     6:22.90 (31.99)
        6:54.99 (32.09)     7:27.52 (32.53)     8:00.22 (32.70)     8:32.06 (31.84)
        9:04.73 (32.67)     9:37.73 (33.00)    10:09.86 (32.13)    10:41.20 (31.34)
 28 Lee, Isabella C     13 Arlington Aquati-PV 10:34.79   10:41.95        
                  27.52       58.43 (30.91)     1:29.95 (31.52)     2:01.81 (31.86)
        2:33.66 (31.85)     3:05.73 (32.07)     3:38.05 (32.32)     4:10.11 (32.06)
        4:42.65 (32.54)     5:14.77 (32.12)     5:47.58 (32.81)     6:19.78 (32.20)
        6:52.88 (33.10)     7:25.58 (32.70)     7:58.98 (33.40)     8:32.02 (33.04)
        9:05.01 (32.99)     9:37.73 (32.72)    10:10.33 (32.60)    10:41.95 (31.62)
 29 Martin, Isabella A  17 Rockville Montgo-PV 17:50.27   10:42.39        
                  29.18     1:00.86 (31.68)     1:33.04 (32.18)     2:05.26 (32.22)
        2:37.58 (32.32)     3:09.74 (32.16)     3:41.86 (32.12)     4:14.34 (32.48)
        4:46.95 (32.61)     5:19.61 (32.66)     5:51.79 (32.18)     6:23.88 (32.09)
        6:56.41 (32.53)     7:28.54 (32.13)     8:00.96 (32.42)     8:33.45 (32.49)
        9:06.00 (32.55)     9:38.51 (32.51)    10:10.93 (32.42)    10:42.39 (31.46)
 30 Deglau, Elizabeth   16 Poseidon Swimmin-VA 10:36.07   10:42.79        
                  27.70       58.02 (30.32)     1:29.27 (31.25)     2:00.85 (31.58)
        2:32.72 (31.87)     3:04.29 (31.57)     3:36.43 (32.14)     4:08.94 (32.51)
        4:41.11 (32.17)     5:13.89 (32.78)     5:46.97 (33.08)     6:20.08 (33.11)
        6:53.32 (33.24)     7:26.71 (33.39)     8:00.40 (33.69)     8:33.48 (33.08)
        9:06.32 (32.84)     9:39.29 (32.97)    10:11.18 (31.89)    10:42.79 (31.61)
 31 Jones, Meghan L     16 Shockwaves Aquat-MA 10:36.58   10:44.21        
                  28.45       59.34 (30.89)     1:30.82 (31.48)     2:02.39 (31.57)
        2:34.38 (31.99)     3:06.43 (32.05)     3:38.70 (32.27)     4:11.27 (32.57)
        4:43.97 (32.70)     5:16.76 (32.79)     5:49.52 (32.76)     6:22.50 (32.98)
        6:55.53 (33.03)     7:28.60 (33.07)     8:01.34 (32.74)     8:33.89 (32.55)
        9:06.76 (32.87)     9:39.52 (32.76)    10:12.23 (32.71)    10:44.21 (31.98)
 32 Anderson, Molly E   17 Machine Aquatics-PV 10:33.48   10:53.56        
                  29.65     1:01.57 (31.92)     1:33.80 (32.23)     2:06.10 (32.30)
        2:38.45 (32.35)     3:11.08 (32.63)     3:43.72 (32.64)     4:16.37 (32.65)
        4:49.26 (32.89)     5:22.26 (33.00)     5:55.50 (33.24)     6:28.66 (33.16)
        7:02.00 (33.34)     7:35.34 (33.34)     8:08.64 (33.30)     8:42.11 (33.47)
        9:15.54 (33.43)     9:48.48 (32.94)    10:21.41 (32.93)    10:53.56 (32.15)
 33 Namestnik, Alexa R  18 Jewish Community-AM 17:49.78   11:01.83        
                  29.46     1:01.58 (32.12)     1:33.86 (32.28)     2:06.26 (32.40)
        2:38.84 (32.58)     3:11.40 (32.56)     3:44.25 (32.85)     4:17.14 (32.89)
        4:50.08 (32.94)     5:23.25 (33.17)     5:56.55 (33.30)     6:30.02 (33.47)
        7:03.33 (33.31)     7:36.98 (33.65)     8:10.89 (33.91)     8:44.98 (34.09)
        9:19.35 (34.37)     9:53.84 (34.49)    10:27.95 (34.11)    11:01.83 (33.88)
 34 Hauck, Kacey A      15 Snow Swimming-PV    17:54.18   11:02.59        
                  29.92     1:02.83 (32.91)     1:35.85 (33.02)     2:09.88 (34.03)
        2:43.26 (33.38)     3:17.14 (33.88)     3:50.97 (33.83)     4:24.75 (33.78)
        4:58.44 (33.69)     5:32.11 (33.67)     6:05.61 (33.50)     6:39.14 (33.53)
        7:12.23 (33.09)     7:45.24 (33.01)     8:18.38 (33.14)     8:51.40 (33.02)
        9:24.19 (32.79)     9:57.31 (33.12)    10:30.50 (33.19)    11:02.59 (32.09)
 35 Garrigan, Juliet    15 Nittany Lion Aqu-MA  9:33.62L  11:08.15        
                  28.95     1:00.50 (31.55)     1:32.84 (32.34)     2:05.70 (32.86)
        2:38.66 (32.96)     3:11.73 (33.07)     3:45.18 (33.45)     4:19.02 (33.84)
        4:53.01 (33.99)     5:27.34 (34.33)     6:01.23 (33.89)     6:35.52 (34.29)
        7:09.92 (34.40)     7:44.20 (34.28)     8:18.42 (34.22)     8:51.74 (33.32)
        9:26.37 (34.63)    10:00.90 (34.53)    10:34.90 (34.00)    11:08.15 (33.25)
 -- Dougherty, Erin P   16 Naval Academy Aq-MD 10:22.35         NS        
 -- Clark, Danielle B   16 Retriever Aquati-MD 10:33.51        SCR        
 -- Dean, Frances E     16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM 10:28.14        SCR        
 -- Mulhern, Meghan S   17 Naval Academy Aq-MD 10:38.47        SCR        
 -- Long, Kelly A       17 Retriever Aquati-MD 10:17.61        SCR        
 -- Miller, Makenzie C  17 Machine Aquatics-PV  9:31.78L       SCR        
 -- Jones, Julianna L   14 Williamsburg Aqu-VA 10:31.99        SCR        
 -- Ling, Alissa S      17 Retriever Aquati-MD 10:37.64        SCR        
Event 3  Women 200 Yard Freestyle
        EZSC: # 1:46.14   3/10/2006 Julia Smit, TVSC-MR                        
                1:46.89  NAT
                1:47.79  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  1:56.79
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Walz, Delaney R     15 G P A C-MA           1:50.59    1:49.43         20  
                  25.70       53.47 (27.77)     1:21.58 (28.11)     1:49.43 (27.85)
  2 Nunan, Amanda J     15 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  1:50.98    1:49.56         17  
                  25.73       53.60 (27.87)     1:22.04 (28.44)     1:49.56 (27.52)
  3 Kosten, Emily S     16 Central Bucks Sw-MA  1:51.70    1:50.06         16  
                  25.44       53.23 (27.79)     1:21.51 (28.28)     1:50.06 (28.55)
  4 Liu, Danielle       17 Duke Aquatics-NC     1:51.38    1:50.26         15  
                  26.08       54.14 (28.06)     1:22.36 (28.22)     1:50.26 (27.90)
  5 Harper, Shannon A   19 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:52.30    1:50.45         14  
                  26.39       54.36 (27.97)     1:22.62 (28.26)     1:50.45 (27.83)
  6 Sowinski, Monica H  16 Greater Latrobe-AM   1:51.25    1:51.77         13  
                  25.60       53.59 (27.99)     1:22.14 (28.55)     1:51.77 (29.63)
  7 Chabbott, Amanda H  16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:52.05    1:52.85         12  
                  26.19       54.61 (28.42)     1:23.93 (29.32)     1:52.85 (28.92)
  8 Weiss, Brittany M   16 Central Bucks Sw-MA  1:53.10    1:54.17         11  
                  25.91       54.43 (28.52)     1:24.35 (29.92)     1:54.17 (29.82)
B - Final
  9 Soulia, Morgan A    16 Allegheny North-AM   1:53.33    1:51.67          9  
                  26.12       53.85 (27.73)     1:22.62 (28.77)     1:51.67 (29.05)
 10 Cortazzo, Amber L   17 Lancaster Aquati-MA  1:53.39    1:52.39          7  
                  26.06       54.48 (28.42)     1:23.47 (28.99)     1:52.39 (28.92)
 11 Richter, Audrey L   15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:53.41    1:52.44          6  
                  26.45       54.94 (28.49)     1:23.71 (28.77)     1:52.44 (28.73)
 12 Song, Dorit G       15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:53.48    1:52.75          5  
                  26.54       55.21 (28.67)     1:24.18 (28.97)     1:52.75 (28.57)
 13 Puskar-Beckett, Al  15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:53.74    1:53.00          4  
                  26.37       54.97 (28.60)     1:23.95 (28.98)     1:53.00 (29.05)
 14 Blair, Madeline M   16 Una Paac-MA          1:53.87    1:53.30          3  
                  26.72       55.45 (28.73)     1:24.33 (28.88)     1:53.30 (28.97)
 15 Knibb, Taylor B     16 Una Ncap-PV          1:53.42    1:53.61          2  
                  26.46       55.03 (28.57)     1:24.63 (29.60)     1:53.61 (28.98)
 16 Tankle, Bernadette  18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:53.64    1:54.23          1  
                  26.65       55.78 (29.13)     1:25.07 (29.29)     1:54.23 (29.16)
C - Final
 17 Treuth, Alice L     17 Coastal Aquatics-MD  1:54.89    1:50.85        
                  26.02       54.03 (28.01)     1:22.43 (28.40)     1:50.85 (28.42)
 18 Scott, Morgan E     13 Central Bucks Sw-MA  1:54.26    1:52.17        
                  25.74       54.10 (28.36)     1:23.22 (29.12)     1:52.17 (28.95)
 19 Caulfield, Alissa   17 Retriever Aquati-MD  1:53.93    1:52.98        
                  26.24       54.63 (28.39)     1:23.82 (29.19)     1:52.98 (29.16)
 20 Miller, Makenzie C  17 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:54.05    1:53.13        
                  26.71       55.47 (28.76)     1:24.42 (28.95)     1:53.13 (28.71)
 21 Zurmuhl, Hannah C   15 Central Bucks Sw-MA  1:54.58    1:53.85        
                  26.28       55.28 (29.00)     1:25.08 (29.80)     1:53.85 (28.77)
 22 McGrath, Lauren N   15 Allegheny North-AM   1:54.74    1:53.96        
                  27.08       56.10 (29.02)     1:24.98 (28.88)     1:53.96 (28.98)
 23 Nielson, Alayna R   13 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:54.42    1:54.17        
                  26.25       55.62 (29.37)     1:25.41 (29.79)     1:54.17 (28.76)
 24 Caputo, Gianna M    16 Allegheny North-AM   1:54.77    1:54.65        
                  27.14       55.82 (28.68)     1:25.22 (29.40)     1:54.65 (29.43)
Event 3  Women 200 Yard Freestyle
        EZSC: # 1:46.14   3/10/2006 Julia Smit, TVSC-MR                        
                1:46.89  NAT
                1:47.79  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  1:56.79
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Walz, Delaney R           15 G P A C-MA           1:50.94    1:50.59 q      
                  25.37       53.06 (27.69)     1:21.72 (28.66)     1:50.59 (28.87)
  2 Nunan, Amanda J           15 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  1:49.66    1:50.98 q      
                  25.91       53.84 (27.93)     1:22.50 (28.66)     1:50.98 (28.48)
  3 Sowinski, Monica H        16 Greater Latrobe-AM   1:50.45    1:51.25 q      
                  25.83       54.06 (28.23)     1:22.70 (28.64)     1:51.25 (28.55)
  4 Liu, Danielle             17 Duke Aquatics-NC     1:50.03    1:51.38 q      
                  26.12       53.89 (27.77)     1:22.65 (28.76)     1:51.38 (28.73)
  5 Kosten, Emily S           16 Central Bucks Sw-MA  1:50.39    1:51.70 q      
                  25.62       54.02 (28.40)     1:22.62 (28.60)     1:51.70 (29.08)
  6 Chabbott, Amanda H        16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:51.23    1:52.05 q      
                  26.16       54.66 (28.50)     1:23.82 (29.16)     1:52.05 (28.23)
  7 Harper, Shannon A         19 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:50.29    1:52.30 q      
                  25.76       53.44 (27.68)     1:22.34 (28.90)     1:52.30 (29.96)
  8 Weiss, Brittany M         16 Central Bucks Sw-MA  1:54.56    1:53.10 q      
                  25.85       54.22 (28.37)     1:23.72 (29.50)     1:53.10 (29.38)
  9 Soulia, Morgan A          16 Allegheny North-AM   1:53.19    1:53.33 q      
                  14.59       55.41 (40.82)     1:24.26 (28.85)     1:53.33 (29.07)
 10 Cortazzo, Amber L         17 Lancaster Aquati-MA  1:56.63    1:53.39 q      
                  26.55       55.51 (28.96)     1:24.40 (28.89)     1:53.39 (28.99)
 11 Richter, Audrey L         15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:53.37    1:53.41 q      
                  26.72       55.07 (28.35)     1:24.17 (29.10)     1:53.41 (29.24)
 12 Knibb, Taylor B           16 Una Ncap-PV          1:55.07    1:53.42 q      
                  26.57       55.06 (28.49)     1:24.53 (29.47)     1:53.42 (28.89)
 13 Song, Dorit G             15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:53.75    1:53.48 q      
                  26.23       54.78 (28.55)     1:23.78 (29.00)     1:53.48 (29.70)
 14 Tankle, Bernadette L      18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:52.94    1:53.64 q      
                  26.35       54.84 (28.49)     1:24.23 (29.39)     1:53.64 (29.41)
 15 Puskar-Beckett, Alexandr  15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:55.15    1:53.74 q      
                  26.81       55.76 (28.95)     1:24.63 (28.87)     1:53.74 (29.11)
 16 Blair, Madeline M         16 Una Paac-MA          1:51.93    1:53.87 q      
                  26.02       54.34 (28.32)     1:24.13 (29.79)     1:53.87 (29.74)
 17 Caulfield, Alissa C       17 Retriever Aquati-MD  1:53.17    1:53.93 q      
                  26.38       54.82 (28.44)     1:24.09 (29.27)     1:53.93 (29.84)
 18 Miller, Makenzie C        17 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:53.76    1:54.05 q      
                  26.89       55.68 (28.79)     1:25.01 (29.33)     1:54.05 (29.04)
 19 Owens, Kayla V            19 Greater Latrobe-AM   1:55.24    1:54.10 q      
                  26.79       55.95 (29.16)     1:25.17 (29.22)     1:54.10 (28.93)
 20 Scott, Morgan E           13 Central Bucks Sw-MA  1:53.15    1:54.26 q      
                  26.09       55.10 (29.01)     1:25.09 (29.99)     1:54.26 (29.17)
 21 Nielson, Alayna R         13 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:54.65    1:54.42 q      
                  26.60       55.25 (28.65)     1:24.76 (29.51)     1:54.42 (29.66)
 22 Zurmuhl, Hannah C         15 Central Bucks Sw-MA  1:54.35    1:54.58 q      
                  25.49       54.35 (28.86)     1:24.12 (29.77)     1:54.58 (30.46)
 23 McGrath, Lauren N         15 Allegheny North-AM   1:52.76    1:54.74 q      
                  27.04       56.33 (29.29)     1:25.40 (29.07)     1:54.74 (29.34)
 24 Caputo, Gianna M          16 Allegheny North-AM   1:57.95    1:54.77 q      
                  26.97       55.95 (28.98)     1:25.44 (29.49)     1:54.77 (29.33)
 25 Treuth, Alice L           17 Coastal Aquatics-MD  1:51.54    1:54.89        
                  26.04       54.51 (28.47)     1:24.65 (30.14)     1:54.89 (30.24)
 26 Landeryou, Emily K        14 Nation's Capital-PV  1:54.39    1:54.91        
                  26.19       54.99 (28.80)     1:24.74 (29.75)     1:54.91 (30.17)
 27 Daday, Colleen M          15 Parkland Aquatic-MA  1:53.18    1:55.05        
                  26.75       55.41 (28.66)     1:25.18 (29.77)     1:55.05 (29.87)
 28 Hursey, Karly M           18 Merritt Athletic-MD  1:56.21    1:55.11        
                  26.78       55.94 (29.16)     1:25.46 (29.52)     1:55.11 (29.65)
 29 Barnard, Emily R          16 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  1:53.28    1:55.12        
                  26.77       55.65 (28.88)     1:24.67 (29.02)     1:55.12 (30.45)
 30 McNichol, Madison J       18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:52.82    1:55.15        
                  27.14       55.69 (28.55)     1:25.37 (29.68)     1:55.15 (29.78)
 31 Ford, Kathryn A           18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:56.07    1:55.17        
                  25.98       54.46 (28.48)     1:24.51 (30.05)     1:55.17 (30.66)
 32 Smith, Morgan P           17 Duke Aquatics-NC     1:53.46    1:55.27        
                  26.97       55.84 (28.87)     1:25.55 (29.71)     1:55.27 (29.72)
 33 Zhang, Lynn C             15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:55.13    1:55.59        
                  27.18       56.14 (28.96)     1:26.12 (29.98)     1:55.59 (29.47)
 33 Sullivan, Laura F         17 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:54.35    1:55.59        
                  26.82       55.57 (28.75)     1:25.56 (29.99)     1:55.59 (30.03)
 35 Kosic, Abby M             16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:57.78    1:55.63        
                  27.09       56.62 (29.53)     1:26.21 (29.59)     1:55.63 (29.42)
 36 Nugent, Celine E          14 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:53.84    1:55.73        
                  26.47       55.30 (28.83)     1:25.06 (29.76)     1:55.73 (30.67)
 37 Karam, Sydnee S           17 Parkland Aquatic-MA  1:52.63    1:55.79        
                  26.74       55.52 (28.78)     1:25.49 (29.97)     1:55.79 (30.30)
 37 Catron, Sydney M          14 Nation's Capital-PV  1:56.40    1:55.79        
                  26.81       55.73 (28.92)     1:25.53 (29.80)     1:55.79 (30.26)
 39 Petrak, Taylor E          14 Riverside Aqua C-AM  1:56.34    1:55.84        
                  26.27       55.38 (29.11)     1:25.91 (30.53)     1:55.84 (29.93)
 39 Mautino, Sarah L          14 Jewish Community-AM  1:54.21    1:55.84        
                  26.93       56.11 (29.18)     1:26.07 (29.96)     1:55.84 (29.77)
 41 Daday, Caitlin E          18 Parkland Aquatic-MA  1:53.68    1:55.85        
                  27.23       56.49 (29.26)     1:26.42 (29.93)     1:55.85 (29.43)
 42 Walker, Peyton G          17 Columbia Aquatic-MD  1:54.05    1:55.86        
                  27.49       56.54 (29.05)     1:26.32 (29.78)     1:55.86 (29.54)
 43 Deglau, Elizabeth N       16 Poseidon Swimmin-VA  1:54.25    1:55.89        
                  26.98       56.11 (29.13)     1:25.95 (29.84)     1:55.89 (29.94)
 44 Otwell, Bria N            16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  1:56.78    1:55.97        
                  27.01       56.40 (29.39)     1:26.25 (29.85)     1:55.97 (29.72)
 45 Merriman, Abigail F       15 Cardinal & Gold-MD   1:54.60    1:56.04        
                  26.79       55.98 (29.19)     1:26.49 (30.51)     1:56.04 (29.55)
 46 Krug, Paris M             16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  1:53.89    1:56.07        
                  26.46       55.23 (28.77)     1:25.39 (30.16)     1:56.07 (30.68)
 47 Shepherd, Sarah H         15 Duke Aquatics-NC     1:56.33    1:56.10        
                  27.23       56.38 (29.15)     1:26.20 (29.82)     1:56.10 (29.90)
 48 Long, Kelly A             17 Retriever Aquati-MD  1:52.19    1:56.23        
                  26.34       55.42 (29.08)     1:25.77 (30.35)     1:56.23 (30.46)
 49 Hsu, Helen                16 Unattached-MA        1:55.17    1:56.29        
                  26.19       54.76 (28.57)     1:24.49 (29.73)     1:56.29 (31.80)
 50 Jones, Courtney E         16 Regency Park Swi-VA  1:56.30    1:56.42        
                  27.31       56.58 (29.27)     1:26.26 (29.68)     1:56.42 (30.16)
 51 McCulla, Christine C      16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:54.30    1:56.46        
                  26.93       56.10 (29.17)     1:25.80 (29.70)     1:56.46 (30.66)
 52 Stewart, Sydni R          15 Salvation Army K-MA  1:58.25    1:56.66        
                  26.71       56.56 (29.85)     1:26.92 (30.36)     1:56.66 (29.74)
 53 Akbay, Ayris S            14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:56.98    1:56.67        
                  27.23       57.15 (29.92)     1:27.29 (30.14)     1:56.67 (29.38)
 54 Brinkhoff, Allison M      17 Bethel Park Recr-AM  1:56.69    1:56.70        
                  26.96       56.34 (29.38)     1:26.75 (30.41)     1:56.70 (29.95)
 55 Schmid, Olivia F          13 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:56.71    1:56.84        
                  26.75       56.25 (29.50)     1:26.79 (30.54)     1:56.84 (30.05)
 56 Wareham, Sydney K         16 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  1:54.83    1:56.89        
                  27.18       56.92 (29.74)     1:26.87 (29.95)     1:56.89 (30.02)
 57 Rysak, Bethany G          18 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:56.66    1:56.93        
                  26.95       56.23 (29.28)     1:26.21 (29.98)     1:56.93 (30.72)
 58 Bumgarner, Hannah J       15 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:57.87    1:56.99        
                  26.90       56.56 (29.66)     1:27.10 (30.54)     1:56.99 (29.89)
 59 Gaston, Sara N            13 Burkwood Aquatic-VA  1:56.19    1:57.02        
                  27.36       56.93 (29.57)     1:27.15 (30.22)     1:57.02 (29.87)
 60 Kelly, Lauren A           14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  1:56.29    1:57.05        
                  26.77       56.71 (29.94)     1:27.47 (30.76)     1:57.05 (29.58)
 61 Kosten, Eve J             18 Central Bucks Sw-MA  1:57.51    1:57.07        
                  26.78       56.05 (29.27)     1:26.40 (30.35)     1:57.07 (30.67)
 61 Nicholson, Kathryn A      14 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:58.64    1:57.07        
                  26.71       56.46 (29.75)     1:26.85 (30.39)     1:57.07 (30.22)
 63 Carozza, Ann M            13 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:57.82    1:57.28        
                  27.00       56.71 (29.71)     1:27.25 (30.54)     1:57.28 (30.03)
 64 Hoban, Rachel O           15 Naval Academy Aq-MD  2:12.07L   1:57.43        
                  27.16       56.92 (29.76)     1:27.15 (30.23)     1:57.43 (30.28)
 65 Clark, Danielle B         16 Retriever Aquati-MD  1:55.75    1:57.46        
                  27.14       56.69 (29.55)     1:27.30 (30.61)     1:57.46 (30.16)
 66 Waters, Carly J           18 Retriever Aquati-MD  1:57.77    1:57.52        
                  27.22       56.61 (29.39)     1:27.04 (30.43)     1:57.52 (30.48)
 67 Lee, Carrie R             16 Snow Swimming-PV     1:56.64    1:57.59        
                  26.34       55.99 (29.65)     1:26.91 (30.92)     1:57.59 (30.68)
 68 Knapp, Sydney E           14 Nation's Capital-PV  2:00.15    1:57.66        
                  26.40       56.34 (29.94)     1:27.50 (31.16)     1:57.66 (30.16)
 68 Rymer, Rachel J           15 Coast Guard Blue-VA  1:55.80    1:57.66        
                  26.96       56.73 (29.77)     1:27.13 (30.40)     1:57.66 (30.53)
 70 Freeland, Madison R       13 Salvation Army K-MA  1:57.60    1:57.67        
                  27.67       57.27 (29.60)     1:27.14 (29.87)     1:57.67 (30.53)
 71 Petit, Rosannah           17 Nation's Capital-PV  1:54.77    1:57.72        
                  26.92       56.20 (29.28)     1:26.80 (30.60)     1:57.72 (30.92)
 72 Haley, Kelleigh G         16 Nation's Capital-PV  2:03.84    1:57.79        
                  26.42       56.40 (29.98)     1:27.46 (31.06)     1:57.79 (30.33)
 73 Kelly, Madison            15 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:00.42    1:57.82        
                  27.36       56.52 (29.16)     1:27.29 (30.77)     1:57.82 (30.53)
 74 Mann, Madeline R          16 Cardinal & Gold-MD   1:55.65    1:57.83        
                  26.96       57.00 (30.04)     1:27.65 (30.65)     1:57.83 (30.18)
 75 Packer, Laura             17 Radnor Aquatic C-MA  1:56.41    1:57.88        
                  26.31       55.65 (29.34)     1:26.20 (30.55)     1:57.88 (31.68)
 76 Kozlina, Alexa R          14 Jewish Community-AM  1:55.86    1:57.91        
                  26.70       56.43 (29.73)     1:27.32 (30.89)     1:57.91 (30.59)
 77 Morrisey, Michelle L      15 Poseidon Swimmin-VA  1:58.72    1:57.98        
                  28.13       58.02 (29.89)     1:28.02 (30.00)     1:57.98 (29.96)
 78 Brickner, Charlie K       17 Allegheny North-AM   1:56.03    1:58.02        
                  27.80       57.48 (29.68)     1:27.44 (29.96)     1:58.02 (30.58)
 79 Defrancesco, Gina M       18 Greater Latrobe-AM   1:54.61    1:58.03        
                  27.39       56.81 (29.42)     1:27.07 (30.26)     1:58.03 (30.96)
 80 Breazeale, Gabrielle      16 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  1:58.09    1:58.18        
                  27.47       57.16 (29.69)     1:27.69 (30.53)     1:58.18 (30.49)
 80 Morgan, Kelly L           14 Nation's Capital-PV  1:55.98    1:58.18        
                  26.89       56.79 (29.90)     1:27.68 (30.89)     1:58.18 (30.50)
 82 Sarhan, Leenah H          14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  1:56.08    1:58.21        
                  27.31       56.72 (29.41)     1:27.69 (30.97)     1:58.21 (30.52)
 82 Bowne, Jamie O            14 G P A C-MA           1:56.10    1:58.21        
                  26.90       56.57 (29.67)     1:27.78 (31.21)     1:58.21 (30.43)
 84 Anderson, Gail F          15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:56.70    1:58.22        
                  27.72       57.37 (29.65)     1:27.86 (30.49)     1:58.22 (30.36)
 85 Grant, Sammie I           13 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:59.86    1:58.31        
                  27.08       57.04 (29.96)     1:27.91 (30.87)     1:58.31 (30.40)
 86 Silpacharn, Pim           16 Snow Swimming-PV     1:58.44    1:58.44        
                  27.64       58.10 (30.46)     1:28.24 (30.14)     1:58.44 (30.20)
 87 McComas, Katherine R      16 North Baltimore-MD   1:55.63    1:58.47        
                  26.98       56.83 (29.85)     1:27.68 (30.85)     1:58.47 (30.79)
 88 Mulhern, Meghan S         17 Naval Academy Aq-MD  1:57.53    1:58.56        
                  27.65       57.42 (29.77)     1:28.27 (30.85)     1:58.56 (30.29)
 89 Downing, Stephanie M      16 Naval Academy Aq-MD  1:59.10    1:58.59        
                  27.63       57.70 (30.07)     1:28.12 (30.42)     1:58.59 (30.47)
 90 Gieseman, Evie E          14 Arlington Aquati-PV  1:57.38    1:58.64        
                  27.29       57.04 (29.75)     1:27.81 (30.77)     1:58.64 (30.83)
 91 Cotter, Theresa J         17 Columbia Aquatic-MD  1:57.40    1:58.65        
                  27.59       57.34 (29.75)     1:27.97 (30.63)     1:58.65 (30.68)
 92 Oliver, Maddie N          15 Snow Swimming-PV     1:59.35    1:58.84        
                  27.35       57.96 (30.61)     1:28.78 (30.82)     1:58.84 (30.06)
 93 Carter, Hannah M          13 Snow Swimming-PV     1:57.42    1:58.96        
                  27.46       57.54 (30.08)     1:28.76 (31.22)     1:58.96 (30.20)
 93 Murphy, Erin N            14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  1:54.50    1:58.96        
                  27.10       56.45 (29.35)     1:27.59 (31.14)     1:58.96 (31.37)
 95 Hubert, Courteney E       17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  1:57.61    1:59.00        
                  27.63       57.48 (29.85)     1:27.71 (30.23)     1:59.00 (31.29)
 96 Wroniewicz, Katie A       15 Snow Swimming-PV     2:00.81    1:59.03        
                  27.20       57.14 (29.94)     1:28.40 (31.26)     1:59.03 (30.63)
 97 McGuire-Wien, Eleanore V  15 All Star Aquatic-PV  1:56.67    1:59.12        
                  27.71       57.69 (29.98)     1:28.26 (30.57)     1:59.12 (30.86)
 98 Showers, Rachel M         17 Stingrays Swim T-VA  1:57.38    1:59.17        
                  27.29       57.68 (30.39)     1:28.45 (30.77)     1:59.17 (30.72)
 99 Williams, Sydney N        17 Monocacy Aquatic-MD  1:56.45    1:59.21        
                  27.49       57.14 (29.65)     1:28.06 (30.92)     1:59.21 (31.15)
100 McGlaughlin, Juliet E     16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:59.68    1:59.27        
                  27.63       57.79 (30.16)     1:28.35 (30.56)     1:59.27 (30.92)
101 Smolyansky, Tatyana Y     17 Radnor Aquatic C-MA  2:00.71    1:59.34        
                  27.16       57.40 (30.24)     1:28.36 (30.96)     1:59.34 (30.98)
102 Won, Je Moon              18 Sea Devil Swimmi-PV  1:56.47    1:59.35        
                  27.31       56.58 (29.27)     1:27.41 (30.83)     1:59.35 (31.94)
103 Updegraff, Molly M        16 Monocacy Aquatic-MD  2:02.46    1:59.37        
                  28.06       58.25 (30.19)     1:29.11 (30.86)     1:59.37 (30.26)
104 Garrity, Keara E          15 Boris Rybatsky-VA    1:55.53    1:59.39        
                  27.76       57.33 (29.57)     1:28.12 (30.79)     1:59.39 (31.27)
105 Null, Siani A             16 Pine Richland Aq-AM  1:57.76    1:59.42        
                  27.66       57.86 (30.20)     1:28.52 (30.66)     1:59.42 (30.90)
106 Kim, Brittany H           16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:56.30    1:59.45        
                  27.63       57.40 (29.77)     1:28.19 (30.79)     1:59.45 (31.26)
107 Hochkeppel, Shannon R     15 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:03.41    1:59.49        
                  27.23       57.05 (29.82)     1:28.32 (31.27)     1:59.49 (31.17)
108 Garrigan, Juliet          15 Nittany Lion Aqu-MA  1:57.50    1:59.51        
                  27.51       57.67 (30.16)     1:28.69 (31.02)     1:59.51 (30.82)
109 Adams, Emily A            16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:56.51    1:59.76        
                  26.93       57.01 (30.08)     1:28.12 (31.11)     1:59.76 (31.64)
110 Lemone, Alexis A          15 All Star Aquatic-PV  1:57.07    1:59.82        
                  27.88       58.20 (30.32)     1:29.06 (30.86)     1:59.82 (30.76)
111 Storch, Katherine A       18 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:58.76    1:59.88        
                  27.21       56.92 (29.71)     1:27.96 (31.04)     1:59.88 (31.92)
112 Kegel, Samantha J         17 Lancaster Aquati-MA  2:04.91    1:59.91        
                  26.81       57.00 (30.19)     1:28.52 (31.52)     1:59.91 (31.39)
113 Williams, Avery E         15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:59.24    1:59.92        
                  27.85       58.07 (30.22)     1:29.12 (31.05)     1:59.92 (30.80)
114 Tanner, Lindsay M         15 Mercersburg Acad-MA  1:58.06    2:00.08        
                  27.30       58.11 (30.81)     1:29.43 (31.32)     2:00.08 (30.65)
115 Depietro, Rachael F       18 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  1:56.17    2:00.41        
                  27.35       57.82 (30.47)     1:29.16 (31.34)     2:00.41 (31.25)
116 Bloom, Lindsey H          14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:02.34    2:00.47        
                  28.23       58.34 (30.11)     1:29.16 (30.82)     2:00.47 (31.31)
117 O'Connor, Mackenzie S     13 Salvation Army K-MA  1:59.32    2:00.54        
                  27.36       57.82 (30.46)     1:29.21 (31.39)     2:00.54 (31.33)
118 Garrett, Danielle C       16 Occoquan Swimmin-PV  1:57.44    2:00.64        
                  28.84       59.58 (30.74)     1:30.42 (30.84)     2:00.64 (30.22)
119 Bonetta-Misteli, Frances  13 Nation's Capital-PV  1:58.43    2:00.81        
                  27.47       58.03 (30.56)     1:29.51 (31.48)     2:00.81 (31.30)
120 Rusinko, Hannah E         15 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  1:56.76    2:00.96        
                  27.27       57.50 (30.23)     1:29.04 (31.54)     2:00.96 (31.92)
121 Sheehan, Aurelia M        16 Jewish Community-AM  1:58.20    2:00.99        
                  27.48       58.29 (30.81)     1:30.26 (31.97)     2:00.99 (30.73)
122 Klein, Emma J             15 Nation's Capital-PV  2:01.10    2:01.16        
                  27.77       58.51 (30.74)     1:29.65 (31.14)     2:01.16 (31.51)
123 Alvarado, Carly M         16 Nation's Capital-PV  2:00.41    2:01.20        
                  27.64       58.16 (30.52)     1:29.50 (31.34)     2:01.20 (31.70)
124 Pearson, Kasey A          16 Retriever Aquati-MD  1:58.01    2:01.82        
                  27.77       58.68 (30.91)     1:30.48 (31.80)     2:01.82 (31.34)
125 Haggerty, Margaret F      17 Tidal Wave Swim-AM   1:59.45    2:02.00        
                  28.27       58.89 (30.62)     1:30.14 (31.25)     2:02.00 (31.86)
126 Allard, Lauren M          16 York Swim Club-PV    2:02.86    2:02.21        
                  28.27       59.59 (31.32)     1:31.16 (31.57)     2:02.21 (31.05)
127 Stuart, Lucy A            17 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:01.19    2:02.41        
                  27.47       57.72 (30.25)     1:29.68 (31.96)     2:02.41 (32.73)
128 Reynolds, Hope W          14 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  2:02.89    2:03.60        
                  28.01       59.31 (31.30)     1:31.59 (32.28)     2:03.60 (32.01)
129 Wade, Allison E           13 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:02.46    2:03.80        
                  28.25       59.23 (30.98)   2:03.80 (1:04.57)                    
130 Haeberle, Lily A          15 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:06.53    2:05.85        
                  29.16     1:00.78 (31.62)     1:33.60 (32.82)     2:05.85 (32.25)
 -- Lee, Isabella C           13 Arlington Aquati-PV  2:00.88         DQ        
 -- Potis, Danielle M         17 North Baltimore-MD   1:49.88        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Horne, Rheagan A          15 Regency Park Swi-VA  1:55.93        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Szekely, Alexandra E      16 Central Bucks Sw-MA  1:52.20        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Jones, Julianna L         14 Williamsburg Aqu-VA  1:55.82        SCR        
 -- Barber, Lauren E          17 Jewish Community-AM  1:47.96        SCR        
 -- Dean, Frances E           16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:11.28L       SCR        
 -- Ling, Alissa S            17 Retriever Aquati-MD  1:55.43        SCR        
 -- Dougherty, Erin P         16 Naval Academy Aq-MD  1:55.26        SCR        
 -- Harrington, Sydney A      13 Nation's Capital-PV  1:55.19        SCR        
 -- Patterson, Linnea R       17 Williamsburg Aqu-VA  1:55.08        SCR        
 -- Bogdanski, Veronica M     16 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:56.16        SCR        
Event 5  Women 100 Yard Breaststroke
        EZSC: # 1:01.16   3/13/2009 Laura Sogar, ABF-NE                        
                1:01.49  NAT
                1:03.09  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  1:08.59
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Bodin, Alyssa B     20 UNAT-VA              1:01.48    1:01.40 NAT     20  
                  28.77     1:01.40 (32.63)                                        
  2 Barber, Lauren E    17 Jewish Community-AM  1:02.69    1:01.99 JRN     17  
                  29.22     1:01.99 (32.77)                                        
  3 Fernander, Katheri  17 Pine Richland Aq-AM  1:04.00    1:03.47         16  
                  30.23     1:03.47 (33.24)                                        
  4 Enoch, Geordie A    18 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:04.74    1:03.95         15  
                  30.04     1:03.95 (33.91)                                        
  5 Owens, Kayla V      19 Greater Latrobe-AM   1:04.04    1:04.06         14  
                  30.01     1:04.06 (34.05)                                        
  6 Antal, Katie E      18 Seneca Valley Sw-AM  1:03.65    1:04.87         13  
                  30.10     1:04.87 (34.77)                                        
  7 Vance, Erin J       14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:05.11    1:04.91         12  
                  30.42     1:04.91 (34.49)                                        
  8 Painter, Kathryn M  17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  1:05.73    1:05.63         11  
                  31.03     1:05.63 (34.60)                                        
B - Final
  9 Cortazzo, Amber L   17 Lancaster Aquati-MA  1:05.96    1:05.54          9  
                  31.15     1:05.54 (34.39)                                        
 10 Vargas, Kristen G   17 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:06.10    1:06.13          7  
                  31.26     1:06.13 (34.87)                                        
 11 Zukowski, Brooke A  15 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  1:06.22    1:06.21          6  
                  30.99     1:06.21 (35.22)                                        
 12 Kuhn, Erin E        16 Allegheny North-AM   1:06.19    1:06.52          5  
                  31.49     1:06.52 (35.03)                                        
 13 Cahill, Sarah A     16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:05.97    1:06.63          4  
                  30.83     1:06.63 (35.80)                                        
 14 Ritter, Sarah E     18 Merritt Athletic-MD  1:05.89    1:06.65          3  
                  31.74     1:06.65 (34.91)                                        
 15 Gribble, Dylan R    14 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:06.27    1:06.79          2  
                  31.36     1:06.79 (35.43)                                        
 16 Thomas, Danielle M  18 Parkland Aquatic-MA  1:06.47    1:06.84          1  
                  31.78     1:06.84 (35.06)                                        
C - Final
 17 Song, Dorit G       15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:07.06    1:06.02        
                  31.40     1:06.02 (34.62)                                        
 18 Barthold, Laura K   17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:06.78    1:06.37        
                  30.86     1:06.37 (35.51)                                        
 19 Popalis, Madyson L  16 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  1:06.64    1:06.78        
                  31.74     1:06.78 (35.04)                                        
 20 Weiss, Brittany M   16 Central Bucks Sw-MA  1:06.64    1:07.14        
                  31.65     1:07.14 (35.49)                                        
 21 McElrath, Isabella  16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:07.04    1:07.32        
                  32.41     1:07.32 (34.91)                                        
 22 Hockman, Amy E      18 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:07.47    1:07.75        
                  31.93     1:07.75 (35.82)                                        
 23 Liu, Caroline       16 Duke Aquatics-NC     1:07.27    1:08.01        
                  32.42     1:08.01 (35.59)                                        
 24 Vogel, Elisabeth G  16 Occoquan Swimmin-PV  1:07.42    1:09.19        
Event 5  Women 100 Yard Breaststroke
        EZSC: # 1:01.16   3/13/2009 Laura Sogar, ABF-NE                        
                1:01.49  NAT
                1:03.09  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  1:08.59
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Bodin, Alyssa B           20 UNAT-VA              1:00.60    1:01.48 qNAT   
                  28.81     1:01.48 (32.67)                                        
  2 Barber, Lauren E          17 Jewish Community-AM  1:02.63    1:02.69 qJRN   
                  29.59     1:02.69 (33.10)                                        
  3 Antal, Katie E            18 Seneca Valley Sw-AM  1:04.57    1:03.65 q      
                  29.59     1:03.65 (34.06)                                        
  4 Fernander, Katherine E    17 Pine Richland Aq-AM  1:03.23    1:04.00 q      
                  30.47     1:04.00 (33.53)                                        
  5 Owens, Kayla V            19 Greater Latrobe-AM   1:03.23    1:04.04 q      
                  30.02     1:04.04 (34.02)                                        
  6 Enoch, Geordie A          18 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:03.83    1:04.74 q      
                  30.47     1:04.74 (34.27)                                        
  7 Vance, Erin J             14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:05.05    1:05.11 q      
                  30.68     1:05.11 (34.43)                                        
  8 Painter, Kathryn M        17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  1:07.72    1:05.73 q      
                  31.08     1:05.73 (34.65)                                        
  9 Ritter, Sarah E           18 Merritt Athletic-MD  1:06.08    1:05.89 q      
                  31.54     1:05.89 (34.35)                                        
 10 Cortazzo, Amber L         17 Lancaster Aquati-MA  1:06.53    1:05.96 q      
                  31.47     1:05.96 (34.49)                                        
 11 Cahill, Sarah A           16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:05.40    1:05.97 q      
                  31.77     1:05.97 (34.20)                                        
 12 Vargas, Kristen G         17 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:06.05    1:06.10 q      
                  31.78     1:06.10 (34.32)                                        
 13 Kuhn, Erin E              16 Allegheny North-AM   1:06.12    1:06.19 q      
                  31.10     1:06.19 (35.09)                                        
 14 Zukowski, Brooke A        15 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  1:05.05    1:06.22 q      
                  31.02     1:06.22 (35.20)                                        
 15 Gribble, Dylan R          14 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:08.01    1:06.27 q      
                  31.17     1:06.27 (35.10)                                        
 16 Thomas, Danielle M        18 Parkland Aquatic-MA  1:07.01    1:06.47 q      
                  31.44     1:06.47 (35.03)                                        
 17 Weiss, Brittany M         16 Central Bucks Sw-MA  1:04.54    1:06.64 q      
                  31.34     1:06.64 (35.30)                                        
 18 Popalis, Madyson L        16 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  1:05.58   J1:06.64 q      
                  31.05     1:06.64 (35.59)                                        
 19 Barthold, Laura K         17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:06.66    1:06.78 q      
                  31.54     1:06.78 (35.24)                                        
 20 McElrath, Isabella O      16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:07.22    1:07.04 q      
                  32.34     1:07.04 (34.70)                                        
 21 Song, Dorit G             15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:07.40    1:07.06 q      
                  32.34     1:07.06 (34.72)                                        
 22 Liu, Caroline             16 Duke Aquatics-NC     1:05.86    1:07.27 q      
                  32.26     1:07.27 (35.01)                                        
 23 Vogel, Elisabeth G        16 Occoquan Swimmin-PV  1:07.74    1:07.42 q      
                  32.59     1:07.42 (34.83)                                        
 24 Hockman, Amy E            18 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:06.69    1:07.47 q      
                  31.75     1:07.47 (35.72)                                        
 25 Luigard, Claire           16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:06.59    1:07.65        
                  31.52     1:07.65 (36.13)                                        
 26 Churchill, Rebecca H      16 Duke Aquatics-NC     1:05.57    1:07.79        
                  32.09     1:07.79 (35.70)                                        
 27 Shumate, Anna R           14 Arlington Aquati-PV  1:07.41    1:07.88        
                  31.96     1:07.88 (35.92)                                        
 28 Manning, Eliza K          15 Monocacy Aquatic-MD  1:06.13    1:07.89        
                  31.71     1:07.89 (36.18)                                        
 29 Allard, Lauren M          16 York Swim Club-PV    1:06.66    1:07.96        
                  32.80     1:07.96 (35.16)                                        
 30 Zimmerman, Kate M         17 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:07.97    1:08.04        
                  32.36     1:08.04 (35.68)                                        
 31 Updegraff, Molly M        16 Monocacy Aquatic-MD  1:08.29    1:08.09        
                  32.08     1:08.09 (36.01)                                        
 32 McNichol, Madison J       18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:07.16    1:08.12        
                  32.24     1:08.12 (35.88)                                        
 33 Grube, Sydney E           16 All Star Aquatic-PV  1:08.19    1:08.14        
                  32.02     1:08.14 (36.12)                                        
 34 Russoniello, Erin B       17 Chartiers Valley-AM  1:06.48    1:08.19        
                  31.54     1:08.19 (36.65)                                        
 35 Juneau, Ann               13 Allegheny North-AM   1:06.46    1:08.26        
                  32.26     1:08.26 (36.00)                                        
 36 Zangla, Lisa V            15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:07.20    1:08.46        
                  32.66     1:08.46 (35.80)                                        
 37 Soulia, Morgan A          16 Allegheny North-AM   1:04.87    1:08.51        
                  32.11     1:08.51 (36.40)                                        
 38 Dean, Frances E           16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  1:06.83    1:08.61        
                  32.65     1:08.61 (35.96)                                        
 39 Holm, Allison J           17 Nation's Capital-PV  1:07.37    1:08.71        
                  32.84     1:08.71 (35.87)                                        
 40 Freeman, Lauren D         16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:08.02    1:08.72        
                  32.37     1:08.72 (36.35)                                        
 41 Wright, Katie E           15 Allegheny North-AM   1:07.83    1:08.80        
                  32.84     1:08.80 (35.96)                                        
 42 Yarish, Emily A           17 Unattached-AM        1:07.89    1:08.89        
                  32.23     1:08.89 (36.66)                                        
 43 Saladino, Nicole N        16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:08.09    1:08.92        
                  32.24     1:08.92 (36.68)                                        
 44 Davis, Brittany O         16 Chesapeake Bay A-MD  1:08.52    1:09.25        
                  32.78     1:09.25 (36.47)                                        
 45 Carmazzi, Brooke E        14 Pine Richland Aq-AM  1:08.76    1:09.57        
                  33.12     1:09.57 (36.45)                                        
 46 Lundy, Katherine O        15 Arlington Aquati-PV  1:08.63    1:09.69        
                  32.96     1:09.69 (36.73)                                        
 47 Markous, Marina           16 Annapolis Swim C-MD  1:08.32    1:09.78        
                  33.27     1:09.78 (36.51)                                        
 47 Paterson, Carolyn G       14 Regency Park Swi-VA  1:08.36    1:09.78        
                  32.66     1:09.78 (37.12)                                        
 49 Sarhan, Leenah H          14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  1:07.81    1:09.83        
                  32.75     1:09.83 (37.08)                                        
 50 Belsterling, Carley M     18 Seneca Valley Sw-AM  1:07.05    1:09.97        
                  32.87     1:09.97 (37.10)                                        
 51 Popera, Alexandra N       18 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:07.39    1:09.98        
                  32.54     1:09.98 (37.44)                                        
 52 Reeves, Nicole E          15 Stingrays Swim T-VA  1:08.31    1:10.01        
                  32.85     1:10.01 (37.16)                                        
 53 Kramer, Kelly N           17 Bethel Park Recr-AM  1:09.70    1:10.09        
                  33.07     1:10.09 (37.02)                                        
 54 Jackson, India            13 Salvation Army K-MA  1:08.32    1:10.10        
                  32.88     1:10.10 (37.22)                                        
 55 Holmes, Abbey A           15 Fairland Aquatic-PV  1:08.26    1:10.36        
                  33.13     1:10.36 (37.23)                                        
 56 Neft, Sierra R            18 Chartiers Valley-AM  1:09.63    1:10.48        
                  33.22     1:10.48 (37.26)                                        
 57 McDonald, Kellen L        17 Columbia Aquatic-MD  1:09.14    1:10.49        
                  33.43     1:10.49 (37.06)                                        
 58 Deperrot, Danielle J      17 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  1:08.66    1:10.65        
                  33.11     1:10.65 (37.54)                                        
 59 Ducey, Cameron D          14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:09.29    1:10.67        
                  33.52     1:10.67 (37.15)                                        
 60 Won, Je Moon              18 Sea Devil Swimmi-PV  1:09.87    1:10.69        
                  33.34     1:10.69 (37.35)                                        
 61 Wade, Allison E           13 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:08.57    1:10.78        
 62 Macaluso, Kaylyn A        16 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:08.35    1:11.04        
                  32.85     1:11.04 (38.19)                                        
 63 Howarth, Bailey S         15 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  1:08.95    1:11.07        
                  34.08     1:11.07 (36.99)                                        
 64 Collini, Letizia M        16 Cavalier Swim Cl-AM  1:08.89    1:11.28        
                  33.89     1:11.28 (37.39)                                        
 65 Kaufman, Colleen D        15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:08.66    1:11.30        
                  33.44     1:11.30 (37.86)                                        
 66 Elshafei, Sabrina E       17 Columbia Aquatic-MD  1:09.39    1:11.33        
                  33.94     1:11.33 (37.39)                                        
 67 Sanidad, Cassandra J      13 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:08.29    1:11.38        
                  32.99     1:11.38 (38.39)                                        
 68 Zhang, Lynn C             15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:11.06    1:11.46        
                  34.17     1:11.46 (37.29)                                        
 69 Hansen, Grace A           16 North Baltimore-MD   1:10.04    1:11.72        
                  33.67     1:11.72 (38.05)                                        
 70 Garner, Kristen K         16 Snow Swimming-PV     1:10.63    1:12.18        
                  33.71     1:12.18 (38.47)                                        
 71 Schere, Yvonne A          15 Annapolis Swim C-MD  1:13.28    1:12.73        
                  34.44     1:12.73 (38.29)                                        
 -- Hjelle, Erica E           12 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:08.94        SCR        
Event 7  Women 100 Yard Butterfly
        EZSC: # 53.08   3/26/2010 Felicia Lee, NBAC-MD                         
                53.49  NAT
                54.19  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  59.59
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Walz, Delaney R     15 G P A C-MA             55.61      55.34         20  
                  26.35       55.34 (28.99)                                        
  2 Szekely, Alexandra  16 Central Bucks Sw-MA    56.79      55.68         17  
                  26.09       55.68 (29.59)                                        
  3 Hayburn, Annie C    15 Annapolis Swim C-MD    57.32      56.42         16  
                  26.19       56.42 (30.23)                                        
  4 Churman, Kayla M    16 Allegheny North-AM     56.65      56.55         15  
                  26.66       56.55 (29.89)                                        
  5 Chabbott, Amanda H  16 Eagle Swim Team-MD     56.90      56.91         14  
                  26.77       56.91 (30.14)                                        
  6 Harper, Shannon A   19 Machine Aquatics-PV    57.27      56.95         13  
                  26.70       56.95 (30.25)                                        
  7 Owens, Kayla V      19 Greater Latrobe-AM     57.22      57.39         12  
                  27.10       57.39 (30.29)                                        
  8 Cortazzo, Amber L   17 Lancaster Aquati-MA    57.43      58.70         11  
                  27.43       58.70 (31.27)                                        
B - Final
  9 Zurmuhl, Hannah C   15 Central Bucks Sw-MA    57.85      56.88          9  
                  26.37       56.88 (30.51)                                        
 10 Tankle, Bernadette  18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    57.98      57.07          7  
                  27.14       57.07 (29.93)                                        
 11 McElrath, Isabella  16 Eagle Swim Team-MD     57.78      57.31          6  
                  27.40       57.31 (29.91)                                        
 12 Smith, Morgan P     17 Duke Aquatics-NC       57.76      57.33          5  
                  26.80       57.33 (30.53)                                        
 13 Kosten, Emily S     16 Central Bucks Sw-MA    57.75      57.53          4  
                  26.85       57.53 (30.68)                                        
 14 Carozza, Ann M      13 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    57.73      57.93          3  
                  27.22       57.93 (30.71)                                        
 15 Liberto, Morgan S   13 Columbia Aquatic-MD    57.91      58.06          2  
                  27.36       58.06 (30.70)                                        
 16 Blair, Madeline M   16 Una Paac-MA            57.70      58.13          1  
                  27.37       58.13 (30.76)                                        
C - Final
 17 Landeryou, Emily K  14 Nation's Capital-PV    58.58      57.60        
                  26.53       57.60 (31.07)                                        
 18 Oliver, Maddie N    15 Snow Swimming-PV       58.30      57.78        
                  27.09       57.78 (30.69)                                        
 19 Zhang, Gabrielle    13 Nation's Capital-PV    58.24      57.84        
                  27.45       57.84 (30.39)                                        
 20 Lee, Carrie R       16 Snow Swimming-PV       58.42      57.90        
                  26.33       57.90 (31.57)                                        
 21 Matthias, Brooke D  13 Nation's Capital-PV    58.14      58.12        
                  26.82       58.12 (31.30)                                        
 22 Zarchin, Madeline   15 Rockville Montgo-PV    58.37      58.32        
                  26.73       58.32 (31.59)                                        
 23 Hsu, Helen          16 Unattached-MA          58.48      58.84        
                  26.60       58.84 (32.24)                                        
 24 Opong, Ayana R      12 Salvation Army K-MA    58.19      59.10        
                  26.20       59.10 (32.90)                                        
Event 7  Women 100 Yard Butterfly
        EZSC: # 53.08   3/26/2010 Felicia Lee, NBAC-MD                         
                53.49  NAT
                54.19  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  59.59
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Walz, Delaney R           15 G P A C-MA             55.14      55.61 q      
                  26.48       55.61 (29.13)                                        
  2 Churman, Kayla M          16 Allegheny North-AM     56.56      56.65 q      
                  26.68       56.65 (29.97)                                        
  3 Szekely, Alexandra E      16 Central Bucks Sw-MA    55.56      56.79 q      
                  27.16       56.79 (29.63)                                        
  4 Chabbott, Amanda H        16 Eagle Swim Team-MD     57.74      56.90 q      
                  26.44       56.90 (30.46)                                        
  5 Owens, Kayla V            19 Greater Latrobe-AM     56.05      57.22 q      
                  27.09       57.22 (30.13)                                        
  6 Harper, Shannon A         19 Machine Aquatics-PV    56.70      57.27 q      
                  26.90       57.27 (30.37)                                        
  7 Hayburn, Annie C          15 Annapolis Swim C-MD    57.82      57.32 q      
                  26.59       57.32 (30.73)                                        
  8 Cortazzo, Amber L         17 Lancaster Aquati-MA    57.73      57.43 q      
                  27.26       57.43 (30.17)                                        
  9 Blair, Madeline M         16 Una Paac-MA            58.90      57.70 q      
                  26.95       57.70 (30.75)                                        
 10 Carozza, Ann M            13 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    59.66      57.73 q      
                  27.24       57.73 (30.49)                                        
 11 Kosten, Emily S           16 Central Bucks Sw-MA    56.26      57.75 q      
                  26.84       57.75 (30.91)                                        
 12 Smith, Morgan P           17 Duke Aquatics-NC       57.43      57.76 q      
                  27.19       57.76 (30.57)                                        
 13 McElrath, Isabella O      16 Eagle Swim Team-MD     56.95      57.78 q      
                  27.22       57.78 (30.56)                                        
 14 Zurmuhl, Hannah C         15 Central Bucks Sw-MA    57.85      57.85 q      
                  27.12       57.85 (30.73)                                        
 15 Liberto, Morgan S         13 Columbia Aquatic-MD    58.64      57.91 q      
                  27.14       57.91 (30.77)                                        
 16 Tankle, Bernadette L      18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    57.21      57.98 q      
                  27.43       57.98 (30.55)                                        
 17 Matthias, Brooke D        13 Nation's Capital-PV    58.79      58.14 q      
                  26.77       58.14 (31.37)                                        
 18 Opong, Ayana R            12 Salvation Army K-MA    57.65      58.19 q      
                  27.18       58.19 (31.01)                                        
 19 Zhang, Gabrielle          13 Nation's Capital-PV    57.47      58.24 q      
                  27.66       58.24 (30.58)                                        
 20 Oliver, Maddie N          15 Snow Swimming-PV       58.95      58.30 q      
                  27.36       58.30 (30.94)                                        
 21 Zarchin, Madeline C       15 Rockville Montgo-PV    56.44      58.37 q      
                  26.80       58.37 (31.57)                                        
 22 Lee, Carrie R             16 Snow Swimming-PV       57.46      58.42 q      
                  26.53       58.42 (31.89)                                        
 23 Hsu, Helen                16 Unattached-MA          58.84      58.48 q      
                  27.25       58.48 (31.23)                                        
 24 Scott, Madison L          17 Virginia Gators-VA     59.26      58.58 q      
                  27.57       58.58 (31.01)                                        
 24 Landeryou, Emily K        14 Nation's Capital-PV    56.52      58.58 q      
                  26.96       58.58 (31.62)                                        
Swim-Off Required -------------------------------------------------------
 25 Quinn, Courtney R         18 Nittany Lion Aqu-MA    58.62     J58.58        
                  27.32       58.58 (31.26)                                        
 27 Harrington, Sydney A      13 Nation's Capital-PV    57.12      58.59        
                  27.87       58.59 (30.72)                                        
 28 Root, Maggie K            17 Allegheny North-AM     57.43      58.63        
                  27.96       58.63 (30.67)                                        
 29 Tiberino, Alicia M        17 Rockville Montgo-PV    58.62      58.68        
                  27.92       58.68 (30.76)                                        
 30 Nielson, Alayna R         13 Eagle Swim Team-MD     58.68      58.70        
                  26.81       58.70 (31.89)                                        
 31 Vance, Erin J             14 Eagle Swim Team-MD     59.22      58.75        
                  27.24       58.75 (31.51)                                        
 32 Cochran, Jessica R        16 Norwin Aqua Club-AM    58.98      58.78        
                  27.49       58.78 (31.29)                                        
 33 St. John, Molly C         18 Nation's Capital-PV    59.28      58.80        
                  27.69       58.80 (31.11)                                        
 34 Fieeiki, Charlotte L      12 Nation's Capital-PV    58.89      58.83        
                  27.86       58.83 (30.97)                                        
 35 Nassetta, Kirby M         17 Arlington Aquati-PV    58.54      58.84        
                  27.25       58.84 (31.59)                                        
 36 Li, Jessica               14 Eagle Swim Team-MD     59.15      58.90        
                  27.69       58.90 (31.21)                                        
 37 Scott, Morgan E           13 Central Bucks Sw-MA    57.80      58.91        
                  27.05       58.91 (31.86)                                        
 38 Ridgeway, Eleanor J       14 Arlington Aquati-PV    58.66      58.92        
                  27.50       58.92 (31.42)                                        
 39 Haley, Kelleigh G         16 Nation's Capital-PV    57.63      58.99        
                  27.73       58.99 (31.26)                                        
 40 Weiss, Brittany M         16 Central Bucks Sw-MA    56.36      59.12        
                  27.08       59.12 (32.04)                                        
 41 Bowne, Jamie O            14 G P A C-MA             57.86      59.13        
                  28.33       59.13 (30.80)                                        
 41 Caldwell, Saralyn         13 Herndon Aquatic-PV     59.17      59.13        
                  27.78       59.13 (31.35)                                        
 43 Sowinski, Monica H        16 Greater Latrobe-AM     59.07      59.29        
                  27.65       59.29 (31.64)                                        
 44 Walker, Peyton G          17 Columbia Aquatic-MD    59.15      59.30        
                  27.97       59.30 (31.33)                                        
 45 Kenis, Samantha N         17 Machine Aquatics-PV    59.10      59.35        
                  27.69       59.35 (31.66)                                        
 46 Miller, Makenzie C        17 Machine Aquatics-PV    59.11      59.37        
                  28.13       59.37 (31.24)                                        
 47 Dobson, Julie M           17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    58.84      59.38        
                  27.30       59.38 (32.08)                                        
 48 Raber, Shelby E           12 H2okie Aquatics-VA     58.63      59.39        
                  28.22       59.39 (31.17)                                        
 48 Williams, Rachel M        18 Nation's Capital-PV    58.27      59.39        
                  28.38       59.39 (31.01)                                        
 50 Sizemore, Karah M         17 Stingrays Swim T-VA    59.12      59.44        
                  28.10       59.44 (31.34)                                        
 51 Gribble, Dylan R          14 Rockville Montgo-PV    59.55      59.45        
                  27.87       59.45 (31.58)                                        
 51 Stuart, Lucy A            17 Duke Aquatics-NC       59.22      59.45        
                  27.74       59.45 (31.71)                                        
 53 French, Olivia R          14 Nation's Capital-PV  1:00.64      59.46        
                  27.17       59.46 (32.29)                                        
 53 Vargas, Kristen G         17 Eagle Swim Team-MD     58.37      59.46        
                  27.82       59.46 (31.64)                                        
 55 Standfield, Gabrielle R   12 Nation's Capital-PV    58.59      59.49        
                  28.10       59.49 (31.39)                                        
 56 Rymer, Rachel J           15 Coast Guard Blue-VA    58.71      59.51        
                  28.06       59.51 (31.45)                                        
 57 Showers, Rachel M         17 Stingrays Swim T-VA    59.00      59.52        
                  27.58       59.52 (31.94)                                        
 58 Manning, Eliza K          15 Monocacy Aquatic-MD    59.22      59.60        
                  27.46       59.60 (32.14)                                        
 59 Stewart, Alexa C          15 Rockville Montgo-PV    59.43      59.61        
                  28.24       59.61 (31.37)                                        
 60 Bracken, Alison M         17 Greater Baltimor-MD    59.72      59.62        
                  27.45       59.62 (32.17)                                        
 61 Soulia, Morgan A          16 Allegheny North-AM     56.56      59.63        
                  27.69       59.63 (31.94)                                        
 62 Richter, Audrey L         15 Rockville Montgo-PV    59.68      59.68        
                  27.61       59.68 (32.07)                                        
 63 Brickner, Charlie K       17 Allegheny North-AM     59.56      59.70        
                  28.23       59.70 (31.47)                                        
 64 Packer, Laura             17 Radnor Aquatic C-MA  1:05.24      59.71        
                  27.71       59.71 (32.00)                                        
 65 Athey, Katie L            14 Rockville Montgo-PV    59.54      59.73        
                  28.13       59.73 (31.60)                                        
 66 Kegel, Samantha J         17 Lancaster Aquati-MA    59.44      59.76        
                  27.68       59.76 (32.08)                                        
 67 Downing, Stephanie M      16 Naval Academy Aq-MD    58.70    1:00.04        
                  28.27     1:00.04 (31.77)                                        
 68 McGrath, Lauren N         15 Allegheny North-AM     59.21    1:00.06        
                  29.04     1:00.06 (31.02)                                        
 69 Van Netta, Alyssa A       14 Retriever Aquati-MD    58.87    1:00.12        
                  28.60     1:00.12 (31.52)                                        
 70 St. Martin, Brooke T      17 Eagle Swim Team-MD     59.09    1:00.13        
                  28.17     1:00.13 (31.96)                                        
 71 Kozlina, Alexa R          14 Jewish Community-AM    58.77    1:00.15        
                  27.71     1:00.15 (32.44)                                        
 72 Beasley, Sia T            17 Fox Chapel Kille-AM    58.77    1:00.17        
                  27.88     1:00.17 (32.29)                                        
 73 Matusek, Ellie E          14 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:00.52    1:00.24        
 74 Douds, Megan L            18 Bethel Park Recr-AM    59.51    1:00.41        
                  28.22     1:00.41 (32.19)                                        
 75 Klein, Emma J             15 Nation's Capital-PV    59.52    1:00.57        
                  27.73     1:00.57 (32.84)                                        
 75 Breazeale, Gabrielle      16 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA    59.12    1:00.57        
                  28.26     1:00.57 (32.31)                                        
 77 N'Gambwa, Amina J         14 Rockville Montgo-PV    59.87    1:00.62        
                  28.58     1:00.62 (32.04)                                        
 78 Jeter, Sierra H           17 Machine Aquatics-PV    59.46    1:00.69        
                  28.44     1:00.69 (32.25)                                        
 79 Huckenpoehler, Grace A    16 Cardinal & Gold-MD     59.12    1:00.70        
                  28.04     1:00.70 (32.66)                                        
 80 Nash, Savannah R          13 Nation's Capital-PV    59.30    1:00.71        
                  28.49     1:00.71 (32.22)                                        
 81 Hirsh, Jessica R          17 Bethel Park Recr-AM    58.87    1:00.72        
                  28.21     1:00.72 (32.51)                                        
 82 Parsons, Abigail M        15 Seneca Valley Sw-AM  1:00.60    1:00.80        
                  27.77     1:00.80 (33.03)                                        
 83 Kim, Brittany H           16 Eagle Swim Team-MD     59.97    1:00.84        
                  28.40     1:00.84 (32.44)                                        
 84 McGuire-Wien, Eleanore V  15 All Star Aquatic-PV  1:00.87    1:00.96        
                  28.48     1:00.96 (32.48)                                        
 85 Carella, Emily R          15 Naval Academy Aq-MD    59.47    1:00.98        
                  28.46     1:00.98 (32.52)                                        
 85 Drummond, Olivia C        16 Nation's Capital-PV    59.41    1:00.98        
                  28.74     1:00.98 (32.24)                                        
 87 Kuhn, Erin E              16 Allegheny North-AM   1:02.29    1:01.00        
                  28.14     1:01.00 (32.86)                                        
 88 Morgan, Kelly L           14 Nation's Capital-PV    59.52    1:01.05        
                  28.67     1:01.05 (32.38)                                        
 89 Yu, Rona                  16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:02.52    1:01.45        
                  28.55     1:01.45 (32.90)                                        
 90 Haggerty, Margaret F      17 Tidal Wave Swim-AM     58.27    1:01.51        
                  28.73     1:01.51 (32.78)                                        
 91 Tanner, Lindsay M         15 Mercersburg Acad-MA  1:01.37    1:01.54        
                  28.61     1:01.54 (32.93)                                        
 92 Blewett, Hanna            16 Radnor Aquatic C-MA  1:02.61    1:01.60        
                  28.63     1:01.60 (32.97)                                        
 93 Knapp, Sydney E           14 Nation's Capital-PV  1:03.68    1:01.62        
                  28.70     1:01.62 (32.92)                                        
 94 Warren, Anne E            18 Greater Baltimor-MD  1:01.92    1:01.66        
                  29.14     1:01.66 (32.52)                                        
 95 Defrancesco, Gina M       18 Greater Latrobe-AM   1:02.64    1:01.78        
                  28.76     1:01.78 (33.02)                                        
 96 Bumgarner, Hannah J       15 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:00.23    1:01.83        
                  29.03     1:01.83 (32.80)                                        
 97 Roma, Talia R             15 Jewish Community-AM  1:00.13    1:01.85        
                  29.19     1:01.85 (32.66)                                        
 98 Hubert, Courteney E       17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  1:01.15    1:01.93        
                  28.87     1:01.93 (33.06)                                        
 99 Williams, Avery E         15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:02.47    1:02.03        
                  29.20     1:02.03 (32.83)                                        
100 D'Aurora, Marion E        15 Chesapeake Bay A-MD  1:01.83    1:02.08        
                  29.00     1:02.08 (33.08)                                        
101 Hemmer, Zoe K             18 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:00.24    1:02.16        
                  29.27     1:02.16 (32.89)                                        
102 Sheffer, Julia J          16 Virginia Gators-VA   1:00.41    1:02.17        
                  28.69     1:02.17 (33.48)                                        
103 Saladino, Nicole N        16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:02.89    1:02.49        
                  29.28     1:02.49 (33.21)                                        
104 Hoban, Rachel O           15 Naval Academy Aq-MD  1:03.26    1:02.70        
                  29.06     1:02.70 (33.64)                                        
105 Ledwith, Madison E        14 Radnor Aquatic C-MA  1:01.02    1:02.74        
                  28.61     1:02.74 (34.13)                                        
106 Zangla, Lisa V            15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:03.27    1:02.84        
                  29.22     1:02.84 (33.62)                                        
107 Haeberle, Lily A          15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:02.68    1:03.25        
                  29.82     1:03.25 (33.43)                                        
108 Joseph, Morgan J          17 Cavalier Swim Cl-AM  1:00.08    1:03.42        
                  28.74     1:03.42 (34.68)                                        
108 Morrison, Michaela        15 Arlington Aquati-PV  1:04.14    1:03.42        
                  28.66     1:03.42 (34.76)                                        
110 Pearson, Kasey A          16 Retriever Aquati-MD  1:04.08    1:05.67        
                  30.43     1:05.67 (35.24)                                        
111 Murphy, Ryan E            18 Herndon Aquatic-PV     59.52    1:06.63        
                  29.80     1:06.63 (36.83)                                        
 -- Greguric, Hannah N        16 Peters Township-AM     58.88        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Smolyansky, Alexandra Y   15 Radnor Aquatic C-MA  1:06.55        SCR        
 -- Jaramillo, Sydney R       14 Shockwaves Aquat-MA  1:06.91L       SCR        
 -- Clark, Rachel S           13 Machine Aquatics-PV    59.18        SCR        
 -- Bogdanski, Veronica M     16 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:01.44        SCR        
 -- Ward, Trinity M           13 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:00.74        SCR        
Event 9  Women 400 Yard IM
        EZSC: # 4:07.85   3/10/2006 Alicia Aemisegger, GAAC-MA                 
                4:14.69  NAT
                4:15.59  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  4:38.39
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Painter, Kathryn M  17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  4:19.29    4:19.95         20  
                  28.40     1:00.71 (32.31)     1:34.72 (34.01)     2:07.77 (33.05)
        2:43.67 (35.90)     3:20.50 (36.83)     3:50.51 (30.01)     4:19.95 (29.44)
  2 Enoch, Geordie A    18 Eagle Swim Team-MD   4:28.33    4:22.69         17  
                  28.18     1:00.40 (32.22)     1:33.92 (33.52)     2:07.58 (33.66)
        2:44.39 (36.81)     3:21.43 (37.04)     3:52.27 (30.84)     4:22.69 (30.42)
  3 Liu, Danielle       17 Duke Aquatics-NC     4:26.41    4:26.03         16  
                  27.94       59.97 (32.03)     1:33.56 (33.59)     2:06.17 (32.61)
        2:45.65 (39.48)     3:25.21 (39.56)     3:56.26 (31.05)     4:26.03 (29.77)
  4 Shepherd, Sarah H   15 Duke Aquatics-NC     4:31.44    4:29.94         15  
                  29.32     1:02.49 (33.17)     1:35.50 (33.01)     2:09.28 (33.78)
        2:48.24 (38.96)     3:27.62 (39.38)     3:59.21 (31.59)     4:29.94 (30.73)
  5 McElrath, Isabella  16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   4:35.21    4:31.52         14  
                  28.69     1:00.83 (32.14)     1:36.23 (35.40)     2:10.95 (34.72)
        2:49.61 (38.66)     3:28.31 (38.70)     4:00.30 (31.99)     4:31.52 (31.22)
  6 Vargas, Kristen G   17 Eagle Swim Team-MD   4:34.52    4:33.55         13  
                  28.86     1:02.62 (33.76)     1:37.29 (34.67)     2:12.42 (35.13)
        2:50.57 (38.15)     3:29.97 (39.40)     4:02.03 (32.06)     4:33.55 (31.52)
  7 Otwell, Bria N      16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  4:34.94    4:33.63         12  
                  28.56     1:01.15 (32.59)     1:36.59 (35.44)     2:11.88 (35.29)
        2:51.78 (39.90)     3:32.88 (41.10)     4:04.43 (31.55)     4:33.63 (29.20)
  8 Daday, Caitlin E    18 Parkland Aquatic-MA  4:35.96    4:38.05         11  
                  29.73     1:04.28 (34.55)     1:37.57 (33.29)     2:10.79 (33.22)
        2:54.95 (44.16)     3:38.38 (43.43)     4:08.85 (30.47)     4:38.05 (29.20)
B - Final
  9 Dean, Frances E     16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  4:38.22    4:32.90          9  
                  29.91     1:03.49 (33.58)     1:38.95 (35.46)     2:13.59 (34.64)
        2:51.74 (38.15)     3:30.23 (38.49)     4:02.57 (32.34)     4:32.90 (30.33)
 10 Deglau, Elizabeth   16 Poseidon Swimmin-VA  4:36.02    4:33.82          6.5
                  29.19     1:01.28 (32.09)     1:36.61 (35.33)     2:13.62 (37.01)
        2:52.60 (38.98)     3:33.28 (40.68)     4:03.94 (30.66)     4:33.82 (29.88)
 10 Liberto, Morgan S   13 Columbia Aquatic-MD  4:37.34    4:33.82          6.5
                  28.67     1:01.54 (32.87)     1:36.18 (34.64)     2:09.79 (33.61)
        2:49.69 (39.90)     3:31.09 (41.40)     4:03.04 (31.95)     4:33.82 (30.78)
 12 St. John, Molly C   18 Nation's Capital-PV  4:36.40    4:34.67          5  
                  28.09     1:00.66 (32.57)     1:36.58 (35.92)     2:12.11 (35.53)
        2:51.87 (39.76)     3:32.10 (40.23)     4:04.20 (32.10)     4:34.67 (30.47)
 13 Smith, Morgan P     17 Duke Aquatics-NC     4:37.17    4:37.22          4  
                  27.97     1:00.10 (32.13)     1:36.14 (36.04)     2:13.01 (36.87)
        2:53.16 (40.15)     3:34.45 (41.29)     4:05.96 (31.51)     4:37.22 (31.26)
 14 Thomas, Danielle M  18 Parkland Aquatic-MA  4:37.83    4:37.26          3  
                  30.78     1:05.87 (35.09)     1:40.98 (35.11)     2:15.41 (34.43)
        2:54.22 (38.81)     3:33.50 (39.28)     4:06.00 (32.50)     4:37.26 (31.26)
 15 Hansen, Grace A     16 North Baltimore-MD   4:38.29    4:38.87          2  
                  29.71     1:03.46 (33.75)     1:39.41 (35.95)     2:14.38 (34.97)
        2:55.26 (40.88)     3:35.78 (40.52)     4:07.80 (32.02)     4:38.87 (31.07)
 16 Jordan, Erin K      17 Parkland Aquatic-MA  4:37.25    4:41.91          1  
                  30.29     1:05.71 (35.42)     1:40.57 (34.86)     2:14.50 (33.93)
        2:57.73 (43.23)     3:40.98 (43.25)     4:11.70 (30.72)     4:41.91 (30.21)
C - Final
 17 Sizemore, Karah M   17 Stingrays Swim T-VA  4:39.44    4:33.81        
                  28.44     1:01.17 (32.73)     1:35.79 (34.62)     2:09.36 (33.57)
        2:50.63 (41.27)     3:32.17 (41.54)     4:04.23 (32.06)     4:33.81 (29.58)
 18 Zarchin, Madeline   15 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:38.39    4:34.00        
                  28.79     1:01.92 (33.13)     1:37.50 (35.58)     2:13.75 (36.25)
        2:53.19 (39.44)     3:33.38 (40.19)     4:03.85 (30.47)     4:34.00 (30.15)
 19 Stewart, Alexa C    15 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:39.48    4:35.31        
                  28.47     1:00.59 (32.12)     1:34.74 (34.15)     2:09.01 (34.27)
        2:50.71 (41.70)     3:32.97 (42.26)     4:04.61 (31.64)     4:35.31 (30.70)
 20 Nguyen, Claire P    13 Nation's Capital-PV  4:38.69    4:35.80        
                  28.69     1:01.45 (32.76)     1:35.77 (34.32)     2:09.26 (33.49)
        2:49.96 (40.70)     3:32.32 (42.36)     4:05.01 (32.69)     4:35.80 (30.79)
 21 Luigard, Claire     16 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:40.76    4:36.54        
                  28.58     1:01.29 (32.71)     1:37.33 (36.04)     2:13.48 (36.15)
        2:52.28 (38.80)     3:32.51 (40.23)     4:04.61 (32.10)     4:36.54 (31.93)
 22 Rhodes, Caroline K  14 Nation's Capital-PV  4:39.62    4:38.74        
                  29.65     1:04.06 (34.41)     1:38.44 (34.38)     2:12.32 (33.88)
        2:54.53 (42.21)     3:36.94 (42.41)     4:08.49 (31.55)     4:38.74 (30.25)
 23 Zhang, Gabrielle    13 Nation's Capital-PV  4:39.88    4:40.44        
                  28.77     1:01.30 (32.53)     1:36.52 (35.22)     2:11.95 (35.43)
        2:54.08 (42.13)     3:36.57 (42.49)     4:09.38 (32.81)     4:40.44 (31.06)
 24 Williams, Jessie D  14 Monocacy Aquatic-MD  4:40.28    4:40.60        
                  29.76     1:03.69 (33.93)     1:40.09 (36.40)     2:16.30 (36.21)
        2:56.97 (40.67)     3:38.28 (41.31)     4:09.86 (31.58)     4:40.60 (30.74)
Event 9  Women 400 Yard IM
        EZSC: # 4:07.85   3/10/2006 Alicia Aemisegger, GAAC-MA                 
                4:14.69  NAT
                4:15.59  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  4:38.39
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Painter, Kathryn M        17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  4:26.86    4:19.29 q      
                  28.26     1:00.20 (31.94)     1:34.28 (34.08)     2:06.64 (32.36)
        2:43.28 (36.64)     3:20.16 (36.88)     3:50.20 (30.04)     4:19.29 (29.09)
  2 Liu, Danielle             17 Duke Aquatics-NC     4:25.93    4:26.41 q      
                  28.16     1:00.09 (31.93)     1:34.13 (34.04)     2:07.04 (32.91)
        2:46.28 (39.24)     3:25.99 (39.71)     3:56.67 (30.68)     4:26.41 (29.74)
  3 Enoch, Geordie A          18 Eagle Swim Team-MD   4:19.39    4:28.33 q      
                  28.64     1:01.98 (33.34)     1:35.16 (33.18)     2:09.98 (34.82)
        2:46.55 (36.57)     3:24.47 (37.92)     3:56.58 (32.11)     4:28.33 (31.75)
  4 Shepherd, Sarah H         15 Duke Aquatics-NC     4:31.98    4:31.44 q      
                  29.74     1:03.24 (33.50)     1:36.68 (33.44)     2:10.68 (34.00)
        2:48.96 (38.28)     3:28.42 (39.46)     4:00.41 (31.99)     4:31.44 (31.03)
  5 Vargas, Kristen G         17 Eagle Swim Team-MD   4:31.76    4:34.52 q      
                  29.17     1:02.14 (32.97)     1:37.33 (35.19)     2:12.57 (35.24)
        2:50.43 (37.86)     3:30.38 (39.95)     4:02.79 (32.41)     4:34.52 (31.73)
  6 Otwell, Bria N            16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  4:31.62    4:34.94 q      
                  28.58     1:01.55 (32.97)     1:37.15 (35.60)     2:13.23 (36.08)
        2:52.95 (39.72)     3:34.50 (41.55)     4:05.97 (31.47)     4:34.94 (28.97)
  7 McElrath, Isabella O      16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   4:35.01    4:35.21 q      
                  29.21     1:02.63 (33.42)     1:38.80 (36.17)     2:14.11 (35.31)
        2:54.03 (39.92)     3:32.40 (38.37)     4:04.52 (32.12)     4:35.21 (30.69)
  8 Daday, Caitlin E          18 Parkland Aquatic-MA  4:37.99    4:35.96 q      
                  29.95     1:04.09 (34.14)     1:37.07 (32.98)     2:09.80 (32.73)
        2:52.90 (43.10)     3:36.72 (43.82)     4:06.79 (30.07)     4:35.96 (29.17)
  9 Deglau, Elizabeth N       16 Poseidon Swimmin-VA  4:35.23    4:36.02 q      
                  28.46     1:00.79 (32.33)     1:36.88 (36.09)     2:12.75 (35.87)
        2:53.27 (40.52)     3:34.34 (41.07)     4:06.12 (31.78)     4:36.02 (29.90)
 10 St. John, Molly C         18 Nation's Capital-PV  4:36.05    4:36.40 q      
                  28.93     1:03.46 (34.53)     1:38.57 (35.11)     2:14.11 (35.54)
        2:53.72 (39.61)     3:33.56 (39.84)     4:05.65 (32.09)     4:36.40 (30.75)
 11 Smith, Morgan P           17 Duke Aquatics-NC     4:30.24    4:37.17 q      
                  28.20     1:00.82 (32.62)     1:37.46 (36.64)     2:14.38 (36.92)
        2:54.27 (39.89)     3:34.83 (40.56)     4:06.46 (31.63)     4:37.17 (30.71)
 12 Jordan, Erin K            17 Parkland Aquatic-MA  5:13.02L   4:37.25 q      
                  29.65     1:03.90 (34.25)     1:38.14 (34.24)     2:11.46 (33.32)
        2:53.70 (42.24)     3:36.67 (42.97)     4:07.85 (31.18)     4:37.25 (29.40)
 13 Liberto, Morgan S         13 Columbia Aquatic-MD  4:37.69    4:37.34 q      
                  28.82     1:02.39 (33.57)     1:36.83 (34.44)     2:10.25 (33.42)
        2:51.12 (40.87)     3:32.89 (41.77)     4:06.14 (33.25)     4:37.34 (31.20)
 14 Thomas, Danielle M        18 Parkland Aquatic-MA  4:37.41    4:37.83 q      
                  30.37     1:04.59 (34.22)     1:39.41 (34.82)     2:14.14 (34.73)
        2:52.74 (38.60)     3:32.54 (39.80)     4:05.39 (32.85)     4:37.83 (32.44)
 15 Dean, Frances E           16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  4:31.09    4:38.22 q      
                  30.84     1:05.75 (34.91)     1:41.63 (35.88)     2:16.20 (34.57)
        2:56.22 (40.02)     3:34.91 (38.69)     4:07.48 (32.57)     4:38.22 (30.74)
 16 Hansen, Grace A           16 North Baltimore-MD   4:35.59    4:38.29 q      
                  30.02     1:04.32 (34.30)     1:40.34 (36.02)     2:14.89 (34.55)
        2:55.06 (40.17)     3:35.12 (40.06)     4:07.61 (32.49)     4:38.29 (30.68)
 17 Zarchin, Madeline C       15 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:31.32    4:38.39 q      
                  28.67     1:01.69 (33.02)     1:37.38 (35.69)     2:14.35 (36.97)
        2:54.31 (39.96)     3:35.17 (40.86)     4:07.08 (31.91)     4:38.39 (31.31)
 18 Nguyen, Claire P          13 Nation's Capital-PV  4:35.01    4:38.69 q      
                  29.52     1:02.72 (33.20)     1:37.40 (34.68)     2:11.23 (33.83)
        2:52.22 (40.99)     3:34.66 (42.44)     4:07.48 (32.82)     4:38.69 (31.21)
 19 Sizemore, Karah M         17 Stingrays Swim T-VA  4:32.17    4:39.44 q      
                  29.01     1:02.55 (33.54)     1:37.85 (35.30)     2:12.81 (34.96)
        2:53.68 (40.87)     3:35.38 (41.70)     4:07.91 (32.53)     4:39.44 (31.53)
 20 Stewart, Alexa C          15 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:33.40    4:39.48 q      
                  29.22     1:00.86 (31.64)     1:35.42 (34.56)     2:10.09 (34.67)
        2:52.69 (42.60)     3:35.55 (42.86)     4:07.91 (32.36)     4:39.48 (31.57)
 21 Rhodes, Caroline K        14 Nation's Capital-PV  4:35.17    4:39.62 q      
                  29.85     1:03.56 (33.71)     1:38.33 (34.77)     2:12.30 (33.97)
        2:54.82 (42.52)     3:37.67 (42.85)     4:09.32 (31.65)     4:39.62 (30.30)
 22 Zhang, Gabrielle          13 Nation's Capital-PV  4:35.28    4:39.88 q      
                  28.91     1:01.54 (32.63)     1:36.77 (35.23)     2:11.32 (34.55)
        2:53.98 (42.66)     3:37.04 (43.06)     4:09.79 (32.75)     4:39.88 (30.09)
 23 Williams, Jessie D        14 Monocacy Aquatic-MD  4:35.29    4:40.28 q      
                  29.59     1:03.81 (34.22)     1:40.56 (36.75)     2:17.17 (36.61)
        2:58.17 (41.00)     3:38.82 (40.65)     4:09.92 (31.10)     4:40.28 (30.36)
 24 Luigard, Claire           16 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:39.40    4:40.76 q      
                  29.83     1:03.77 (33.94)     1:40.33 (36.56)     2:16.60 (36.27)
        2:55.18 (38.58)     3:34.94 (39.76)     4:08.27 (33.33)     4:40.76 (32.49)
 25 Sullivan, Laura F         17 Machine Aquatics-PV  4:36.75    4:41.50        
                  29.58     1:03.04 (33.46)     1:37.53 (34.49)     2:11.86 (34.33)
        2:54.24 (42.38)     3:36.97 (42.73)     4:10.24 (33.27)     4:41.50 (31.26)
 26 Levendusky, Sarah A       14 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:37.23    4:41.88        
                  30.01     1:04.45 (34.44)     1:39.10 (34.65)     2:14.28 (35.18)
        2:55.41 (41.13)     3:37.81 (42.40)     4:10.43 (32.62)     4:41.88 (31.45)
 27 Holm, Allison J           17 Nation's Capital-PV  4:38.62    4:43.35        
                  30.07     1:05.48 (35.41)     1:41.64 (36.16)     2:19.06 (37.42)
        2:57.56 (38.50)     3:36.96 (39.40)     4:10.74 (33.78)     4:43.35 (32.61)
 28 Matusek, Ellie E          14 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:38.19    4:45.44        
                  30.08     1:02.96 (32.88)     1:39.39 (36.43)     2:16.02 (36.63)
        2:56.80 (40.78)     3:39.02 (42.22)     4:12.51 (33.49)     4:45.44 (32.93)
 29 Athey, Katie L            14 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:37.85    4:46.41        
                  28.99     1:02.28 (33.29)     1:38.85 (36.57)     2:14.10 (35.25)
        2:56.04 (41.94)     3:40.19 (44.15)     4:13.53 (33.34)     4:46.41 (32.88)
 30 Vogel, Elisabeth G        16 Occoquan Swimmin-PV  4:45.43    4:46.74        
                  30.71     1:05.84 (35.13)     1:43.66 (37.82)     2:20.82 (37.16)
        3:00.51 (39.69)     3:41.14 (40.63)     4:14.73 (33.59)     4:46.74 (32.01)
 31 Zukowski, Brooke A        15 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  4:37.54    4:47.44        
                  30.11     1:06.36 (36.25)     1:44.33 (37.97)     2:21.27 (36.94)
        2:59.93 (38.66)     3:39.54 (39.61)     4:14.21 (34.67)     4:47.44 (33.23)
 32 Churchill, Rebecca H      16 Duke Aquatics-NC     4:41.36    4:47.56        
                  29.86     1:04.97 (35.11)     1:43.13 (38.16)     2:20.54 (37.41)
        2:59.79 (39.25)     3:39.88 (40.09)     4:14.63 (34.75)     4:47.56 (32.93)
 33 Giddings, Grace B         13 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:37.43    4:48.86        
                  31.70     1:08.09 (36.39)     1:45.24 (37.15)     2:20.92 (35.68)
        3:02.81 (41.89)     3:45.36 (42.55)     4:17.83 (32.47)     4:48.86 (31.03)
 34 Zimmerman, Kate M         17 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:42.77    4:51.32        
                  30.35     1:05.85 (35.50)     1:44.52 (38.67)     2:22.85 (38.33)
        3:04.25 (41.40)     3:46.47 (42.22)     4:19.55 (33.08)     4:51.32 (31.77)
 35 Davis, Brittany O         16 Chesapeake Bay A-MD  4:39.90    4:53.33        
                  30.70     1:06.94 (36.24)     1:45.16 (38.22)     2:22.09 (36.93)
        3:02.98 (40.89)     3:44.94 (41.96)     4:19.98 (35.04)     4:53.33 (33.35)
 36 Schlosser, Emily N        14 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:56.29    4:55.41        
                  32.27     1:09.28 (37.01)     1:44.66 (35.38)     2:18.91 (34.25)
        3:04.34 (45.43)     3:49.52 (45.18)     4:22.80 (33.28)     4:55.41 (32.61)
 37 Grube, Sydney E           16 All Star Aquatic-PV  4:50.93    4:55.49        
                  31.46     1:08.20 (36.74)     1:46.42 (38.22)     2:24.20 (37.78)
        3:03.97 (39.77)     3:45.09 (41.12)     4:21.01 (35.92)     4:55.49 (34.48)
 -- Szekely, Alexandra E      16 Central Bucks Sw-MA  4:13.14         DQ        
      One hand touch - breast
 -- Gilbert, Alexa E          15 Naval Academy Aq-MD  4:32.27        SCR        
 -- Treuth, Alice L           17 Coastal Aquatics-MD  4:35.47        SCR        
 -- Jaramillo, Sydney R       14 Shockwaves Aquat-MA  4:42.96        SCR        
 -- Dougherty, Erin P         16 Naval Academy Aq-MD  4:32.89        SCR        
Event 11  Women 800 Yard Freestyle Relay
        EZSC: # 7:18.32   3/26/2010 North Baltimore, NBAC-MD                   
                         C Morris, N. Beale, K. Offutt, K. Surhoff         
 Meet Qualifying:  8:05.39
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Eagle Swim Team Inc.-MD  'A'                7:32.70    7:35.38         40  
     1) Nielson, Alayna R 13            2) Chabbott, Amanda H 16          
     3) Vargas, Kristen G 17            4) Enoch, Geordie A 18            
                  26.28       55.28 (55.28)   1:25.14 (1:25.14)   1:54.32 (1:54.32)
        2:08.13 (13.81)     2:48.05 (53.73)   3:17.39 (1:23.07)   3:46.82 (1:52.50)
        4:13.13 (26.31)     4:42.03 (55.21)   5:12.76 (1:25.94)   5:43.93 (1:57.11)
        6:09.19 (25.26)     6:37.32 (53.39)   7:06.41 (1:22.48)   7:35.38 (1:51.45)
  2 Golden Ram Aquatics-MA  'A'                 7:37.35    7:36.67         34  
     1) Dobson, Julie M 17              2) Barthold, Laura K 17           
     3) McNichol, Madison J 18          4) Kosic, Abby M 16               
                  26.64       55.94 (55.94)   1:25.40 (1:25.40)   1:55.47 (1:55.47)
        2:08.01 (12.54)     2:50.43 (54.96)   3:19.82 (1:24.35)   3:48.86 (1:53.39)
        4:15.11 (26.25)     4:43.54 (54.68)   5:12.64 (1:23.78)   5:42.05 (1:53.19)
        6:08.06 (26.01)     6:37.32 (55.27)   7:07.08 (1:25.03)   7:36.67 (1:54.62)
  3 Machine Aquatics-PV  'A'                    7:31.64    7:38.01         32  
     1) Sullivan, Laura F 17            2) Miller, Makenzie C 17          
     3) Schmid, Olivia F 13             4) Grant, Sammie I 13             
                  26.65       55.55 (55.55)   1:25.11 (1:25.11)   1:55.02 (1:55.02)
        2:21.20 (26.18)     2:49.97 (54.95)   3:19.53 (1:24.51)   3:49.00 (1:53.98)
        4:02.18 (13.18)     4:15.06 (26.06)     4:44.08 (55.08)   5:42.86 (1:53.86)
        6:08.19 (25.33)     6:37.24 (54.38)   7:07.51 (1:24.65)   7:38.01 (1:55.15)
  4 Egg Harbor Twp Seahawks-MA  'A'             7:33.73    7:39.47         30  
     1) Barnard, Emily R 16             2) Sarhan, Leenah H 14            
     3) Nunan, Amanda J 15              4) Kelly, Lauren A 14             
                  26.61       55.59 (55.59)   1:25.24 (1:25.24)   1:55.69 (1:55.69)
        2:10.02 (14.33)     2:52.29 (56.60)   3:23.50 (1:27.81)   3:54.39 (1:58.70)
        4:19.70 (25.31)     4:47.79 (53.40)   5:16.53 (1:22.14)   5:45.05 (1:50.66)
        6:10.92 (25.87)     6:40.43 (55.38)   7:10.35 (1:25.30)   7:39.47 (1:54.42)
  5 Parkland Aquatic Club-MA  'A'               7:42.31    7:40.26         28  
     1) Daday, Caitlin E 18             2) Jordan, Erin K 17              
     3) Daday, Colleen M 15             4) Karam, Sydnee S 17             
                  27.34       56.67 (56.67)   1:26.31 (1:26.31)   1:54.83 (1:54.83)
        2:20.92 (26.09)     2:50.37 (55.54)   3:20.93 (1:26.10)   3:51.54 (1:56.71)
        4:04.19 (12.65)     4:45.39 (53.85)   5:15.72 (1:24.18)   5:46.27 (1:54.73)
        6:12.28 (26.01)     6:40.86 (54.59)   7:10.37 (1:24.10)   7:40.26 (1:53.99)
  6 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'A'      7:33.22    7:41.69         26  
     1) Nugent, Celine E 14             2) Zhang, Lynn C 15               
     3) Rysak, Bethany G 18             4) Richter, Audrey L 15           
                  26.51       55.27 (55.27)   1:24.43 (1:24.43)   1:53.95 (1:53.95)
        2:07.82 (13.87)     2:50.15 (56.20)   3:19.84 (1:25.89)   3:49.19 (1:55.24)
        4:02.98 (13.79)     4:15.54 (26.35)     4:45.04 (55.85)   5:47.95 (1:58.76)
        6:13.48 (25.53)     6:42.21 (54.26)   7:12.00 (1:24.05)   7:41.69 (1:53.74)
  7 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'B'          7:21.91    7:41.76         24  
     1) Petit, Rosannah 17              2) Nguyen, Claire P 13            
     3) McCulla, Christine C 16         4) Knapp, Sydney E 14             
                  26.06       54.98 (54.98)   1:25.66 (1:25.66)   1:56.30 (1:56.30)
        2:09.08 (12.78)     2:52.36 (56.06)   3:22.48 (1:26.18)   3:52.23 (1:55.93)
        4:05.79 (13.56)     4:46.47 (54.24)   5:17.01 (1:24.78)   5:48.16 (1:55.93)
        6:13.61 (25.45)     6:42.38 (54.22)   7:12.59 (1:24.43)   7:41.76 (1:53.60)
  8 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'A'          7:09.89    7:41.83         22  
     1) Landeryou, Emily K 14           2) Puskar-Beckett, Alexandria M 15
     3) Catron, Sydney M 14             4) Song, Dorit G 15               
                  26.43       55.28 (55.28)   1:25.38 (1:25.38)   1:56.53 (1:56.53)
        2:23.21 (26.68)     2:52.75 (56.22)   3:22.11 (1:25.58)   3:52.14 (1:55.61)
        4:18.13 (25.99)     4:47.03 (54.89)   5:17.14 (1:25.00)   5:47.57 (1:55.43)
        6:13.42 (25.85)     6:42.04 (54.47)   7:11.54 (1:23.97)   7:41.83 (1:54.26)
  9 Jewish Community Ctr Sailfish-AM  'A'       7:35.95    7:43.17         18  
     1) Barber, Lauren E 17             2) Kozlina, Alexa R 14            
     3) Namestnik, Alexa R 18           4) Mautino, Sarah L 14            
                  25.09       52.48 (52.48)   1:20.28 (1:20.28)   1:47.58 (1:47.58)
        2:00.27 (12.69)     2:43.19 (55.61)   3:14.15 (1:26.57)   3:44.68 (1:57.10)
        4:12.14 (27.46)     4:43.38 (58.70)   5:15.53 (1:30.85)   5:47.17 (2:02.49)
        6:13.21 (26.04)     6:42.62 (55.45)   7:12.83 (1:25.66)   7:43.17 (1:56.00)
 10 Greater Latrobe Aqua Club-AM  'A'           7:43.82    7:45.09         14  
     1) Brownlee, Allison L 15          2) Owens, Kayla V 19              
     3) Defrancesco, Gina M 18          4) Sowinski, Monica H 16          
                  27.17       56.49 (56.49)   1:26.80 (1:26.80)   1:57.05 (1:57.05)
        2:23.32 (26.27)     2:53.23 (56.18)   3:23.55 (1:26.50)   3:53.41 (1:56.36)
        4:20.23 (26.82)     4:49.57 (56.16)   5:19.83 (1:26.42)   5:50.90 (1:57.49)
        6:16.28 (25.38)     6:44.69 (53.79)   7:14.72 (1:23.82)   7:45.09 (1:54.19)
 11 Eagle Swim Team Inc.-MD  'B'                7:45.22    7:50.91         12  
     1) Akbay, Ayris S 14               2) Vance, Erin J 14               
     3) Li, Jessica 14                  4) Kim, Brittany H 16             
                  27.41       57.09 (57.09)   1:27.27 (1:27.27)   1:57.53 (1:57.53)
        2:24.54 (27.01)     2:54.65 (57.12)   3:25.67 (1:28.14)   3:55.49 (1:57.96)
        4:08.45 (12.96)     4:50.90 (55.41)   5:21.45 (1:25.96)   5:52.32 (1:56.83)
        6:18.77 (26.45)     6:48.39 (56.07)   7:19.13 (1:26.81)   7:50.91 (1:58.59)
 12 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'B'      7:53.07    7:51.44         10  
     1) Martin, Isabella A 17           2) Kelly, Madison 15              
     3) Levendusky, Sarah A 14          4) Anderson, Gail F 15            
                  27.27       57.17 (57.17)   1:27.74 (1:27.74)   1:58.17 (1:58.17)
        2:24.53 (26.36)     2:54.43 (56.26)   3:25.89 (1:27.72)   3:57.69 (1:59.52)
        4:24.45 (26.76)     4:54.22 (56.53)   5:25.31 (1:27.62)   5:55.98 (1:58.29)
        6:22.70 (26.72)     6:51.88 (55.90)   7:21.70 (1:25.72)   7:51.44 (1:55.46)
 13 Duke Aquatics-NC  'A'                       7:40.81    7:51.91          8  
     1) Smith, Morgan P 17              2) Shepherd, Sarah H 15           
     3) Liu, Danielle 17                4) Stuart, Lucy A 17              
                  26.85       56.28 (56.28)   1:26.45 (1:26.45)   1:56.72 (1:56.72)
        2:12.25 (15.53)     2:53.90 (57.18)   3:25.24 (1:28.52)   3:56.60 (1:59.88)
        4:09.76 (13.16)     4:50.85 (54.25)   5:20.40 (1:23.80)   5:49.97 (1:53.37)
        6:16.91 (26.94)     6:47.42 (57.45)   7:19.45 (1:29.48)   7:51.91 (2:01.94)
 14 Naval Academy Aquatic Club-MD  'A'          7:51.65    7:53.59          6  
     1) Hoban, Rachel O 15              2) Downing, Stephanie M 16        
     3) Carella, Emily R 15             4) Mulhern, Meghan S 17           
                  27.22       57.12 (57.12)   1:27.39 (1:27.39)   1:57.00 (1:57.00)
        2:24.41 (27.41)     2:54.36 (57.36)   3:24.35 (1:27.35)   3:54.41 (1:57.41)
        4:21.32 (26.91)     4:51.43 (57.02)   5:22.55 (1:28.14)   5:53.92 (1:59.51)
        6:06.26 (12.34)     6:50.51 (56.59)   7:22.38 (1:28.46)   7:53.59 (1:59.67)
 15 Columbia Aquatics Association-MD  'A'       7:48.79    7:54.14          4  
     1) Hanson, Kaleigh T 15            2) Baldinazzo, Bizunesh 17        
     3) Cotter, Theresa J 17            4) Walker, Peyton G 17            
                  27.23       57.67 (57.67)   1:29.27 (1:29.27)   2:00.90 (2:00.90)
        2:28.32 (27.42)     2:58.95 (58.05)   3:29.92 (1:29.02)   4:00.84 (1:59.94)
        4:13.60 (12.76)     4:56.90 (56.06)   5:27.87 (1:27.03)   5:58.94 (1:58.10)
        6:25.03 (26.09)     6:53.86 (54.92)   7:23.83 (1:24.89)   7:54.14 (1:55.20)
 16 Diplomat Swim Club-MA  'A'                  7:57.86    7:55.54          2  
     1) Depietro, Rachael F 18          2) Deperrot, Danielle J 17        
     3) Popalis, Madyson L 16           4) Wareham, Sydney K 16           
                  27.15       57.21 (57.21)   1:28.26 (1:28.26)   1:59.01 (1:59.01)
        2:12.02 (13.01)     2:26.70 (27.69)     2:57.09 (58.08)   3:29.03 (1:30.02)
        4:01.00 (31.97)     4:27.10 (58.07)   4:56.10 (1:27.07)   5:27.13 (1:58.10)
        5:58.72 (31.59)     6:13.81 (46.68)   7:55.54 (2:28.41)                    
 17 Pine Richland Aquatics-AM  'A'              8:05.11    8:00.19        
     1) Null, Siani A 16                2) Carmazzi, Brooke E 14          
     3) King, Erica L 15                4) Fernander, Katherine E 17      
                  27.52       57.44 (57.44)   1:28.47 (1:28.47)   1:58.75 (1:58.75)
        2:13.57 (14.82)     2:27.32 (28.57)     2:58.18 (59.43)   3:29.88 (1:31.13)
        4:01.58 (31.70)     4:27.33 (57.45)   4:56.99 (1:27.11)   5:28.61 (1:58.73)
        6:00.57 (31.96)     6:14.84 (46.23)     6:28.27 (59.66)   8:00.19 (2:31.58)
 18 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'A'              7:56.85    8:01.67        
     1) Lee, Isabella C 13              2) Gieseman, Evie E 14            
     3) Vu, Belinda T 17                4) Lundy, Katherine O 15          
                  27.06       57.17 (57.17)   1:28.45 (1:28.45)   1:59.22 (1:59.22)
        2:26.18 (26.96)     2:56.76 (57.54)   3:28.01 (1:28.79)   3:59.37 (2:00.15)
        4:25.97 (26.60)     4:56.49 (57.12)                       5:29.57 (1:30.20)
        6:02.77 (33.20)     6:15.23 (45.66)   6:29.74 (1:00.17)   8:01.67 (2:32.10)
 19 Radnor Aquatic Club-MA  'A'                 7:58.69    8:01.69        
     1) Ledwith, Madison E 14           2) Smolyansky, Tatyana Y 17       
     3) Packer, Laura 17                4) Blewett, Hanna 16              
                  27.65       59.24 (59.24)   1:32.38 (1:32.38)   2:05.49 (2:05.49)
        2:32.26 (26.77)     3:03.13 (57.64)   3:34.56 (1:29.07)   4:05.67 (2:00.18)
        4:18.03 (12.36)     4:33.03 (27.36)     5:02.91 (57.24)   5:33.41 (1:27.74)
        6:03.63 (30.22)     6:16.55 (43.14)     6:30.20 (56.79)   8:01.69 (2:28.28)
 20 All Star Aquatics-PV  'A'                   7:35.67    8:06.04        
     1) Lemone, Alexis A 15             2) McGuire-Wien, Eleanore V 15    
     3) Wright, Katie Q 15              4) Grube, Sydney E 16             
                  27.21       56.85 (56.85)   1:27.14 (1:27.14)   1:57.20 (1:57.20)
        2:23.73 (26.53)     2:53.31 (56.11)   3:23.98 (1:26.78)   3:54.81 (1:57.61)
        4:07.30 (12.49)     4:21.76 (26.95)     4:52.91 (58.10)   5:59.88 (2:05.07)
        6:27.75 (27.87)   7:00.03 (1:00.15)   7:33.02 (1:33.14)   8:06.04 (2:06.16)
 -- Central Bucks Swim Team-MA  'A'             7:30.91        SCR        
 -- Snow Swimming-PV  'A'                       8:02.74        SCR        
Event 13  Women 200 Yard Medley Relay
        EZSC: # 1:43.03   3/10/2007 Peddie Aquatic, PAA-NJ                     
                         A. Fittin, J. Lee, X. Zhao, A. Miller             
 Meet Qualifying:  4:12.29
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Central Bucks Swim Team-MA  'A'             3:46.74    1:43.97         40  
     1) Szekely, Alexandra E 16         2) Weiss, Brittany M 16           
     3) Zurmuhl, Hannah C 15            4) Kosten, Emily S 16             
                  26.64       55.76 (29.12)     1:21.16 (25.40)     1:43.97 (22.81)
  2 Eagle Swim Team Inc.-MD  'A'                3:51.83    1:45.94         34  
     1) Enoch, Geordie A 18             2) Vargas, Kristen G 17           
     3) McElrath, Isabella O 16         4) Nielson, Alayna R 13           
                  26.76       56.61 (29.85)     1:22.71 (26.10)     1:45.94 (23.23)
  3 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'A'          3:36.99    1:46.98         32  
     1) Fieeiki, Charlotte L 12         2) Cahill, Sarah A 16             
     3) Landeryou, Emily K 14           4) Smith, Katherine M 14          
                  27.14       57.16 (30.02)     1:23.10 (25.94)     1:46.98 (23.88)
  4 Allegheny North Swim Club-AM  'A'           3:55.00    1:47.02         30  
     1) Churman, Kayla M 16             2) Kuhn, Erin E 16                
     3) Root, Maggie K 17               4) McGrath, Lauren N 15           
                  26.81       57.48 (30.67)     1:23.48 (26.00)     1:47.02 (23.54)
  5 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'A'      3:53.52    1:47.49         28  
     1) Tiberino, Alicia M 17           2) Gribble, Dylan R 14            
     3) Zarchin, Madeline C 15          4) Richter, Audrey L 15           
                  27.57       58.05 (30.48)     1:23.72 (25.67)     1:47.49 (23.77)
  6 Duke Aquatics-NC  'A'                       3:53.62    1:47.64         26  
     1) Liu, Caroline 16                2) Churchill, Rebecca H 16        
     3) Smith, Morgan P 17              4) Liu, Danielle 17               
                  27.62       58.09 (30.47)     1:24.12 (26.03)     1:47.64 (23.52)
  7 Machine Aquatics-PV  'A'                    3:46.23    1:47.99         24  
     1) Sullivan, Laura F 17            2) Hockman, Amy E 18              
     3) Harper, Shannon A 19            4) Mathis, Sydney M 14            
                  27.29       58.64 (31.35)     1:24.15 (25.51)     1:47.99 (23.84)
  8 Golden Ram Aquatics-MA  'A'                 3:57.71    1:48.44         22  
     1) McGlaughlin, Juliet E 16        2) Barthold, Laura K 17           
     3) Carozza, Ann M 13               4) Kosic, Abby M 16               
                  28.04       58.47 (30.43)     1:24.29 (25.82)     1:48.44 (24.15)
  9 Monocacy Aquatic Club-MD  'A'               4:00.82    1:48.80         18  
     1) Icard, Jacy P 18                2) Updegraff, Molly M 16          
     3) Manning, Eliza K 15             4) Wilson, Sarah K 16             
                  27.31       58.48 (31.17)     1:24.81 (26.33)     1:48.80 (23.99)
 10 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'A'              3:59.77    1:49.25         14  
     1) Lee, Isabella C 13              2) Shumate, Anna R 14             
     3) Nassetta, Kirby M 17            4) Gieseman, Evie E 14            
                  27.78       58.17 (30.39)     1:24.93 (26.76)     1:49.25 (24.32)
 11 Seneca Valley Swim Club-AM  'A'             4:01.19    1:49.28         12  
     1) Webber, Mackenzie A 18          2) Antal, Katie E 18              
     3) Parsons, Abigail M 15           4) Javens, Devin C 14             
                  28.07       58.00 (29.93)     1:24.40 (26.40)     1:49.28 (24.88)
 12 Eagle Swim Team Inc.-MD  'B'                3:54.52    1:49.87         10  
     1) Hochkeppel, Shannon R 15        2) Vance, Erin J 14               
     3) Li, Jessica 14                  4) St. Martin, Brooke T 17        
                  28.54       58.61 (30.07)     1:25.45 (26.84)     1:49.87 (24.42)
 13 Snow Swimming-PV  'A'                       3:51.81    1:50.01          8  
     1) Lee, Carrie R 16                2) Garner, Kristen K 16           
     3) Oliver, Maddie N 15             4) Silpacharn, Pim 16             
                  26.63       59.05 (32.42)     1:26.08 (27.03)     1:50.01 (23.93)
 14 Jewish Community Ctr Sailfish-AM  'A'       4:05.08    1:50.31          6  
     1) Mautino, Sarah L 14             2) Barber, Lauren E 17            
     3) Kozlina, Alexa R 14             4) Namestnik, Alexa R 18          
                  28.46       57.39 (28.93)     1:24.44 (27.05)     1:50.31 (25.87)
 15 Salvation Army Kroc Aquatics-MA  'A'        4:10.84    1:50.51          4  
     1) O'Connor, Mackenzie S 13        2) Jackson, India 13              
     3) Opong, Ayana R 12               4) Stewart, Sydni R 15            
                  30.12     1:00.95 (30.83)     1:26.59 (25.64)     1:50.51 (23.92)
 16 Parkland Aquatic Club-MA  'A'               4:01.21    1:50.62          2  
     1) Jordan, Erin K 17               2) Thomas, Danielle M 18          
     3) Karam, Sydnee S 17              4) Daday, Caitlin E 18            
                  27.61       59.08 (31.47)     1:26.31 (27.23)     1:50.62 (24.31)
 17 Mount Lebanon Aqua Club-AM  'A'             3:35.19    1:50.73        
     1) Schilken, Meghan M 17           2) Nicholson, Kathryn A 14        
     3) Ward, Trinity M 13              4) Ford, Kathryn A 18             
                  27.07     1:00.40 (33.33)     1:27.01 (26.61)     1:50.73 (23.72)
 18 Greater Latrobe Aqua Club-AM  'A'           4:02.67    1:51.70        
     1) Douds, Megan R 15               2) Owens, Kayla V 19              
     3) Sowinski, Monica H 16           4) Brownlee, Allison L 15         
                  30.21       59.24 (29.03)     1:26.39 (27.15)     1:51.70 (25.31)
 19 All Star Aquatics-PV  'A'                   3:54.58    1:51.74        
     1) Lemone, Alexis A 15             2) Grube, Sydney E 16             
     3) McGuire-Wien, Eleanore V 15     4) Wright, Katie Q 15             
                  28.08       59.42 (31.34)     1:26.54 (27.12)     1:51.74 (25.20)
 20 Lancaster Aquatic Club-MA  'A'              4:04.86    1:51.98        
     1) Kegel, Samantha J 17            2) Bieber, Brianna J 15           
     3) Cortazzo, Amber L 17            4) Hauck, Sloane V 16             
                  29.01     1:00.16 (31.15)     1:26.30 (26.14)     1:51.98 (25.68)
 21 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'B'      4:02.61    1:52.09        
     1) Kelly, Madison 15               2) Luigard, Claire 16             
     3) Stewart, Alexa C 15             4) Sweeney, Kaitlyn L 18          
                  29.10     1:00.19 (31.09)     1:27.80 (27.61)     1:52.09 (24.29)
 22 Columbia Aquatics Association-MD  'A'       4:01.16    1:52.29        
     1) Cotter, Theresa J 17            2) McDonald, Kellen L 17          
     3) Liberto, Morgan S 13            4) McGillicuddy, Kelly F 16       
                  28.04     1:00.44 (32.40)     1:27.64 (27.20)     1:52.29 (24.65)
 23 Diplomat Swim Club-MA  'A'                  4:08.14    1:52.34        
     1) Deperrot, Danielle J 17         2) Popalis, Madyson L 16          
     3) Wareham, Sydney K 16            4) Depietro, Rachael F 18         
                  29.45     1:00.27 (30.82)     1:27.73 (27.46)     1:52.34 (24.61)
 24 Egg Harbor Twp Seahawks-MA  'A'             3:59.35    1:52.47        
     1) Barnard, Emily R 16             2) Sarhan, Leenah H 14            
     3) Breazeale, Gabrielle 16         4) Kelly, Lauren A 14             
                  28.21     1:00.51 (32.30)     1:28.00 (27.49)     1:52.47 (24.47)
 25 Chartiers Valley Swim Club-AM  'A'          4:02.10    1:52.65        
     1) Wroblewski, Kathryn A 16        2) Russoniello, Erin B 17         
     3) Besterman, Amelia R 14          4) Feola, Natalie M 18            
                  29.38     1:00.19 (30.81)     1:28.10 (27.91)     1:52.65 (24.55)
 26 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'B'              4:04.47    1:53.28        
     1) Morrison, Michaela 15           2) Lundy, Katherine O 15          
     3) Ridgeway, Eleanor J 14          4) Green, Jessica F 17            
                  29.10     1:01.39 (32.29)     1:28.31 (26.92)     1:53.28 (24.97)
 27 Merritt Athletic Swimming-MD  'A'           4:03.50    1:53.34        
     1) Crim, Allison M 17              2) Ritter, Sarah E 18             
     3) Hager, Mary E 17                4) Hursey, Karly M 18             
                  30.61     1:00.93 (30.32)     1:28.16 (27.23)     1:53.34 (25.18)
 28 York Swim Club-PV  'A'                      4:00.08    1:53.47        
     1) Brooks, Emily M 13              2) Edwards, Bryn S 16             
     3) Luncher, Kaitlin J 16           4) Whang, Lucy T 13               
                  29.08     1:00.27 (31.19)     1:27.94 (27.67)     1:53.47 (25.53)
 29 Annapolis Swim Club-MD  'A'                 4:04.47    1:53.62        
     1) Schere, Yvonne A 15             2) Markous, Marina 16             
     3) Hayburn, Annie C 15             4) Eckhardt, Anna O 17            
                  29.96     1:02.71 (32.75)     1:28.27 (25.56)     1:53.62 (25.35)
 30 Machine Aquatics-PV  'B'                    4:07.22    1:54.22        
     1) Schmid, Olivia F 13             2) Kenis, Samantha N 17           
     3) Jeter, Sierra H 17              4) Saba, Farrin E 16              
                  29.92     1:02.88 (32.96)     1:29.98 (27.10)     1:54.22 (24.24)
 31 Regency Park Swim Team-VA  'A'              4:07.90    1:54.37        
     1) Jones, Courtney E 16            2) Muilenburg, Nicole E 16        
     3) Paterson, Carolyn G 14          4) Horne, Rheagan A 15            
                  28.29     1:01.12 (32.83)     1:29.78 (28.66)     1:54.37 (24.59)
 32 Columbia Aquatics Association-MD  'B'       4:04.67    1:54.48        
     1) Hanson, Kaleigh T 15            2) Elshafei, Sabrina E 17         
     3) Walker, Peyton G 17             4) Jackson, Ila R 17              
                  28.50     1:02.66 (34.16)     1:29.48 (26.82)     1:54.48 (25.00)
 33 Radnor Aquatic Club-MA  'A'                 4:07.79    1:54.69        
     1) Smolyansky, Tatyana Y 17        2) Zherka, Ilira 14               
     3) Packer, Laura 17                4) Campbell, Samantha L 17        
                  27.89     1:02.31 (34.42)     1:30.12 (27.81)     1:54.69 (24.57)
 34 Pine Richland Aquatics-AM  'A'              4:43.48L   1:54.71        
     1) Null, Siani A 16                2) Carmazzi, Brooke E 14          
     3) King, Erica L 15                4) Fernander, Katherine E 17      
                  29.16     1:02.23 (33.07)     1:29.79 (27.56)     1:54.71 (24.92)
 35 Sea Devil Swimming-PV  'A'                  4:10.39    1:56.14        
     1) Booher, Alicia L 14             2) Won, Je Moon 18                
     3) Haviland, Victoria L 17         4) Spillman, Emma C 17            
                  30.31     1:02.50 (32.19)     1:30.23 (27.73)     1:56.14 (25.91)
 36 Herndon Aquatic Club-PV  'A'                4:10.85    1:57.61        
     1) Murphy, Ryan E 18               2) Nguyen, Katie Q 13             
     3) Caldwell, Saralyn 13            4) Stassinos, Malina M 15         
                  29.58     1:05.28 (35.70)     1:32.21 (26.93)     1:57.61 (25.40)
 37 Chartiers Valley Swim Club-AM  'B'          4:11.26    1:57.77        
     1) Kovacicek, Cassidy E 17         2) Neft, Sierra R 18              
     3) Marcucci, Miranda L 16          4) Schott, Logan M 18             
                  29.65     1:01.91 (32.26)     1:30.12 (28.21)     1:57.77 (27.65)
 -- Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'B'          3:44.42         DQ        
 -- Retriever Aquatic Club-MD  'A'              4:08.67L       SCR        
Event 15  Women 200 Yard Butterfly
        EZSC: # 1:58.47   3/22/2013 Katel Sowinski, EST-MD                     
                1:58.89  NAT
                1:59.59  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  2:12.49
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Walz, Delaney R     15 G P A C-MA           2:01.74    2:00.15         20  
                  27.67       57.79 (30.12)     1:28.84 (31.05)     2:00.15 (31.31)
  2 Liberto, Morgan S   13 Columbia Aquatic-MD  2:08.09    2:04.23         17  
                  27.95       59.42 (31.47)     1:32.05 (32.63)     2:04.23 (32.18)
  3 Painter, Kathryn M  17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  2:06.41    2:05.04         16  
                  28.39     1:00.20 (31.81)     1:32.97 (32.77)     2:05.04 (32.07)
  4 Cortazzo, Amber L   17 Lancaster Aquati-MA  2:06.01    2:06.69         15  
                  27.86       59.15 (31.29)     1:32.01 (32.86)     2:06.69 (34.68)
  5 Li, Jessica         14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:08.12    2:07.27         14  
                  28.86     1:00.78 (31.92)     1:34.01 (33.23)     2:07.27 (33.26)
  6 Zhang, Gabrielle    13 Nation's Capital-PV  2:07.30    2:07.31         13  
                  28.49     1:00.92 (32.43)     1:33.66 (32.74)     2:07.31 (33.65)
  7 Tankle, Bernadette  18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  2:06.80    2:08.51         12  
                  27.95     1:00.06 (32.11)     1:33.87 (33.81)     2:08.51 (34.64)
  8 Deglau, Elizabeth   16 Poseidon Swimmin-VA  2:08.15    2:09.41         11  
                  29.23     1:01.72 (32.49)     1:34.98 (33.26)     2:09.41 (34.43)
B - Final
  9 Chabbott, Amanda H  16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:08.81    2:05.35          9  
                  27.85       59.23 (31.38)     1:32.95 (33.72)     2:05.35 (32.40)
 10 McElrath, Isabella  16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:09.35    2:06.84          7  
                  28.83     1:00.65 (31.82)     1:33.69 (33.04)     2:06.84 (33.15)
 11 Meinke, Anna L      16 Lynchburg YMCA S-VA  2:08.98    2:07.74          6  
                  28.38     1:00.39 (32.01)     1:33.40 (33.01)     2:07.74 (34.34)
 12 Smith, Morgan P     17 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:08.88    2:08.74          5  
                  28.27     1:00.62 (32.35)     1:34.21 (33.59)     2:08.74 (34.53)
 13 Athey, Katie L      14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:09.60    2:08.98          4  
                  28.44     1:00.56 (32.12)     1:34.44 (33.88)     2:08.98 (34.54)
 14 Matusek, Ellie E    14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:09.86    2:09.63          3  
                  29.53     1:02.02 (32.49)     1:35.89 (33.87)     2:09.63 (33.74)
 15 Walker, Peyton G    17 Columbia Aquatic-MD  2:09.31    2:09.88          2  
                  28.50     1:01.21 (32.71)     1:35.41 (34.20)     2:09.88 (34.47)
 16 Otwell, Bria N      16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:09.47    2:14.98          1  
                  28.82     1:02.34 (33.52)     1:37.95 (35.61)     2:14.98 (37.03)
C - Final
 17 Soulia, Morgan A    16 Allegheny North-AM   2:10.15    2:06.35        
                  28.40     1:00.74 (32.34)     1:32.94 (32.20)     2:06.35 (33.41)
 18 Sizemore, Karah M   17 Stingrays Swim T-VA  2:10.22    2:08.42        
                  28.55     1:01.13 (32.58)     1:34.76 (33.63)     2:08.42 (33.66)
 19 Morgan, Kelly L     14 Nation's Capital-PV  2:10.11    2:08.57        
                  28.21     1:00.94 (32.73)     1:34.19 (33.25)     2:08.57 (34.38)
 20 Stewart, Alexa C    15 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:10.37    2:09.09        
                  28.91     1:01.27 (32.36)     1:34.70 (33.43)     2:09.09 (34.39)
 21 Harrington, Sydney  13 Nation's Capital-PV  2:09.92    2:09.15        
                  28.56     1:00.82 (32.26)     1:34.85 (34.03)     2:09.15 (34.30)
 22 Dobson, Julie M     17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  2:10.34    2:09.46        
                  28.45     1:01.09 (32.64)     1:34.85 (33.76)     2:09.46 (34.61)
 23 Hansen, Grace A     16 North Baltimore-MD   2:10.39    2:10.22        
                  29.38     1:02.34 (32.96)     1:36.17 (33.83)     2:10.22 (34.05)
 24 Landeryou, Emily K  14 Nation's Capital-PV  2:10.37    2:11.17        
                  28.72     1:01.70 (32.98)     1:35.65 (33.95)     2:11.17 (35.52)
Event 15  Women 200 Yard Butterfly
        EZSC: # 1:58.47   3/22/2013 Katel Sowinski, EST-MD                     
                1:58.89  NAT
                1:59.59  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  2:12.49
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Walz, Delaney R           15 G P A C-MA           1:59.83    2:01.74 q      
                  27.30       57.98 (30.68)     1:29.62 (31.64)     2:01.74 (32.12)
  2 Cortazzo, Amber L         17 Lancaster Aquati-MA  2:06.02    2:06.01 q      
                  28.25       59.96 (31.71)     1:32.38 (32.42)     2:06.01 (33.63)
  3 Painter, Kathryn M        17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  2:06.60    2:06.41 q      
                  28.48     1:00.82 (32.34)     1:33.69 (32.87)     2:06.41 (32.72)
  4 Tankle, Bernadette L      18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  2:05.37    2:06.80 q      
                  27.98       59.94 (31.96)     1:32.72 (32.78)     2:06.80 (34.08)
  5 Zhang, Gabrielle          13 Nation's Capital-PV  2:07.04    2:07.30 q      
                  28.59     1:01.11 (32.52)     1:33.91 (32.80)     2:07.30 (33.39)
  6 Liberto, Morgan S         13 Columbia Aquatic-MD  2:10.89    2:08.09 q      
                  28.89     1:01.40 (32.51)     1:34.67 (33.27)     2:08.09 (33.42)
  7 Li, Jessica               14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:10.02    2:08.12 q      
                  29.01     1:01.47 (32.46)     1:34.39 (32.92)     2:08.12 (33.73)
  8 Deglau, Elizabeth N       16 Poseidon Swimmin-VA  2:09.71    2:08.15 q      
                  29.30     1:01.32 (32.02)     1:34.80 (33.48)     2:08.15 (33.35)
  9 Chabbott, Amanda H        16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:09.67    2:08.81 q      
                  28.31     1:00.77 (32.46)     1:35.76 (34.99)     2:08.81 (33.05)
 10 Smith, Morgan P           17 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:06.26    2:08.88 q      
                  28.49     1:00.55 (32.06)     1:34.00 (33.45)     2:08.88 (34.88)
 11 Meinke, Anna L            16 Lynchburg YMCA S-VA  2:08.18    2:08.98 q      
                  28.68     1:00.42 (31.74)     1:33.67 (33.25)     2:08.98 (35.31)
 12 Walker, Peyton G          17 Columbia Aquatic-MD  2:08.27    2:09.31 q      
                  28.67     1:00.87 (32.20)     1:34.47 (33.60)     2:09.31 (34.84)
 13 McElrath, Isabella O      16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:08.06    2:09.35 q      
                  29.31     1:02.35 (33.04)     1:36.36 (34.01)     2:09.35 (32.99)
 14 Otwell, Bria N            16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:08.86    2:09.47 q      
                  28.28     1:00.73 (32.45)     1:34.40 (33.67)     2:09.47 (35.07)
 15 Athey, Katie L            14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:07.91    2:09.60 q      
                  12.04     1:00.98 (48.94)     1:34.71 (33.73)     2:09.60 (34.89)
 16 Matusek, Ellie E          14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:11.35    2:09.86 q      
                  29.58     1:01.97 (32.39)     1:35.45 (33.48)     2:09.86 (34.41)
 17 Harrington, Sydney A      13 Nation's Capital-PV  2:07.97    2:09.92 q      
                  29.13     1:01.91 (32.78)     1:35.85 (33.94)     2:09.92 (34.07)
 18 Morgan, Kelly L           14 Nation's Capital-PV  2:06.77    2:10.11 q      
                  28.10     1:01.03 (32.93)     1:35.24 (34.21)     2:10.11 (34.87)
 19 Soulia, Morgan A          16 Allegheny North-AM   2:05.87    2:10.15 q      
                  28.51     1:00.91 (32.40)     1:34.36 (33.45)     2:10.15 (35.79)
 20 Sizemore, Karah M         17 Stingrays Swim T-VA  2:08.01    2:10.22 q      
                  28.79     1:02.11 (33.32)     1:35.99 (33.88)     2:10.22 (34.23)
 21 Dobson, Julie M           17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  2:09.48    2:10.34 q      
                  29.30     1:01.55 (32.25)     1:35.46 (33.91)     2:10.34 (34.88)
 22 Landeryou, Emily K        14 Nation's Capital-PV  2:10.35    2:10.37 q      
                  28.55     1:01.21 (32.66)     1:34.51 (33.30)     2:10.37 (35.86)
 22 Stewart, Alexa C          15 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:06.55    2:10.37 q      
                  28.77     1:00.82 (32.05)     1:34.53 (33.71)     2:10.37 (35.84)
 24 Hansen, Grace A           16 North Baltimore-MD   2:09.68    2:10.39 q      
                  29.20     1:02.50 (33.30)     1:36.36 (33.86)     2:10.39 (34.03)
 25 Oliver, Maddie N          15 Snow Swimming-PV     2:10.91    2:11.41        
                  28.04     1:00.55 (32.51)     1:35.91 (35.36)     2:11.41 (35.50)
 26 Blair, Madeline M         16 Una Paac-MA          2:11.62    2:11.53        
                  29.07     1:02.08 (33.01)     1:36.80 (34.72)     2:11.53 (34.73)
 27 Downing, Stephanie M      16 Naval Academy Aq-MD  2:07.32    2:11.68        
                  29.29     1:01.79 (32.50)     1:36.11 (34.32)     2:11.68 (35.57)
 28 Matthias, Brooke D        13 Nation's Capital-PV  2:08.95    2:11.76        
                  28.71     1:01.92 (33.21)     1:36.50 (34.58)     2:11.76 (35.26)
 29 Churman, Kayla M          16 Allegheny North-AM   2:09.25    2:11.83        
                  29.56     1:02.21 (32.65)     1:36.73 (34.52)     2:11.83 (35.10)
 30 Warren, Anne E            18 Greater Baltimor-MD  2:11.78    2:12.02        
                  29.65     1:02.67 (33.02)     1:37.14 (34.47)     2:12.02 (34.88)
 31 Cochran, Jessica R        16 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  2:11.94    2:12.05        
                  28.84     1:02.32 (33.48)     1:36.83 (34.51)     2:12.05 (35.22)
 32 Caldwell, Saralyn         13 Herndon Aquatic-PV   2:14.97    2:12.49        
                  28.62     1:02.46 (33.84)     1:37.48 (35.02)     2:12.49 (35.01)
 33 Bowne, Jamie O            14 G P A C-MA           2:09.06    2:12.50        
                  28.40     1:01.34 (32.94)     1:36.30 (34.96)     2:12.50 (36.20)
 34 St. John, Molly C         18 Nation's Capital-PV  2:12.43    2:12.62        
                  29.04     1:02.38 (33.34)     1:37.88 (35.50)     2:12.62 (34.74)
 35 Showers, Rachel M         17 Stingrays Swim T-VA  2:10.60    2:12.94        
                  28.39     1:01.30 (32.91)     1:36.04 (34.74)     2:12.94 (36.90)
 36 McCulla, Christine C      16 Nation's Capital-PV  2:10.82    2:12.95        
                  28.45     1:01.32 (32.87)     1:36.24 (34.92)     2:12.95 (36.71)
 37 Zarchin, Madeline C       15 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:08.08    2:13.17        
                  27.98     1:02.14 (34.16)     1:36.61 (34.47)     2:13.17 (36.56)
 38 Stuart, Lucy A            17 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:10.24    2:13.18        
                  29.26     1:02.58 (33.32)     1:37.19 (34.61)     2:13.18 (35.99)
 39 Nassetta, Kirby M         17 Arlington Aquati-PV  2:10.14    2:13.49        
                  28.06     1:00.31 (32.25)     1:35.62 (35.31)     2:13.49 (37.87)
 40 Standfield, Gabrielle R   12 Nation's Capital-PV  2:10.27    2:13.62        
                  29.08     1:02.25 (33.17)     1:37.22 (34.97)     2:13.62 (36.40)
 41 Williams, Jessie D        14 Monocacy Aquatic-MD  2:09.97    2:13.73        
                  30.35     1:04.68 (34.33)     1:39.23 (34.55)     2:13.73 (34.50)
 42 French, Olivia R          14 Nation's Capital-PV  2:10.53    2:14.12        
                  28.44     1:01.90 (33.46)     1:37.52 (35.62)     2:14.12 (36.60)
 43 Huckenpoehler, Grace A    16 Cardinal & Gold-MD   2:10.27    2:14.26        
                  28.58     1:02.01 (33.43)     1:37.77 (35.76)     2:14.26 (36.49)
 44 Scott, Madison L          17 Virginia Gators-VA   2:11.03    2:14.30        
                  28.30     1:00.95 (32.65)     1:36.77 (35.82)     2:14.30 (37.53)
 45 Roma, Talia R             15 Jewish Community-AM  2:11.12    2:14.97        
                  29.65     1:03.41 (33.76)     1:38.79 (35.38)     2:14.97 (36.18)
 46 Yu, Rona                  16 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:11.98    2:15.00        
                  29.48     1:02.70 (33.22)     1:37.67 (34.97)     2:15.00 (37.33)
 47 D'Aurora, Marion E        15 Chesapeake Bay A-MD  2:24.78L   2:15.01        
                  29.85     1:04.18 (34.33)     1:39.63 (35.45)     2:15.01 (35.38)
 48 Anderson, Molly E         17 Machine Aquatics-PV  2:08.49    2:15.35        
                  29.76     1:03.45 (33.69)     1:39.10 (35.65)     2:15.35 (36.25)
 49 Rymer, Rachel J           15 Coast Guard Blue-VA  2:09.81    2:15.73        
                  29.99     1:03.50 (33.51)     1:38.84 (35.34)     2:15.73 (36.89)
 50 Haggerty, Margaret F      17 Tidal Wave Swim-AM   2:09.52    2:15.78        
                  29.95     1:04.07 (34.12)     1:39.74 (35.67)     2:15.78 (36.04)
 51 Kenis, Samantha N         17 Machine Aquatics-PV  2:15.42    2:15.83        
                  29.02     1:02.23 (33.21)     1:37.52 (35.29)     2:15.83 (38.31)
 52 Rusinko, Hannah E         15 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  2:11.41    2:16.53        
                  29.29     1:03.26 (33.97)     1:39.70 (36.44)     2:16.53 (36.83)
 53 Hemmer, Zoe K             18 Machine Aquatics-PV  2:11.75    2:16.97        
                  30.11     1:04.33 (34.22)     1:40.18 (35.85)     2:16.97 (36.79)
 54 Douds, Megan L            18 Bethel Park Recr-AM  2:13.30    2:17.22        
                  29.05     1:04.05 (35.00)     1:40.12 (36.07)     2:17.22 (37.10)
 55 Hockman, Amy E            18 Machine Aquatics-PV  2:14.55    2:17.60        
                  29.31     1:02.92 (33.61)     1:39.35 (36.43)     2:17.60 (38.25)
 56 Raber, Shelby E           12 H2okie Aquatics-VA   2:11.58    2:19.17        
                  29.87     1:04.22 (34.35)     1:40.93 (36.71)     2:19.17 (38.24)
 -- N'Gambwa, Amina J         14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:11.78         DQ        
      Alternating Kick
 -- Williams, Rachel M        18 Nation's Capital-PV  2:10.47         DQ        
      Alternating Kick
 -- Greguric, Hannah N        16 Peters Township-AM   2:10.43        SCR        
 -- Gilbert, Alexa E          15 Naval Academy Aq-MD  2:16.94        SCR        
 -- Patterson, Linnea R       17 Williamsburg Aqu-VA  2:11.67        SCR        
Event 17  Women 50 Yard Freestyle
        EZSC: # 21.99   3/15/2003 Jenny Thompson, BAD-MR                       
                22.59  NAT
                22.89  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  25.19
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Zurmuhl, Hannah C   15 Central Bucks Sw-MA    23.51      23.38         20  
  2 Scott, Morgan E     13 Central Bucks Sw-MA    23.67      23.48         17  
  3 Kosten, Emily S     16 Central Bucks Sw-MA    23.71      23.63         16  
  4 Kosten, Eve J       18 Central Bucks Sw-MA    24.16      23.90         15  
  5 Ford, Kathryn A     18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    23.76      23.94         14  
  6 Blair, Madeline M   16 Una Paac-MA            23.99      24.01         13  
  7 Owens, Kayla V      19 Greater Latrobe-AM     24.04      24.12         12  
  8 McGrath, Lauren N   15 Allegheny North-AM     24.23      24.20         11  
B - Final
  9 Harper, Shannon A   19 Machine Aquatics-PV    24.24      24.09          9  
 10 Richter, Audrey L   15 Rockville Montgo-PV    24.26      24.15          7  
 11 Nielson, Alayna R   13 Eagle Swim Team-MD     24.23      24.24          6  
 12 McComas, Katherine  16 North Baltimore-MD     24.43      24.27          5  
 13 Kozlina, Alexa R    14 Jewish Community-AM    24.38      24.46          4  
 14 Caulfield, Alissa   17 Retriever Aquati-MD    24.47      24.47          3  
 15 Barthold, Laura K   17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    24.37      24.48          2  
 16 Weiss, Brittany M   16 Central Bucks Sw-MA    24.49      24.56          1  
C - Final
 17 Petit, Rosannah     17 Nation's Capital-PV    24.59      24.30        
 17 Manning, Eliza K    15 Monocacy Aquatic-MD    24.50      24.30        
 19 Smith, Katherine M  14 Nation's Capital-PV    24.50      24.37        
 20 Stewart, Sydni R    15 Salvation Army K-MA    24.55      24.42        
 21 Tanner, Lindsay M   15 Mercersburg Acad-MA    24.55      24.51        
 22 McNichol, Madison   18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    24.59      24.73        
 23 Puskar-Beckett, Al  15 Nation's Capital-PV    24.51      24.75        
 24 Blewett, Hanna      16 Radnor Aquatic C-MA    24.60      25.11        
Event 17  Women 50 Yard Freestyle
        EZSC: # 21.99   3/15/2003 Jenny Thompson, BAD-MR                       
                22.59  NAT
                22.89  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  25.19
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Zurmuhl, Hannah C         15 Central Bucks Sw-MA    23.48      23.51 q      
  2 Scott, Morgan E           13 Central Bucks Sw-MA    23.88      23.67 q      
  3 Kosten, Emily S           16 Central Bucks Sw-MA    23.00      23.71 q      
  4 Ford, Kathryn A           18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    23.21      23.76 q      
  5 Boutant, Alice M          19 UNAT-VA                27.23L     23.84 q      
  6 Blair, Madeline M         16 Una Paac-MA            23.90      23.99 q      
  7 Owens, Kayla V            19 Greater Latrobe-AM     23.63      24.04 q      
  8 Kosten, Eve J             18 Central Bucks Sw-MA    24.17      24.16 q      
  9 McGrath, Lauren N         15 Allegheny North-AM     24.33      24.23 q      
 10 Nielson, Alayna R         13 Eagle Swim Team-MD     24.10     J24.23 q      
 11 Harper, Shannon A         19 Machine Aquatics-PV    24.02      24.24 q      
 12 Richter, Audrey L         15 Rockville Montgo-PV    24.21      24.26 q      
 13 Barthold, Laura K         17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    24.99      24.37 q      
 14 Kozlina, Alexa R          14 Jewish Community-AM    24.17      24.38 q      
 15 McComas, Katherine R      16 North Baltimore-MD     24.00      24.43 q      
 16 Caulfield, Alissa C       17 Retriever Aquati-MD    24.34      24.47 q      
 17 Weiss, Brittany M         16 Central Bucks Sw-MA    24.64      24.49 q      
 18 Manning, Eliza K          15 Monocacy Aquatic-MD    24.15      24.50 q      
 19 Smith, Katherine M        14 Nation's Capital-PV    24.87     J24.50 q      
 20 McKnight, Kristen H       17 Hampton Dolphins-AM    24.37      24.51 q      
 20 Puskar-Beckett, Alexandr  15 Nation's Capital-PV    25.07      24.51 q      
 22 Tanner, Lindsay M         15 Mercersburg Acad-MA    24.48      24.55 q      
 22 Stewart, Sydni R          15 Salvation Army K-MA    24.72      24.55 q      
 24 McNichol, Madison J       18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    24.56      24.59 q      
 24 Petit, Rosannah           17 Nation's Capital-PV    24.26      24.59 q      
Swim-Off Required -------------------------------------------------------
 25 Blewett, Hanna            16 Radnor Aquatic C-MA    24.42     J24.60        
 26 Petrak, Taylor E          14 Riverside Aqua C-AM    24.56      24.60        
 27 Wilson, Sarah K           16 Monocacy Aquatic-MD    24.33     J24.60        
 28 Knapp, Sydney E           14 Nation's Capital-PV    24.43     J24.60        
 30 St. Martin, Brooke T      17 Eagle Swim Team-MD     24.32      24.61        
 30 Webber, Mackenzie A       18 Seneca Valley Sw-AM    24.71      24.61        
 32 Icard, Jacy P             18 Monocacy Aquatic-MD    24.04      24.63        
 33 Mathis, Sydney M          14 Machine Aquatics-PV    24.89      24.67        
 33 Dingman, Kelsey L         17 Virginia Gators-VA     24.67      24.67        
 35 Haley, Kelleigh G         16 Nation's Capital-PV    24.32      24.70        
 36 Soulia, Morgan A          16 Allegheny North-AM     23.44      24.74        
 36 Hsu, Helen                16 Unattached-MA          24.16      24.74        
 38 Nicholson, Kathryn A      14 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    24.21      24.77        
 39 Campbell, Samantha L      17 Radnor Aquatic C-MA    24.65      24.80        
 40 Krug, Paris M             16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM    24.78      24.82        
 41 Lee, Carrie R             16 Snow Swimming-PV       24.42      24.84        
 42 Tillotson, Mary Katherin  15 Nation's Capital-PV    25.11      24.85        
 43 Schilken, Meghan M        17 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    25.03      24.88        
 44 Miller, Makenzie C        17 Machine Aquatics-PV    24.88      24.91        
 44 Horne, Rheagan A          15 Regency Park Swi-VA    24.74      24.91        
 44 Root, Maggie K            17 Allegheny North-AM     24.89      24.91        
 47 Antal, Katie E            18 Seneca Valley Sw-AM    24.98      24.92        
 48 Hayburn, Annie C          15 Annapolis Swim C-MD    24.41      24.93        
 48 Long, Kelly A             17 Retriever Aquati-MD    24.88      24.93        
 48 Byer, Brittany M          16 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    24.83      24.93        
 51 Sweeney, Kaitlyn L        18 Rockville Montgo-PV    24.70      24.94        
 51 Gieseman, Evie E          14 Arlington Aquati-PV    24.65      24.94        
 53 Ward, Trinity M           13 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    24.92      24.95        
 54 Williams, Rachel M        18 Nation's Capital-PV    25.06      24.98        
 54 Brinkhoff, Allison M      17 Bethel Park Recr-AM    25.07      24.98        
 56 Martin, Katlyn E          16 HoCo Aquatics-MD       24.48      24.99        
 56 Tiberino, Alicia M        17 Rockville Montgo-PV    24.71      24.99        
 58 Knibb, Taylor B           16 Una Ncap-PV            25.12      25.01        
 58 Silpacharn, Pim           16 Snow Swimming-PV       24.61      25.01        
 60 Smith, Morgan P           17 Duke Aquatics-NC       24.53      25.02        
 60 Tankle, Bernadette L      18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    28.36L     25.02        
 62 Morrison, Michaela        15 Arlington Aquati-PV    25.02      25.03        
 62 Dobson, Julie M           17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    24.54      25.03        
 62 Zhang, Lynn C             15 Rockville Montgo-PV    25.09      25.03        
 65 Bumgarner, Hannah J       15 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    24.84      25.04        
 66 Carozza, Ann M            13 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    24.41      25.05        
 67 Adams, Emily A            16 Nation's Capital-PV    25.35      25.08        
 68 Jones, Courtney E         16 Regency Park Swi-VA    24.84      25.09        
 69 Saba, Farrin E            16 Machine Aquatics-PV    24.51      25.12        
 69 Grant, Sammie I           13 Machine Aquatics-PV    24.60      25.12        
 71 Wright, Katie Q           15 All Star Aquatic-PV    24.77      25.15        
 72 Kim, Brittany H           16 Eagle Swim Team-MD     25.17      25.16        
 73 Li, Jessica               14 Eagle Swim Team-MD     25.16      25.18        
 74 Karam, Sydnee S           17 Parkland Aquatic-MA    24.62      25.19        
 75 Zarchin, Madeline C       15 Rockville Montgo-PV    24.58      25.20        
 75 Lundy, Katherine O        15 Arlington Aquati-PV    24.89      25.20        
 77 Murphy, Erin N            14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA    25.17      25.21        
 78 Kelly, Lauren A           14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA    24.64      25.22        
 78 Daday, Caitlin E          18 Parkland Aquatic-MA    28.49L     25.22        
 80 Schere, Yvonne A          15 Annapolis Swim C-MD    25.10      25.23        
 80 Rysak, Bethany G          18 Rockville Montgo-PV    24.92      25.23        
 80 Saunders, Margaret R      15 Arlington Aquati-PV    25.08      25.23        
 83 Wright, Katie E           15 Allegheny North-AM     24.84      25.24        
 84 Bach, Janine A            18 Naval Academy Aq-MD    24.85      25.26        
 84 Schmid, Olivia F          13 Machine Aquatics-PV    24.87      25.26        
 86 McGillicuddy, Kelly F     16 Columbia Aquatic-MD    25.24      25.27        
 87 Gaston, Sara N            13 Burkwood Aquatic-VA    24.80      25.29        
 88 Brownlee, Allison L       15 Greater Latrobe-AM     25.85      25.30        
 89 Garner, Kristen K         16 Snow Swimming-PV       24.91      25.31        
 90 Nash, Savannah R          13 Nation's Capital-PV    24.93      25.32        
 91 Williams, Avery E         15 Nation's Capital-PV    25.08      25.33        
 92 Feola, Natalie M          18 Chartiers Valley-AM    24.22      25.36        
 93 Zherka, Ilira             14 Radnor Aquatic C-MA    25.09      25.41        
 93 Shapiro, Alison J         16 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    25.01      25.41        
 95 Fanua, Lilieni N          14 Y Randallstown A-MD    25.00      25.42        
 95 Bowne, Jamie O            14 G P A C-MA             25.05      25.42        
 97 Null, Siani A             16 Pine Richland Aq-AM    24.79      25.43        
 97 Morrisey, Michelle L      15 Poseidon Swimmin-VA    25.15      25.43        
 99 Sheffer, Julia J          16 Virginia Gators-VA     24.80      25.44        
 99 Nugent, Celine E          14 Rockville Montgo-PV    25.14      25.44        
101 Shumate, Anna R           14 Arlington Aquati-PV    25.59      25.46        
102 Vance, Emily R            16 Una Rac-MD             25.45      25.48        
103 Luncher, Kaitlin J        16 York Swim Club-PV      25.16      25.49        
103 Opong, Ayana R            12 Salvation Army K-MA    24.87      25.49        
105 Akbay, Ayris S            14 Eagle Swim Team-MD     25.18      25.50        
106 Harrington, Sydney A      13 Nation's Capital-PV    25.00      25.51        
107 Quinn, Courtney R         18 Nittany Lion Aqu-MA    26.66      25.55        
107 Jeter, Sierra H           17 Machine Aquatics-PV    25.37      25.55        
107 Miller, Olivia C          13 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    25.25      25.55        
107 Green, Jessica F          17 Arlington Aquati-PV    25.02      25.55        
111 Rontos, Kirstin M         16 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA    25.17      25.57        
112 Pearson, Kasey A          16 Retriever Aquati-MD    25.16      25.58        
113 Brown, Keyla M            12 Machine Aquatics-PV    24.93      25.59        
114 Douds, Megan R            15 Greater Latrobe-AM     27.06      25.61        
114 Hanson, Kaleigh T         15 Columbia Aquatic-MD    25.77      25.61        
116 Kuhn, Erin E              16 Allegheny North-AM     25.87      25.64        
117 Zukowski, Brooke A        15 Fox Chapel Kille-AM    28.58L     25.66        
118 Morgan, Kelly L           14 Nation's Capital-PV    24.97      25.67        
119 Griffith, Lauren M        17 Central Bucks Sw-MA    25.15      25.69        
120 Wroniewicz, Katie A       15 Snow Swimming-PV       25.94      25.72        
120 Collini, Letizia M        16 Cavalier Swim Cl-AM    25.07      25.72        
122 Hubert, Courteney E       17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM    25.04      25.73        
122 Popera, Alexandra N       18 Rockville Montgo-PV    25.62      25.73        
124 Depietro, Rachael F       18 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    25.18      25.74        
125 Allard, Lauren M          16 York Swim Club-PV      25.76      25.75        
126 Macaluso, Kaylyn A        16 Machine Aquatics-PV    25.15      25.77        
127 Breazeale, Gabrielle      16 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA    25.68      25.78        
128 Davis, Brittany O         16 Chesapeake Bay A-MD    25.65      25.84        
128 Paterson, Carolyn G       14 Regency Park Swi-VA    25.36      25.84        
130 Wareham, Sydney K         16 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    25.36      25.90        
131 Hochkeppel, Shannon R     15 Eagle Swim Team-MD     26.87      25.95        
132 Hirsh, Jessica R          17 Bethel Park Recr-AM    25.95      25.98        
133 Ledwith, Madison E        14 Radnor Aquatic C-MA    24.71      26.00        
134 Standfield, Gabrielle R   12 Nation's Capital-PV    25.70      26.06        
135 Namestnik, Alexa R        18 Jewish Community-AM    25.75      26.07        
136 Flanagan, Clare C         15 Hampton Dolphins-AM    26.48      26.11        
137 Nassetta, Kirby M         17 Arlington Aquati-PV    25.34      26.14        
138 Baldinazzo, Bizunesh      17 Columbia Aquatic-MD    26.17      26.17        
139 Douds, Megan L            18 Bethel Park Recr-AM    24.64      26.18        
140 Yarish, Emily A           17 Unattached-AM          25.06      26.27        
141 Garrity, Keara E          15 Boris Rybatsky-VA      25.46      26.41        
142 Athey, Katie L            14 Rockville Montgo-PV    26.71      26.57        
143 Russoniello, Erin B       17 Chartiers Valley-AM    26.22      26.67        
144 Mooney, Taylor A          17 Coastal Aquatics-MD    26.54      26.73        
145 Murphy, Ryan E            18 Herndon Aquatic-PV     25.43      26.93        
 -- Joseph, Morgan J          17 Cavalier Swim Cl-AM    25.06         DQ        
      False start
 -- Romine, Paige E           14 Occoquan Swimmin-PV    25.19         NS        
 -- Jubin, Olivia A           13 Nation's Capital-PV    25.45         NS        
 -- Carlin, Samantha A        15 Potomac Marlins-PV     25.46        SCR        
 -- Patterson, Linnea R       17 Williamsburg Aqu-VA    25.13        SCR        
Event 19  Women 200 Yard Breaststroke
        EZSC: # 2:11.32   3/12/2005 Rebecca Soni, SAC-NJ                       
                2:13.29  NAT
                2:15.89  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  2:29.39
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Szekely, Alexandra  16 Central Bucks Sw-MA  2:17.65    2:14.58 JRN     20  
                  30.94     1:04.73 (33.79)     1:39.42 (34.69)     2:14.58 (35.16)
  2 Enoch, Geordie A    18 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:19.74    2:16.67         17  
                  31.08     1:05.72 (34.64)     1:41.08 (35.36)     2:16.67 (35.59)
  3 Barber, Lauren E    17 Jewish Community-AM  2:17.96    2:17.12         16  
                  30.57     1:05.05 (34.48)     1:40.77 (35.72)     2:17.12 (36.35)
  4 Fernander, Katheri  17 Pine Richland Aq-AM  2:19.42    2:17.93         15  
                  31.42     1:06.09 (34.67)     1:41.68 (35.59)     2:17.93 (36.25)
  5 Vance, Erin J       14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:20.76    2:17.97         14  
                  31.33     1:06.68 (35.35)     1:42.33 (35.65)     2:17.97 (35.64)
  6 Bodin, Alyssa B     20 UNAT-VA              2:15.87    2:18.59         13  
                  30.31     1:05.10 (34.79)     1:41.58 (36.48)     2:18.59 (37.01)
  7 Painter, Kathryn M  17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  2:22.42    2:22.83         12  
                  32.63     1:09.33 (36.70)     1:46.13 (36.80)     2:22.83 (36.70)
  8 Antal, Katie E      18 Seneca Valley Sw-AM  2:22.13    2:23.00         11  
                  31.52     1:06.99 (35.47)     1:44.19 (37.20)     2:23.00 (38.81)
B - Final
  9 Thomas, Danielle M  18 Parkland Aquatic-MA  2:24.26    2:22.30          9  
                  33.03     1:08.97 (35.94)     1:45.29 (36.32)     2:22.30 (37.01)
 10 Zukowski, Brooke A  15 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:24.53    2:23.78          7  
                  32.14     1:09.07 (36.93)     1:46.66 (37.59)     2:23.78 (37.12)
 11 McElrath, Isabella  16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:25.42    2:24.03          6  
                  33.03     1:09.67 (36.64)     1:47.03 (37.36)     2:24.03 (37.00)
 12 Dean, Frances E     16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:25.01    2:24.10          5  
                  32.95     1:09.50 (36.55)     1:46.44 (36.94)     2:24.10 (37.66)
 13 Holm, Allison J     17 Nation's Capital-PV  2:24.06    2:24.22          4  
                  33.02     1:08.97 (35.95)     1:46.43 (37.46)     2:24.22 (37.79)
 14 Churchill, Rebecca  16 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:25.12    2:25.67          3  
                  32.38     1:09.27 (36.89)     1:47.31 (38.04)     2:25.67 (38.36)
 15 Gribble, Dylan R    14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:24.05    2:25.72          2  
                  32.82     1:09.66 (36.84)     1:47.26 (37.60)     2:25.72 (38.46)
 16 Zangla, Lisa V      15 Nation's Capital-PV  2:25.35    2:26.17          1  
                  32.64     1:09.53 (36.89)     1:47.83 (38.30)     2:26.17 (38.34)
C - Final
 17 Vargas, Kristen G   17 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:27.91    2:24.17        
                  32.43     1:08.43 (36.00)     1:45.98 (37.55)     2:24.17 (38.19)
 18 Juneau, Ann         13 Allegheny North-AM   2:26.70    2:25.87        
                  33.52     1:10.43 (36.91)     1:48.11 (37.68)     2:25.87 (37.76)
 19 Kuhn, Erin E        16 Allegheny North-AM   2:27.10    2:26.03        
                  33.00     1:10.09 (37.09)     1:48.78 (38.69)     2:26.03 (37.25)
 20 Ritter, Sarah E     18 Merritt Athletic-MD  2:26.33    2:26.44        
                  33.60     1:09.45 (35.85)     1:47.62 (38.17)     2:26.44 (38.82)
 21 Liu, Caroline       16 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:26.65    2:27.00        
                  32.85     1:09.60 (36.75)     1:48.08 (38.48)     2:27.00 (38.92)
 22 Hockman, Amy E      18 Machine Aquatics-PV  2:26.69    2:27.32        
                  32.67     1:09.28 (36.61)     1:47.58 (38.30)     2:27.32 (39.74)
 23 Allard, Lauren M    16 York Swim Club-PV    2:27.52    2:29.16        
                  33.15     1:10.82 (37.67)     1:49.80 (38.98)     2:29.16 (39.36)
 24 Grube, Sydney E     16 All Star Aquatic-PV  2:27.82    2:29.21        
                  32.78     1:10.72 (37.94)     1:49.12 (38.40)     2:29.21 (40.09)
Event 19  Women 200 Yard Breaststroke
        EZSC: # 2:11.32   3/12/2005 Rebecca Soni, SAC-NJ                       
                2:13.29  NAT
                2:15.89  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  2:29.39
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Bodin, Alyssa B           20 UNAT-VA              2:14.19    2:15.87 qJRN   
                  30.29     1:04.21 (33.92)     1:39.74 (35.53)     2:15.87 (36.13)
  2 Szekely, Alexandra E      16 Central Bucks Sw-MA  2:12.81    2:17.65 q      
                  31.87     1:06.80 (34.93)     1:42.01 (35.21)     2:17.65 (35.64)
  3 Barber, Lauren E          17 Jewish Community-AM  2:23.10    2:17.96 q      
                  30.72     1:05.56 (34.84)     1:41.29 (35.73)     2:17.96 (36.67)
  4 Fernander, Katherine E    17 Pine Richland Aq-AM  2:18.02    2:19.42 q      
                  32.07     1:07.34 (35.27)     1:42.95 (35.61)     2:19.42 (36.47)
  5 Enoch, Geordie A          18 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:15.78    2:19.74 q      
                  31.63     1:07.44 (35.81)     1:43.44 (36.00)     2:19.74 (36.30)
  6 Vance, Erin J             14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:20.94    2:20.76 q      
                  31.59     1:06.97 (35.38)     1:43.62 (36.65)     2:20.76 (37.14)
  7 Antal, Katie E            18 Seneca Valley Sw-AM  2:21.54    2:22.13 q      
                  31.27     1:06.51 (35.24)     1:43.56 (37.05)     2:22.13 (38.57)
  8 Painter, Kathryn M        17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  2:23.53    2:22.42 q      
                  33.18     1:09.43 (36.25)     1:46.25 (36.82)     2:22.42 (36.17)
  9 Gribble, Dylan R          14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:26.92    2:24.05 q      
                  32.23     1:08.70 (36.47)     1:46.12 (37.42)     2:24.05 (37.93)
 10 Holm, Allison J           17 Nation's Capital-PV  2:23.73    2:24.06 q      
                  33.09     1:09.39 (36.30)     1:46.50 (37.11)     2:24.06 (37.56)
 11 Thomas, Danielle M        18 Parkland Aquatic-MA  2:22.42    2:24.26 q      
                  32.76     1:08.70 (35.94)     1:45.91 (37.21)     2:24.26 (38.35)
 12 Zukowski, Brooke A        15 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:22.80    2:24.53 q      
                  32.04     1:08.81 (36.77)     1:46.28 (37.47)     2:24.53 (38.25)
 13 Dean, Frances E           16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:24.73    2:25.01 q      
                  33.23     1:09.77 (36.54)     1:47.36 (37.59)     2:25.01 (37.65)
 14 Churchill, Rebecca H      16 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:23.02    2:25.12 q      
                  32.22     1:08.92 (36.70)     1:46.91 (37.99)     2:25.12 (38.21)
 15 Zangla, Lisa V            15 Nation's Capital-PV  2:22.33    2:25.35 q      
                  33.62     1:10.64 (37.02)     1:48.19 (37.55)     2:25.35 (37.16)
 16 McElrath, Isabella O      16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:23.81    2:25.42 q      
                  33.79     1:10.53 (36.74)     1:48.05 (37.52)     2:25.42 (37.37)
 17 Liu, Danielle             17 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:25.51    2:25.49 q      
                  32.45     1:09.41 (36.96)     1:47.23 (37.82)     2:25.49 (38.26)
 18 Ritter, Sarah E           18 Merritt Athletic-MD  2:23.44    2:26.33 q      
                  33.00     1:09.27 (36.27)     1:47.38 (38.11)     2:26.33 (38.95)
 19 Liu, Caroline             16 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:24.50    2:26.65 q      
                  32.85     1:09.26 (36.41)     1:47.57 (38.31)     2:26.65 (39.08)
 20 Hockman, Amy E            18 Machine Aquatics-PV  2:25.05    2:26.69 q      
                  33.23     1:10.00 (36.77)     1:48.07 (38.07)     2:26.69 (38.62)
 21 Juneau, Ann               13 Allegheny North-AM   2:23.41    2:26.70 q      
                  33.97     1:11.25 (37.28)     1:48.79 (37.54)     2:26.70 (37.91)
 22 Kuhn, Erin E              16 Allegheny North-AM   2:23.07    2:27.10 q      
                  33.18     1:10.36 (37.18)     1:48.41 (38.05)     2:27.10 (38.69)
 23 Allard, Lauren M          16 York Swim Club-PV    2:28.56    2:27.52 q      
                  32.76     1:10.44 (37.68)     1:48.84 (38.40)     2:27.52 (38.68)
 24 Grube, Sydney E           16 All Star Aquatic-PV  2:28.64    2:27.82 q      
                  32.60     1:09.88 (37.28)     1:48.36 (38.48)     2:27.82 (39.46)
 25 Vargas, Kristen G         17 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:24.37    2:27.91        
                  32.71     1:09.35 (36.64)     1:48.36 (39.01)     2:27.91 (39.55)
 26 Zimmerman, Kate M         17 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:27.08    2:28.19        
                  33.58     1:11.27 (37.69)     1:49.91 (38.64)     2:28.19 (38.28)
 27 Cahill, Sarah A           16 Nation's Capital-PV  2:25.52    2:28.37        
                  32.74     1:10.34 (37.60)     1:49.47 (39.13)     2:28.37 (38.90)
 28 Luigard, Claire           16 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:25.01    2:28.51        
                  33.09     1:10.39 (37.30)     1:48.93 (38.54)     2:28.51 (39.58)
 29 Vogel, Elisabeth G        16 Occoquan Swimmin-PV  2:28.78    2:28.91        
                  34.30     1:12.17 (37.87)   2:28.91 (1:16.74)                    
 30 Updegraff, Molly M        16 Monocacy Aquatic-MD  2:25.81    2:29.20        
                  33.19     1:10.92 (37.73)     1:49.71 (38.79)     2:29.20 (39.49)
 31 Shepherd, Sarah H         15 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:29.19    2:29.22        
                  33.94     1:11.43 (37.49)     1:50.00 (38.57)     2:29.22 (39.22)
 32 Sarhan, Leenah H          14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  2:27.25    2:29.41        
                  33.12     1:09.78 (36.66)     1:48.83 (39.05)     2:29.41 (40.58)
 33 Markous, Marina           16 Annapolis Swim C-MD  2:28.97    2:30.29        
                  34.06     1:11.74 (37.68)     1:50.79 (39.05)     2:30.29 (39.50)
 34 Freeman, Lauren D         16 Nation's Capital-PV  2:31.11    2:30.47        
                  34.63     1:13.17 (38.54)     1:52.10 (38.93)     2:30.47 (38.37)
 35 Deglau, Elizabeth N       16 Poseidon Swimmin-VA  2:29.03    2:30.60        
                  34.35     1:12.62 (38.27)     1:51.72 (39.10)     2:30.60 (38.88)
 36 Yarish, Emily A           17 Unattached-AM        2:27.55    2:30.80        
                  33.81     1:12.23 (38.42)     1:52.03 (39.80)     2:30.80 (38.77)
 37 Davis, Brittany O         16 Chesapeake Bay A-MD  2:28.25    2:31.23        
                  33.70     1:11.40 (37.70)     1:51.54 (40.14)     2:31.23 (39.69)
 38 Russoniello, Erin B       17 Chartiers Valley-AM  2:25.55    2:31.40        
                  33.06     1:11.97 (38.91)     1:51.36 (39.39)     2:31.40 (40.04)
 39 Howarth, Bailey S         15 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  2:27.27    2:32.07        
                  34.04     1:11.84 (37.80)     1:51.72 (39.88)     2:32.07 (40.35)
 40 Elshafei, Sabrina E       17 Columbia Aquatic-MD  2:28.18    2:32.15        
                  34.90     1:13.33 (38.43)     1:52.71 (39.38)     2:32.15 (39.44)
 41 Carmazzi, Brooke E        14 Pine Richland Aq-AM  2:26.17    2:32.55        
                  33.74     1:11.77 (38.03)     1:51.18 (39.41)     2:32.55 (41.37)
 42 Lundy, Katherine O        15 Arlington Aquati-PV  2:28.24    2:32.68        
                  34.09     1:13.16 (39.07)     1:52.78 (39.62)     2:32.68 (39.90)
 43 Saladino, Nicole N        16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  2:28.12    2:32.89        
                  34.04     1:12.63 (38.59)     1:52.40 (39.77)     2:32.89 (40.49)
 44 Neft, Sierra R            18 Chartiers Valley-AM  2:29.14    2:33.03        
                  34.21     1:13.64 (39.43)     1:53.73 (40.09)     2:33.03 (39.30)
 45 Paterson, Carolyn G       14 Regency Park Swi-VA  2:26.93    2:33.05        
                  33.34     1:11.80 (38.46)     1:52.09 (40.29)     2:33.05 (40.96)
 46 Ducey, Cameron D          14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:27.21    2:33.69        
                  34.02     1:12.39 (38.37)     1:52.45 (40.06)     2:33.69 (41.24)
 47 Bieber, Brianna J         15 Lancaster Aquati-MA  2:29.06    2:33.76        
                  33.50     1:12.00 (38.50)     1:52.47 (40.47)     2:33.76 (41.29)
 48 Reeves, Nicole E          15 Stingrays Swim T-VA  2:31.49    2:34.31        
                  34.05     1:13.20 (39.15)     1:53.40 (40.20)     2:34.31 (40.91)
 49 McDonald, Kellen L        17 Columbia Aquatic-MD  2:29.11    2:34.62        
                  35.18     1:14.41 (39.23)     1:54.00 (39.59)     2:34.62 (40.62)
 50 Horne, Rheagan A          15 Regency Park Swi-VA  2:31.36    2:34.81        
                  34.05     1:12.77 (38.72)     1:53.35 (40.58)     2:34.81 (41.46)
 51 Kaufman, Colleen D        15 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:28.87    2:35.09        
                  34.05     1:12.85 (38.80)   2:35.09 (1:22.24)                    
 52 Deperrot, Danielle J      17 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  2:27.97    2:35.42        
                  33.82     1:12.59 (38.77)     1:53.37 (40.78)     2:35.42 (42.05)
 53 Won, Je Moon              18 Sea Devil Swimmi-PV  2:31.82    2:35.75        
                  34.45     1:12.58 (38.13)     1:53.01 (40.43)     2:35.75 (42.74)
 54 Matusek, Ellie E          14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:33.80    2:35.85        
                  35.05     1:14.21 (39.16)     1:54.85 (40.64)     2:35.85 (41.00)
 55 Belsterling, Carley M     18 Seneca Valley Sw-AM  2:40.88    2:36.34        
                  34.53     1:14.25 (39.72)     1:55.25 (41.00)     2:36.34 (41.09)
 56 Jackson, India            13 Salvation Army K-MA  2:39.09    2:38.63        
                  34.20     1:14.11 (39.91)     1:56.32 (42.21)     2:38.63 (42.31)
 57 Sanidad, Cassandra J      13 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:31.97    2:40.09        
                  33.12     1:11.97 (38.85)     1:54.78 (42.81)     2:40.09 (45.31)
 -- Popera, Alexandra N       18 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:30.20        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Hjelle, Erica E           12 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:27.26        SCR        
 -- Wade, Allison E           13 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:27.28        SCR        
Event 21  Women 100 Yard Backstroke
        EZSC: # 53.46   3/27/2010 Felicia Lee, NBAC-MD                         
                53.89  NAT
                54.69  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  1:00.69
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Treuth, Alice L     17 Coastal Aquatics-MD    56.07      54.85         20  
                  26.65       54.85 (28.20)                                        
  2 Szekely, Alexandra  16 Central Bucks Sw-MA    56.13      55.30         17  
                  26.86       55.30 (28.44)                                        
  3 Enoch, Geordie A    18 Eagle Swim Team-MD     56.81      55.67         16  
                  27.23       55.67 (28.44)                                        
  4 Lee, Carrie R       16 Snow Swimming-PV       56.69      56.24         15  
                  27.09       56.24 (29.15)                                        
  5 Hsu, Helen          16 Unattached-MA          57.47      56.60         14  
                  27.38       56.60 (29.22)                                        
  6 Churman, Kayla M    16 Allegheny North-AM     57.60      56.82         13  
                  27.87       56.82 (28.95)                                        
  7 Scott, Morgan E     13 Central Bucks Sw-MA    57.17      57.85         12  
                  27.82       57.85 (30.03)                                        
  8 Ford, Kathryn A     18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    57.51      58.07         11  
                  27.99       58.07 (30.08)                                        
B - Final
  9 Zurmuhl, Hannah C   15 Central Bucks Sw-MA    58.32      57.44          9  
                  28.20       57.44 (29.24)                                        
 10 Schilken, Meghan M  17 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    58.05      57.74          7  
                  27.92       57.74 (29.82)                                        
 11 Fieeiki, Charlotte  12 Nation's Capital-PV    58.14      58.04          6  
                  28.05       58.04 (29.99)                                        
 12 Brickner, Charlie   17 Allegheny North-AM     58.55      58.07          5  
                  28.52       58.07 (29.55)                                        
 13 Wroniewicz, Katie   15 Snow Swimming-PV       58.41      58.18          4  
                  28.20       58.18 (29.98)                                        
 14 Caulfield, Alissa   17 Retriever Aquati-MD    58.69      58.77          3  
                  28.70       58.77 (30.07)                                        
 15 Smolyansky, Tatyan  17 Radnor Aquatic C-MA    58.71      58.99          2  
                  28.48       58.99 (30.51)                                        
 16 Sullivan, Laura F   17 Machine Aquatics-PV    58.55      59.10          1  
                  28.49       59.10 (30.61)                                        
C - Final
 17 Icard, Jacy P       18 Monocacy Aquatic-MD    58.72      58.06        
                  27.70       58.06 (30.36)                                        
 18 Hanson, Kaleigh T   15 Columbia Aquatic-MD    58.92      58.85        
                  28.40       58.85 (30.45)                                        
 19 Hayburn, Annie C    15 Annapolis Swim C-MD    58.94      58.94        
                  28.09       58.94 (30.85)                                        
 20 Beasley, Sia T      17 Fox Chapel Kille-AM    58.79      58.97        
                  28.66       58.97 (30.31)                                        
 21 Puskar-Beckett, Al  15 Nation's Capital-PV    58.83      59.13        
                  28.52       59.13 (30.61)                                        
 22 Parsons, Abigail M  15 Seneca Valley Sw-AM    58.94      59.14        
                  28.54       59.14 (30.60)                                        
 23 Blair, Madeline M   16 Una Paac-MA            58.98      59.20        
                  28.85       59.20 (30.35)                                        
 24 Catron, Sydney M    14 Nation's Capital-PV    58.82    1:00.29        
                  28.87     1:00.29 (31.42)                                        
Event 21  Women 100 Yard Backstroke
        EZSC: # 53.46   3/27/2010 Felicia Lee, NBAC-MD                         
                53.89  NAT
                54.69  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  1:00.69
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Treuth, Alice L           17 Coastal Aquatics-MD    54.73      56.07 q      
                  27.20       56.07 (28.87)                                        
  2 Szekely, Alexandra E      16 Central Bucks Sw-MA    53.80      56.13 q      
                  27.47       56.13 (28.66)                                        
  3 Lee, Carrie R             16 Snow Swimming-PV       55.95      56.69 q      
                  27.45       56.69 (29.24)                                        
  4 Enoch, Geordie A          18 Eagle Swim Team-MD     55.01      56.81 q      
                  27.74       56.81 (29.07)                                        
  5 Scott, Morgan E           13 Central Bucks Sw-MA    58.14      57.17 q      
                  27.63       57.17 (29.54)                                        
  6 Hsu, Helen                16 Unattached-MA          57.26      57.47 q      
                  27.72       57.47 (29.75)                                        
  7 Ford, Kathryn A           18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    56.13      57.51 q      
                  28.11       57.51 (29.40)                                        
  8 Churman, Kayla M          16 Allegheny North-AM     56.75      57.60 q      
                  28.40       57.60 (29.20)                                        
  9 Schilken, Meghan M        17 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    56.16      58.05 q      
                  28.54       58.05 (29.51)                                        
 10 Fieeiki, Charlotte L      12 Nation's Capital-PV    58.53      58.14 q      
                  27.76       58.14 (30.38)                                        
 11 Zurmuhl, Hannah C         15 Central Bucks Sw-MA    58.77      58.32 q      
                  28.84       58.32 (29.48)                                        
 12 Wroniewicz, Katie A       15 Snow Swimming-PV       58.02      58.41 q      
                  28.21       58.41 (30.20)                                        
 13 Brickner, Charlie K       17 Allegheny North-AM     59.70      58.55 q      
                  28.51       58.55 (30.04)                                        
 13 Sullivan, Laura F         17 Machine Aquatics-PV    58.62      58.55 q      
                  28.40       58.55 (30.15)                                        
 15 Caulfield, Alissa C       17 Retriever Aquati-MD    58.14      58.69 q      
                  28.56       58.69 (30.13)                                        
 16 Smolyansky, Tatyana Y     17 Radnor Aquatic C-MA    58.03      58.71 q      
                  28.41       58.71 (30.30)                                        
 17 Icard, Jacy P             18 Monocacy Aquatic-MD    58.43      58.72 q      
                  28.05       58.72 (30.67)                                        
 18 Beasley, Sia T            17 Fox Chapel Kille-AM    57.12      58.79 q      
                  28.34       58.79 (30.45)                                        
 19 Catron, Sydney M          14 Nation's Capital-PV  1:01.12      58.82 q      
                  28.73       58.82 (30.09)                                        
 20 Puskar-Beckett, Alexandr  15 Nation's Capital-PV    59.10      58.83 q      
                  28.42       58.83 (30.41)                                        
 21 Hanson, Kaleigh T         15 Columbia Aquatic-MD    59.17      58.92 q      
                  28.48       58.92 (30.44)                                        
 22 Hayburn, Annie C          15 Annapolis Swim C-MD    57.92      58.94 q      
                  28.37       58.94 (30.57)                                        
 22 Parsons, Abigail M        15 Seneca Valley Sw-AM  1:00.52      58.94 q      
                  28.51       58.94 (30.43)                                        
 24 Blair, Madeline M         16 Una Paac-MA            59.52      58.98 q      
                  28.84       58.98 (30.14)                                        
 25 Jones, Courtney E         16 Regency Park Swi-VA    59.48     J58.98        
                  28.95       58.98 (30.03)                                        
 26 Alvarado, Carly M         16 Nation's Capital-PV    59.32      58.99        
                  28.51       58.99 (30.48)                                        
 27 Karam, Sydnee S           17 Parkland Aquatic-MA    59.54      59.00        
                  28.77       59.00 (30.23)                                        
 28 Vance, Emily R            16 Una Rac-MD             58.82      59.07        
                  28.75       59.07 (30.32)                                        
 28 Liberto, Morgan S         13 Columbia Aquatic-MD  1:00.17      59.07        
                  29.09       59.07 (29.98)                                        
 30 Nielson, Alayna R         13 Eagle Swim Team-MD     58.71      59.11        
                  28.74       59.11 (30.37)                                        
 31 Jones, Meghan L           16 Shockwaves Aquat-MA    58.75      59.18        
                  28.66       59.18 (30.52)                                        
 32 McGrath, Lauren N         15 Allegheny North-AM     59.66      59.23        
                  29.20       59.23 (30.03)                                        
 33 Cotter, Theresa J         17 Columbia Aquatic-MD    58.00      59.25        
                  28.90       59.25 (30.35)                                        
 34 Shepherd, Sarah H         15 Duke Aquatics-NC       59.18      59.34        
                  29.08       59.34 (30.26)                                        
 35 Caputo, Gianna M          16 Allegheny North-AM     59.68      59.37        
                  29.49       59.37 (29.88)                                        
 36 Quinn, Courtney R         18 Nittany Lion Aqu-MA    58.58      59.43        
                  28.46       59.43 (30.97)                                        
 37 Smith, Katherine M        14 Nation's Capital-PV  1:00.28      59.47        
                  28.99       59.47 (30.48)                                        
 38 Flanagan, Clare C         15 Hampton Dolphins-AM    57.94      59.54        
                  28.80       59.54 (30.74)                                        
 39 Lemone, Alexis A          15 All Star Aquatic-PV    59.11      59.55        
                  28.98       59.55 (30.57)                                        
 40 Petrak, Taylor E          14 Riverside Aqua C-AM    59.00      59.61        
                  28.83       59.61 (30.78)                                        
 41 McGlaughlin, Juliet E     16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:00.36      59.66        
                  28.87       59.66 (30.79)                                        
 42 Barnard, Emily R          16 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA    58.83      59.70        
                  29.08       59.70 (30.62)                                        
 43 Kosic, Abby M             16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:00.07      59.71        
                  29.43       59.71 (30.28)                                        
 44 Raber, Shelby E           12 H2okie Aquatics-VA     58.99      59.72        
                  28.93       59.72 (30.79)                                        
 45 Van Netta, Alyssa A       14 Retriever Aquati-MD    59.21      59.76        
                  29.19       59.76 (30.57)                                        
 46 Kegel, Samantha J         17 Lancaster Aquati-MA    59.77      59.80        
                  29.09       59.80 (30.71)                                        
 47 Jordan, Erin K            17 Parkland Aquatic-MA    57.18      59.81        
                  28.84       59.81 (30.97)                                        
 48 Silpacharn, Pim           16 Snow Swimming-PV     1:00.31      59.94        
                  28.82       59.94 (31.12)                                        
 49 McGillicuddy, Kelly F     16 Columbia Aquatic-MD    59.94      59.99        
 50 Brinkhoff, Allison M      17 Bethel Park Recr-AM    57.24    1:00.02        
                  29.26     1:00.02 (30.76)                                        
 51 Joseph, Morgan J          17 Cavalier Swim Cl-AM    59.40    1:00.04        
                  29.11     1:00.04 (30.93)                                        
 51 Manning, Eliza K          15 Monocacy Aquatic-MD  1:00.58    1:00.04        
                  29.03     1:00.04 (31.01)                                        
 53 O'Connor, Mackenzie S     13 Salvation Army K-MA    59.78    1:00.05        
                  29.23     1:00.05 (30.82)                                        
 54 Sizemore, Karah M         17 Stingrays Swim T-VA  1:00.07    1:00.06        
                  29.37     1:00.06 (30.69)                                        
 55 Nguyen, Claire P          13 Nation's Capital-PV  1:00.48    1:00.18        
                  29.25     1:00.18 (30.93)                                        
 56 Lee, Isabella C           13 Arlington Aquati-PV  1:00.30    1:00.26        
                  28.96     1:00.26 (31.30)                                        
 57 Bonetta-Misteli, Frances  13 Nation's Capital-PV    59.63    1:00.29        
                  29.16     1:00.29 (31.13)                                        
 58 Liu, Caroline             16 Duke Aquatics-NC       58.74    1:00.33        
                  29.19     1:00.33 (31.14)                                        
 59 Rhodes, Caroline K        14 Nation's Capital-PV  1:00.15    1:00.34        
                  29.72     1:00.34 (30.62)                                        
 59 Hochkeppel, Shannon R     15 Eagle Swim Team-MD     59.93    1:00.34        
                  29.12     1:00.34 (31.22)                                        
 61 Depietro, Rachael F       18 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    59.02    1:00.36        
                  29.36     1:00.36 (31.00)                                        
 62 Matthias, Brooke D        13 Nation's Capital-PV  1:01.07    1:00.42        
                  29.23     1:00.42 (31.19)                                        
 63 Kelly, Madison            15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:00.10    1:00.53        
                  29.80     1:00.53 (30.73)                                        
 64 May, Kayla R              13 Columbia Aquatic-MD  1:00.26    1:00.54        
                  29.85     1:00.54 (30.69)                                        
 65 Rusinko, Hannah E         15 Norwin Aqua Club-AM    59.58    1:00.58        
                  29.53     1:00.58 (31.05)                                        
 66 McGuire-Wien, Eleanore V  15 All Star Aquatic-PV  1:00.61    1:00.59        
                  29.68     1:00.59 (30.91)                                        
 67 Byrnes, Julia M           13 Nation's Capital-PV  1:00.08    1:00.60        
                  29.62     1:00.60 (30.98)                                        
 68 Kelly, Lauren A           14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA    59.41    1:00.62        
                  30.09     1:00.62 (30.53)                                        
 69 Wilson, Sarah K           16 Monocacy Aquatic-MD    59.51    1:00.65        
                  29.89     1:00.65 (30.76)                                        
 70 Reynolds, Hope W          14 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:00.20    1:00.67        
                  29.36     1:00.67 (31.31)                                        
 71 McComas, Katherine R      16 North Baltimore-MD   1:00.19    1:00.69        
                  29.69     1:00.69 (31.00)                                        
 71 Tiberino, Alicia M        17 Rockville Montgo-PV    59.57    1:00.69        
                  29.41     1:00.69 (31.28)                                        
 73 Krug, Paris M             16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM    59.10    1:00.70        
                  29.19     1:00.70 (31.51)                                        
 73 Kenis, Samantha N         17 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:00.32    1:00.70        
                  29.30     1:00.70 (31.40)                                        
 75 Popalis, Madyson L        16 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    59.76    1:00.77        
                  29.33     1:00.77 (31.44)                                        
 76 French, Olivia R          14 Nation's Capital-PV  1:00.24    1:00.79        
                  28.78     1:00.79 (32.01)                                        
 77 Chewning, Stephanie R     16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:00.86    1:00.84        
                  29.65     1:00.84 (31.19)                                        
 78 Null, Siani A             16 Pine Richland Aq-AM  1:00.47    1:00.87        
                  29.75     1:00.87 (31.12)                                        
 79 Mooney, Taylor A          17 Coastal Aquatics-MD    59.87    1:00.90        
                  29.79     1:00.90 (31.11)                                        
 80 Obando, Grace E           15 Potomac Marlins-PV   1:02.32    1:00.96        
                  29.71     1:00.96 (31.25)                                        
 81 Gaston, Sara N            13 Burkwood Aquatic-VA    59.79    1:00.98        
                  29.84     1:00.98 (31.14)                                        
 82 King, Erica L             15 Pine Richland Aq-AM  1:03.21    1:01.05        
                  30.08     1:01.05 (30.97)                                        
 83 Littlepage, Madison G     14 Potomac Marlins-PV   1:00.38    1:01.06        
                  29.51     1:01.06 (31.55)                                        
 84 St. Martin, Brooke T      17 Eagle Swim Team-MD   1:02.49    1:01.08        
                  29.73     1:01.08 (31.35)                                        
 85 Ward, Trinity M           13 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:00.47    1:01.09        
                  29.31     1:01.09 (31.78)                                        
 86 Schlosser, Emily N        14 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:00.16    1:01.14        
                  29.93     1:01.14 (31.21)                                        
 87 Huckenpoehler, Grace A    16 Cardinal & Gold-MD   1:02.09    1:01.21        
                  29.46     1:01.21 (31.75)                                        
 88 Haeberle, Lily A          15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:08.17L   1:01.35        
                  29.82     1:01.35 (31.53)                                        
 89 Adams, Emily A            16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:00.41    1:01.48        
                  29.37     1:01.48 (32.11)                                        
 90 Byer, Brittany M          16 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:01.22    1:01.50        
                  29.94     1:01.50 (31.56)                                        
 91 Wenhold, Jaimy A          14 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:01.67    1:01.61        
                  30.39     1:01.61 (31.22)                                        
 92 Cochran, Jessica R        16 Norwin Aqua Club-AM    59.65    1:01.85        
                  30.42     1:01.85 (31.43)                                        
 93 Byrd, Rebecca A           16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:00.78    1:01.94        
                  30.18     1:01.94 (31.76)                                        
 94 Morrisey, Michelle L      15 Poseidon Swimmin-VA  1:01.33    1:01.98        
                  30.25     1:01.98 (31.73)                                        
 95 Drummond, Olivia C        16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:01.70    1:02.15        
                  29.92     1:02.15 (32.23)                                        
 96 Jacobson, Anastasia E     14 Naval Academy Aq-MD  1:00.70    1:02.16        
                  30.28     1:02.16 (31.88)                                        
 97 Griffith, Lauren M        17 Central Bucks Sw-MA  1:00.42    1:02.45        
                  30.34     1:02.45 (32.11)                                        
 98 Feola, Natalie M          18 Chartiers Valley-AM  1:00.21    1:02.83        
                  30.52     1:02.83 (32.31)                                        
 99 Martin, Katlyn E          16 HoCo Aquatics-MD     1:01.08    1:02.93        
                  30.39     1:02.93 (32.54)                                        
100 Laffey, Makenna K         16 Pine Richland Aq-AM  1:02.15    1:03.05        
                  30.24     1:03.05 (32.81)                                        
101 Kramer, Kelly N           17 Bethel Park Recr-AM    59.93    1:03.09        
                  30.52     1:03.09 (32.57)                                        
102 Webber, Mackenzie A       18 Seneca Valley Sw-AM  1:02.98    1:03.20        
                  30.53     1:03.20 (32.67)                                        
103 Gieseman, Evie E          14 Arlington Aquati-PV  1:03.93    1:03.22        
                  30.55     1:03.22 (32.67)                                        
104 Yu, Rona                  16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:01.29    1:03.28        
                  30.88     1:03.28 (32.40)                                        
105 Morrison, Michaela        15 Arlington Aquati-PV  1:01.09    1:03.48        
                  30.53     1:03.48 (32.95)                                        
106 Nash, Savannah R          13 Nation's Capital-PV  1:01.69    1:03.54        
                  30.42     1:03.54 (33.12)                                        
107 Sheffer, Julia J          16 Virginia Gators-VA   1:03.13    1:03.55        
                  30.75     1:03.55 (32.80)                                        
108 Murphy, Ryan E            18 Herndon Aquatic-PV     58.68    1:03.66        
                  30.57     1:03.66 (33.09)                                        
109 Schere, Yvonne A          15 Annapolis Swim C-MD  1:03.02    1:03.85        
                  31.27     1:03.85 (32.58)                                        
110 Stewart, Sydni R          15 Salvation Army K-MA  1:04.89    1:04.19        
                  30.98     1:04.19 (33.21)                                        
110 Rymer, Rachel J           15 Coast Guard Blue-VA  1:03.77    1:04.19        
                  31.02     1:04.19 (33.17)                                        
 -- Jubin, Olivia A           13 Nation's Capital-PV    59.79         NS        
 -- Long, Kelly A             17 Retriever Aquati-MD  1:00.26        SCR        
 -- Mautino, Sarah L          14 Jewish Community-AM    57.81        SCR        
 -- Smolyansky, Alexandra Y   15 Radnor Aquatic C-MA    58.82        SCR        
 -- Harper, Shannon A         19 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:00.58        SCR        
 -- Miller, Makenzie C        17 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:00.69        SCR        
 -- Patterson, Linnea R       17 Williamsburg Aqu-VA    59.51        SCR        
 -- Greguric, Hannah N        16 Peters Township-AM   1:03.90        SCR        
 -- Schmid, Olivia F          13 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:01.15        SCR        
 -- Clark, Rachel S           13 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:01.29        SCR        
Event 23  Women 500 Yard Freestyle
        EZSC: # 4:36.51   3/19/2005 Kate Ziegler, FISH-PV                      
                4:45.99  NAT
                4:49.09  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  5:09.79
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Nunan, Amanda J     15 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  4:56.85    4:52.29         20  
                  26.23       54.82 (28.59)     1:24.35 (29.53)     1:54.05 (29.70)
        2:23.71 (29.66)     2:53.48 (29.77)     3:23.26 (29.78)     3:53.31 (30.05)
        4:23.36 (30.05)     4:52.29 (28.93)                                        
  2 Walz, Delaney R     15 G P A C-MA           4:57.93    4:53.68         17  
                  27.06       56.14 (29.08)     1:25.68 (29.54)     1:55.23 (29.55)
        2:24.93 (29.70)     2:54.84 (29.91)     3:24.60 (29.76)     3:54.45 (29.85)
        4:24.85 (30.40)     4:53.68 (28.83)                                        
  3 Chabbott, Amanda H  16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   5:00.82    4:55.84         16  
                  26.87       56.26 (29.39)     1:26.25 (29.99)     1:56.82 (30.57)
        2:27.43 (30.61)     2:57.56 (30.13)     3:27.56 (30.00)     3:57.87 (30.31)
        4:27.55 (29.68)     4:55.84 (28.29)                                        
  4 Liu, Danielle       17 Duke Aquatics-NC     4:57.54    4:56.99         15  
                  26.62       55.84 (29.22)     1:25.51 (29.67)     1:55.47 (29.96)
        2:25.67 (30.20)     2:55.94 (30.27)     3:26.10 (30.16)     3:56.83 (30.73)
        4:27.50 (30.67)     4:56.99 (29.49)                                        
  5 Daday, Caitlin E    18 Parkland Aquatic-MA  4:58.01    4:57.42         14  
                  27.25       56.37 (29.12)     1:26.52 (30.15)     1:56.77 (30.25)
        2:27.34 (30.57)     2:57.41 (30.07)     3:28.05 (30.64)     3:58.55 (30.50)
        4:28.42 (29.87)     4:57.42 (29.00)                                        
  6 Harper, Shannon A   19 Machine Aquatics-PV  4:57.74    5:00.55         13  
                  27.15       56.06 (28.91)     1:25.38 (29.32)     1:55.18 (29.80)
        2:25.16 (29.98)     2:55.31 (30.15)     3:25.95 (30.64)     3:57.21 (31.26)
        4:29.02 (31.81)     5:00.55 (31.53)                                        
  7 Jordan, Erin K      17 Parkland Aquatic-MA  5:02.50    5:02.55         12  
                  27.90       57.58 (29.68)     1:27.51 (29.93)     1:57.95 (30.44)
        2:28.41 (30.46)     2:59.21 (30.80)     3:30.01 (30.80)     4:01.01 (31.00)
        4:32.26 (31.25)     5:02.55 (30.29)                                        
  8 Painter, Kathryn M  17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  4:58.75    5:06.67         11  
                  27.51       57.43 (29.92)     1:28.41 (30.98)     1:59.69 (31.28)
        2:30.97 (31.28)     3:02.21 (31.24)     3:33.74 (31.53)     4:05.14 (31.40)
        4:36.38 (31.24)     5:06.67 (30.29)                                        
B - Final
  9 Daday, Colleen M    15 Parkland Aquatic-MA  5:03.98    5:01.12          9  
                  27.92       57.47 (29.55)     1:27.33 (29.86)     1:57.55 (30.22)
        2:27.68 (30.13)     2:58.25 (30.57)     3:29.19 (30.94)     4:00.18 (30.99)
        4:30.87 (30.69)     5:01.12 (30.25)                                        
 10 Mautino, Sarah L    14 Jewish Community-AM  5:05.16    5:02.30          7  
                  27.39       57.46 (30.07)     1:27.90 (30.44)     1:58.29 (30.39)
        2:29.12 (30.83)     2:59.98 (30.86)     3:30.74 (30.76)     4:01.28 (30.54)
        4:32.09 (30.81)     5:02.30 (30.21)                                        
 11 Waters, Carly J     18 Retriever Aquati-MD  5:04.35    5:03.60          6  
                  27.55       57.33 (29.78)     1:27.84 (30.51)     1:58.58 (30.74)
        2:29.42 (30.84)     3:00.39 (30.97)     3:31.41 (31.02)     4:02.49 (31.08)
        4:33.37 (30.88)     5:03.60 (30.23)                                        
 12 Anderson, Gail F    15 Rockville Montgo-PV  5:04.67    5:04.50          5  
                  28.02       57.70 (29.68)     1:27.88 (30.18)     1:58.36 (30.48)
        2:29.22 (30.86)     3:00.49 (31.27)     3:31.91 (31.42)     4:03.28 (31.37)
        4:34.33 (31.05)     5:04.50 (30.17)                                        
 13 Merriman, Abigail   15 Cardinal & Gold-MD   5:04.27    5:04.61          4  
                  27.14       56.95 (29.81)     1:27.28 (30.33)     1:58.20 (30.92)
        2:29.10 (30.90)     3:00.21 (31.11)     3:31.47 (31.26)     4:02.85 (31.38)
        4:34.31 (31.46)     5:04.61 (30.30)                                        
 14 Nugent, Celine E    14 Rockville Montgo-PV  5:03.91    5:06.19          3  
                  27.63       57.82 (30.19)     1:28.10 (30.28)     1:58.86 (30.76)
        2:29.62 (30.76)     3:00.86 (31.24)     3:32.34 (31.48)     4:04.03 (31.69)
        4:35.56 (31.53)     5:06.19 (30.63)                                        
 15 Sowinski, Monica H  16 Greater Latrobe-AM   5:04.35    5:06.58          2  
                  27.06       56.68 (29.62)     1:27.09 (30.41)     1:58.00 (30.91)
        2:29.19 (31.19)     3:00.44 (31.25)     3:32.02 (31.58)     4:03.85 (31.83)
        4:35.49 (31.64)     5:06.58 (31.09)                                        
 16 Hursey, Karly M     18 Merritt Athletic-MD  5:03.94    5:06.67          1  
                  27.37       57.02 (29.65)     1:27.55 (30.53)     1:58.44 (30.89)
        2:29.30 (30.86)     3:00.91 (31.61)     3:32.37 (31.46)     4:03.99 (31.62)
        4:35.71 (31.72)     5:06.67 (30.96)                                        
C - Final
 17 Karam, Sydnee S     17 Parkland Aquatic-MA  5:06.86    5:04.60        
                  28.13       58.23 (30.10)     1:28.73 (30.50)     1:59.38 (30.65)
        2:30.13 (30.75)     3:00.99 (30.86)     3:31.92 (30.93)     4:03.02 (31.10)
        4:33.99 (30.97)     5:04.60 (30.61)                                        
 18 Miller, Makenzie C  17 Machine Aquatics-PV  5:08.26    5:07.89        
                  27.53       57.95 (30.42)     1:28.77 (30.82)     2:00.06 (31.29)
        2:31.28 (31.22)     3:03.51 (32.23)     3:35.15 (31.64)     4:06.74 (31.59)
        4:37.94 (31.20)     5:07.89 (29.95)                                        
 19 McNichol, Madison   18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  5:07.30    5:07.95        
                  28.17       58.35 (30.18)     1:29.10 (30.75)     2:00.00 (30.90)
        2:31.12 (31.12)     3:02.55 (31.43)     3:34.13 (31.58)     4:05.75 (31.62)
        4:37.32 (31.57)     5:07.95 (30.63)                                        
 20 Knibb, Taylor B     16 Una Ncap-PV          5:08.78    5:08.02        
                  27.39       57.37 (29.98)     1:28.21 (30.84)     1:59.49 (31.28)
        2:31.11 (31.62)     3:02.67 (31.56)     3:34.46 (31.79)     4:06.14 (31.68)
        4:37.72 (31.58)     5:08.02 (30.30)                                        
 21 Giddings, Grace B   13 Rockville Montgo-PV  5:09.18    5:08.86        
                  28.40       58.87 (30.47)     1:29.84 (30.97)     2:00.74 (30.90)
        2:31.69 (30.95)     3:03.19 (31.50)     3:34.81 (31.62)     4:06.30 (31.49)
        4:37.83 (31.53)     5:08.86 (31.03)                                        
 22 Clark, Danielle B   16 Retriever Aquati-MD  5:08.69    5:10.76        
                  28.05       58.52 (30.47)     1:29.42 (30.90)     2:00.67 (31.25)
        2:32.24 (31.57)     3:03.64 (31.40)     3:35.49 (31.85)     4:07.34 (31.85)
        4:39.46 (32.12)     5:10.76 (31.30)                                        
 23 McCulla, Christine  16 Nation's Capital-PV  5:07.77    5:13.18        
                  27.65       58.28 (30.63)     1:29.50 (31.22)     2:00.86 (31.36)
        2:32.32 (31.46)     3:04.12 (31.80)     3:36.05 (31.93)     4:08.21 (32.16)
        4:40.89 (32.68)     5:13.18 (32.29)                                        
 24 Otwell, Bria N      16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  5:07.92    5:18.00        
                  27.74       58.47 (30.73)     1:30.27 (31.80)     2:02.55 (32.28)
        2:34.99 (32.44)     3:07.24 (32.25)     3:39.88 (32.64)     4:12.79 (32.91)
        4:45.84 (33.05)     5:18.00 (32.16)                                        
Event 23  Women 500 Yard Freestyle
        EZSC: # 4:36.51   3/19/2005 Kate Ziegler, FISH-PV                      
                4:45.99  NAT
                4:49.09  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  5:09.79
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Nunan, Amanda J           15 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  4:51.93    4:56.85 q      
                  27.00       56.17 (29.17)     1:26.38 (30.21)     1:56.38 (30.00)
        2:26.62 (30.24)     2:56.59 (29.97)     3:26.93 (30.34)     3:57.17 (30.24)
        4:27.32 (30.15)     4:56.85 (29.53)                                        
  2 Liu, Danielle             17 Duke Aquatics-NC     4:57.04    4:57.54 q      
                  26.87       55.91 (29.04)     1:25.60 (29.69)     1:55.40 (29.80)
        2:25.49 (30.09)     2:55.80 (30.31)     3:26.27 (30.47)     3:56.93 (30.66)
        4:27.73 (30.80)     4:57.54 (29.81)                                        
  3 Harper, Shannon A         19 Machine Aquatics-PV  4:57.46    4:57.74 q      
                  27.58       56.99 (29.41)     1:26.53 (29.54)     1:56.48 (29.95)
        2:26.65 (30.17)     2:56.64 (29.99)     3:26.77 (30.13)     3:57.05 (30.28)
        4:27.72 (30.67)     4:57.74 (30.02)                                        
  4 Walz, Delaney R           15 G P A C-MA           4:54.03    4:57.93 q      
                  26.98       56.39 (29.41)     1:25.90 (29.51)     1:56.00 (30.10)
        2:26.00 (30.00)     2:56.26 (30.26)     3:27.29 (31.03)     3:57.87 (30.58)
        4:28.71 (30.84)     4:57.93 (29.22)                                        
  5 Daday, Caitlin E          18 Parkland Aquatic-MA  4:58.27    4:58.01 q      
                  27.59       56.56 (28.97)     1:26.06 (29.50)     1:56.13 (30.07)
        2:26.41 (30.28)     2:56.91 (30.50)     3:27.60 (30.69)     3:58.56 (30.96)
        4:29.17 (30.61)     4:58.01 (28.84)                                        
  6 Painter, Kathryn M        17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  4:56.48    4:58.75 q      
                  27.94       58.57 (30.63)     1:28.94 (30.37)     1:59.36 (30.42)
        2:29.43 (30.07)     2:59.19 (29.76)     3:29.15 (29.96)     3:59.20 (30.05)
        4:29.39 (30.19)     4:58.75 (29.36)                                        
  7 Chabbott, Amanda H        16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   4:57.11    5:00.82 q      
                  27.40       57.61 (30.21)     1:28.35 (30.74)     1:58.87 (30.52)
        2:29.68 (30.81)     3:00.58 (30.90)     3:30.44 (29.86)     4:01.08 (30.64)
        4:31.25 (30.17)     5:00.82 (29.57)                                        
  8 Jordan, Erin K            17 Parkland Aquatic-MA  4:57.07    5:02.50 q      
                  27.43       57.21 (29.78)     1:27.47 (30.26)     1:58.02 (30.55)
        2:28.84 (30.82)     2:59.70 (30.86)     3:30.77 (31.07)     4:01.92 (31.15)
        4:33.18 (31.26)     5:02.50 (29.32)                                        
  9 Szekely, Alexandra E      16 Central Bucks Sw-MA  5:02.63    5:03.59 q      
                  26.81       55.84 (29.03)     1:25.45 (29.61)     1:55.44 (29.99)
        2:25.76 (30.32)     2:56.05 (30.29)     3:26.99 (30.94)     3:58.79 (31.80)
        4:31.25 (32.46)     5:03.59 (32.34)                                        
 10 Nugent, Celine E          14 Rockville Montgo-PV  5:07.51    5:03.91 q      
                  28.08       58.45 (30.37)     1:29.22 (30.77)     1:59.79 (30.57)
        2:30.28 (30.49)     3:00.82 (30.54)     3:31.57 (30.75)     4:02.63 (31.06)
        4:33.91 (31.28)     5:03.91 (30.00)                                        
 11 Hursey, Karly M           18 Merritt Athletic-MD  5:07.91    5:03.94 q      
                  27.79       57.52 (29.73)     1:27.92 (30.40)     1:58.92 (31.00)
        2:29.47 (30.55)     3:00.63 (31.16)     3:31.87 (31.24)     4:03.13 (31.26)
        4:33.97 (30.84)     5:03.94 (29.97)                                        
 12 Daday, Colleen M          15 Parkland Aquatic-MA  5:00.78    5:03.98 q      
                  28.39       58.70 (30.31)     1:28.53 (29.83)     1:58.71 (30.18)
        2:28.93 (30.22)     2:59.51 (30.58)     3:30.23 (30.72)     4:01.67 (31.44)
        4:33.19 (31.52)     5:03.98 (30.79)                                        
 13 Merriman, Abigail F       15 Cardinal & Gold-MD   5:05.45    5:04.27 q      
                  27.32       57.12 (29.80)     1:27.60 (30.48)     1:58.53 (30.93)
        2:29.54 (31.01)     3:00.52 (30.98)     3:31.48 (30.96)     4:02.95 (31.47)
        4:34.31 (31.36)     5:04.27 (29.96)                                        
 14 Sowinski, Monica H        16 Greater Latrobe-AM   5:13.38    5:04.35 q      
                  26.98       56.60 (29.62)     1:27.10 (30.50)     1:58.13 (31.03)
        2:29.29 (31.16)     3:00.50 (31.21)     3:31.50 (31.00)     4:02.53 (31.03)
        4:33.85 (31.32)     5:04.35 (30.50)                                        
 14 Waters, Carly J           18 Retriever Aquati-MD  5:03.07    5:04.35 q      
                  28.00       58.08 (30.08)     1:28.67 (30.59)     1:59.47 (30.80)
        2:30.28 (30.81)     3:01.09 (30.81)     3:32.01 (30.92)     4:03.13 (31.12)
        4:34.11 (30.98)     5:04.35 (30.24)                                        
 16 Anderson, Gail F          15 Rockville Montgo-PV  5:01.83    5:04.67 q      
                  28.26       58.25 (29.99)     1:28.80 (30.55)     1:59.38 (30.58)
        2:30.04 (30.66)     3:01.08 (31.04)     3:32.19 (31.11)     4:03.11 (30.92)
        4:34.37 (31.26)     5:04.67 (30.30)                                        
 17 Mautino, Sarah L          14 Jewish Community-AM  5:01.00    5:05.16 q      
                  27.13       56.59 (29.46)     1:26.92 (30.33)     1:57.55 (30.63)
        2:28.61 (31.06)     2:59.84 (31.23)     3:31.25 (31.41)     4:03.05 (31.80)
        4:34.74 (31.69)     5:05.16 (30.42)                                        
 18 Karam, Sydnee S           17 Parkland Aquatic-MA  5:03.64    5:06.86 q      
                  28.29       58.22 (29.93)     1:28.45 (30.23)     1:59.06 (30.61)
        2:30.22 (31.16)     3:01.46 (31.24)     3:32.69 (31.23)     4:04.40 (31.71)
        4:35.78 (31.38)     5:06.86 (31.08)                                        
 19 McNichol, Madison J       18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  5:03.94    5:07.30 q      
                  28.56       58.67 (30.11)     1:29.30 (30.63)     1:59.98 (30.68)
        2:30.81 (30.83)     3:01.71 (30.90)     3:33.11 (31.40)     4:04.87 (31.76)
        4:36.46 (31.59)     5:07.30 (30.84)                                        
 20 McCulla, Christine C      16 Nation's Capital-PV  5:12.71    5:07.77 q      
                  27.32       57.17 (29.85)     1:28.25 (31.08)     1:59.33 (31.08)
        2:30.14 (30.81)     3:01.28 (31.14)     3:32.44 (31.16)     4:04.07 (31.63)
        4:36.05 (31.98)     5:07.77 (31.72)                                        
 21 Otwell, Bria N            16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  5:04.36    5:07.92 q      
                  27.63       57.58 (29.95)     1:28.17 (30.59)     1:59.16 (30.99)
        2:30.54 (31.38)     3:02.24 (31.70)     3:33.92 (31.68)     4:05.70 (31.78)
        4:37.19 (31.49)     5:07.92 (30.73)                                        
 22 Miller, Makenzie C        17 Machine Aquatics-PV  5:03.37    5:08.26 q      
                  28.07       58.73 (30.66)     1:29.31 (30.58)     2:00.11 (30.80)
        2:31.04 (30.93)     3:02.84 (31.80)     3:34.46 (31.62)     4:06.42 (31.96)
        4:37.68 (31.26)     5:08.26 (30.58)                                        
 23 Clark, Danielle B         16 Retriever Aquati-MD  5:06.29    5:08.69 q      
                  28.48       58.92 (30.44)     1:29.61 (30.69)     2:00.87 (31.26)
        2:31.85 (30.98)     3:02.95 (31.10)     3:34.82 (31.87)     4:06.17 (31.35)
        4:37.86 (31.69)     5:08.69 (30.83)                                        
 24 Knibb, Taylor B           16 Una Ncap-PV          5:10.50    5:08.78 q      
                  27.56       57.97 (30.41)     1:28.59 (30.62)     1:59.78 (31.19)
        2:30.76 (30.98)     3:02.11 (31.35)     3:33.84 (31.73)     4:05.95 (32.11)
        4:37.95 (32.00)     5:08.78 (30.83)                                        
 25 Giddings, Grace B         13 Rockville Montgo-PV  5:06.72    5:09.18        
                  28.82       59.47 (30.65)     1:30.46 (30.99)     2:01.66 (31.20)
        2:33.12 (31.46)     3:04.41 (31.29)     3:35.82 (31.41)     4:07.15 (31.33)
        4:38.35 (31.20)     5:09.18 (30.83)                                        
 26 Romano, Elizabeth R       15 Nation's Capital-PV  5:10.25    5:09.85        
                  27.63       58.14 (30.51)     1:29.05 (30.91)     2:00.40 (31.35)
        2:31.90 (31.50)     3:03.90 (32.00)     3:35.73 (31.83)     4:07.61 (31.88)
        4:39.34 (31.73)     5:09.85 (30.51)                                        
 27 Long, Kelly A             17 Retriever Aquati-MD  5:01.60    5:10.09        
                  27.95       58.41 (30.46)     1:29.42 (31.01)     2:00.45 (31.03)
        2:31.92 (31.47)     3:02.86 (30.94)     3:34.46 (31.60)     4:06.43 (31.97)
        4:38.55 (32.12)     5:10.09 (31.54)                                        
 28 Tankle, Bernadette L      18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  5:02.51    5:11.62        
                  27.81       58.30 (30.49)     1:29.33 (31.03)     2:00.54 (31.21)
        2:31.79 (31.25)     3:03.63 (31.84)     3:35.96 (32.33)     4:08.12 (32.16)
        4:40.31 (32.19)     5:11.62 (31.31)                                        
 29 Walker, Peyton G          17 Columbia Aquatic-MD  5:05.98    5:11.70        
                  29.00       59.64 (30.64)     1:31.02 (31.38)     2:02.61 (31.59)
        2:34.10 (31.49)     3:05.71 (31.61)     3:37.36 (31.65)     4:09.20 (31.84)
        4:41.02 (31.82)     5:11.70 (30.68)                                        
 30 Levendusky, Sarah A       14 Rockville Montgo-PV  5:10.30    5:11.74        
                  28.66       59.56 (30.90)     1:30.65 (31.09)     2:02.08 (31.43)
        2:33.57 (31.49)     3:05.27 (31.70)     3:37.23 (31.96)     4:09.05 (31.82)
        4:41.11 (32.06)     5:11.74 (30.63)                                        
 31 Martin, Isabella A        17 Rockville Montgo-PV  5:10.21    5:12.11        
                  28.57       59.68 (31.11)     1:31.21 (31.53)     2:02.98 (31.77)
        2:34.83 (31.85)     3:06.79 (31.96)     3:38.71 (31.92)     4:10.82 (32.11)
        4:42.23 (31.41)     5:12.11 (29.88)                                        
 32 Nguyen, Claire P          13 Nation's Capital-PV  5:09.41    5:12.14        
                  27.84       58.38 (30.54)     1:30.02 (31.64)     2:01.74 (31.72)
        2:33.35 (31.61)     3:05.31 (31.96)     3:37.26 (31.95)     4:09.37 (32.11)
        4:41.08 (31.71)     5:12.14 (31.06)                                        
 33 Carter, Hannah M          13 Snow Swimming-PV     5:07.60    5:12.71        
                  28.51       59.10 (30.59)     1:30.25 (31.15)     2:01.59 (31.34)
        2:33.33 (31.74)     3:05.34 (32.01)     3:37.29 (31.95)     4:09.21 (31.92)
        4:41.16 (31.95)     5:12.71 (31.55)                                        
 34 Garrett, Danielle C       16 Occoquan Swimmin-PV  5:05.60    5:13.03        
                  29.31     1:00.04 (30.73)     1:31.28 (31.24)     2:02.36 (31.08)
        2:34.05 (31.69)     3:06.04 (31.99)     3:37.70 (31.66)     4:09.67 (31.97)
        4:41.74 (32.07)     5:13.03 (31.29)                                        
 35 Bowne, Jamie O            14 G P A C-MA           5:07.06    5:13.26        
                  27.61       57.95 (30.34)     1:29.43 (31.48)     2:01.29 (31.86)
        2:33.46 (32.17)     3:05.79 (32.33)     3:38.36 (32.57)     4:11.16 (32.80)
        4:42.83 (31.67)     5:13.26 (30.43)                                        
 36 Defrancesco, Gina M       18 Greater Latrobe-AM   5:01.72    5:13.49        
                  28.33       59.37 (31.04)     1:30.66 (31.29)     2:02.10 (31.44)
        2:33.50 (31.40)     3:05.17 (31.67)     3:37.06 (31.89)     4:09.10 (32.04)
        4:41.31 (32.21)     5:13.49 (32.18)                                        
 37 Rhodes, Caroline K        14 Nation's Capital-PV  5:15.00    5:13.55        
                  28.70     1:00.02 (31.32)     1:31.82 (31.80)     2:04.01 (32.19)
        2:36.10 (32.09)     3:08.12 (32.02)     3:40.17 (32.05)     4:11.72 (31.55)
        4:43.28 (31.56)     5:13.55 (30.27)                                        
 38 Sullivan, Laura F         17 Machine Aquatics-PV  5:07.33    5:13.61        
                  28.04       58.39 (30.35)     1:29.54 (31.15)     2:01.12 (31.58)
        2:33.14 (32.02)     3:05.07 (31.93)     3:37.25 (32.18)     4:09.48 (32.23)
        4:41.94 (32.46)     5:13.61 (31.67)                                        
 39 Anderson, Molly E         17 Machine Aquatics-PV  5:08.95    5:13.71        
                  29.24     1:00.36 (31.12)     1:32.30 (31.94)     2:04.12 (31.82)
        2:36.07 (31.95)     3:07.55 (31.48)     3:39.18 (31.63)     4:10.57 (31.39)
        4:42.28 (31.71)     5:13.71 (31.43)                                        
 40 Sheehan, Aurelia M        16 Jewish Community-AM  5:12.13    5:14.06        
                  27.16       57.17 (30.01)     1:28.60 (31.43)     2:01.07 (32.47)
        2:33.76 (32.69)     3:06.24 (32.48)     3:39.33 (33.09)     4:11.08 (31.75)
        4:42.42 (31.34)     5:14.06 (31.64)                                        
 41 Williams, Sydney N        17 Monocacy Aquatic-MD  5:04.76    5:14.23        
                  28.49       59.56 (31.07)     1:31.01 (31.45)     2:02.52 (31.51)
        2:34.33 (31.81)     3:06.22 (31.89)     3:38.34 (32.12)     4:10.64 (32.30)
        4:42.78 (32.14)     5:14.23 (31.45)                                        
 42 Dean, Frances E           16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  5:04.46    5:14.52        
                  29.07     1:00.35 (31.28)     1:32.00 (31.65)     2:04.05 (32.05)
        2:36.06 (32.01)     3:07.61 (31.55)     3:39.42 (31.81)     4:11.44 (32.02)
        4:43.86 (32.42)     5:14.52 (30.66)                                        
 43 Mann, Madeline R          16 Cardinal & Gold-MD   5:08.91    5:15.09        
                  27.79       58.77 (30.98)     1:30.40 (31.63)     2:02.25 (31.85)
        2:34.64 (32.39)     3:06.82 (32.18)     3:39.27 (32.45)     4:11.84 (32.57)
        4:43.73 (31.89)     5:15.09 (31.36)                                        
 44 Morgan, Kelly L           14 Nation's Capital-PV  5:08.65    5:15.76        
                  28.02       58.86 (30.84)     1:30.10 (31.24)     2:02.62 (32.52)
        2:34.78 (32.16)     3:06.64 (31.86)     3:38.97 (32.33)     4:11.74 (32.77)
        4:44.21 (32.47)     5:15.76 (31.55)                                        
 45 Stewart, Alexa C          15 Rockville Montgo-PV  5:06.46    5:15.84        
                  28.68       59.19 (30.51)     1:30.21 (31.02)     2:01.50 (31.29)
        2:33.40 (31.90)     3:05.89 (32.49)     3:38.49 (32.60)     4:11.05 (32.56)
        4:43.86 (32.81)     5:15.84 (31.98)                                        
 46 Mayo, Rebecca K           15 Prince William S-VA  5:13.50    5:15.90        
                  28.86       59.87 (31.01)     1:31.32 (31.45)     2:03.45 (32.13)
        2:35.88 (32.43)     3:08.03 (32.15)     3:40.12 (32.09)     4:12.27 (32.15)
        4:44.49 (32.22)     5:15.90 (31.41)                                        
 47 Hoban, Rachel O           15 Naval Academy Aq-MD  5:09.05    5:16.05        
                  28.24       59.02 (30.78)     1:30.47 (31.45)     2:01.90 (31.43)
        2:33.78 (31.88)     3:06.09 (32.31)     3:38.67 (32.58)     4:11.05 (32.38)
        4:43.83 (32.78)     5:16.05 (32.22)                                        
 48 Catron, Sydney M          14 Nation's Capital-PV  5:11.83    5:16.62        
                  28.21       59.19 (30.98)     1:30.75 (31.56)     2:02.88 (32.13)
        2:35.14 (32.26)     3:07.50 (32.36)     3:40.12 (32.62)     4:12.75 (32.63)
        4:45.07 (32.32)     5:16.62 (31.55)                                        
 49 Mulhern, Meghan S         17 Naval Academy Aq-MD  5:06.35    5:16.87        
                  28.32       58.30 (29.98)     1:29.53 (31.23)     2:01.57 (32.04)
        2:34.18 (32.61)     3:07.02 (32.84)     3:39.46 (32.44)     4:12.11 (32.65)
        4:45.48 (33.37)     5:16.87 (31.39)                                        
 50 Landeryou, Emily K        14 Nation's Capital-PV  5:08.23    5:17.01        
                  27.63       58.00 (30.37)     1:29.47 (31.47)     2:01.11 (31.64)
        2:33.06 (31.95)     3:05.47 (32.41)     3:38.11 (32.64)     4:11.18 (33.07)
        4:44.42 (33.24)     5:17.01 (32.59)                                        
 51 Akbay, Ayris S            14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   5:14.00    5:17.52        
                  28.69       59.73 (31.04)     1:31.25 (31.52)     2:03.44 (32.19)
        2:35.96 (32.52)     3:08.43 (32.47)     3:40.50 (32.07)     4:12.66 (32.16)
        4:45.28 (32.62)     5:17.52 (32.24)                                        
 52 Sarhan, Leenah H          14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  5:10.01    5:17.99        
                  28.05       58.67 (30.62)     1:30.25 (31.58)     2:02.30 (32.05)
        2:34.64 (32.34)     3:07.48 (32.84)     3:40.47 (32.99)     4:13.44 (32.97)
        4:46.25 (32.81)     5:17.99 (31.74)                                        
 53 Arel, Kelly E             16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  5:16.89    5:18.46        
                  28.72       59.93 (31.21)     1:31.86 (31.93)     2:03.97 (32.11)
        2:36.28 (32.31)     3:08.70 (32.42)     3:41.46 (32.76)     4:14.14 (32.68)
        4:46.78 (32.64)     5:18.46 (31.68)                                        
 54 Cotter, Theresa J         17 Columbia Aquatic-MD  5:14.26    5:18.68        
                  28.48       59.61 (31.13)     1:31.81 (32.20)     2:04.29 (32.48)
        2:37.47 (33.18)     3:10.46 (32.99)     3:43.28 (32.82)     4:16.38 (33.10)
        4:48.65 (32.27)     5:18.68 (30.03)                                        
 55 Hauck, Kacey A            15 Snow Swimming-PV     5:19.91    5:19.65        
                  28.72       59.96 (31.24)     1:32.33 (32.37)     2:04.37 (32.04)
        2:36.40 (32.03)     3:08.84 (32.44)     3:41.28 (32.44)     4:14.07 (32.79)
        4:47.42 (33.35)     5:19.65 (32.23)                                        
 56 McGrath, Lauren N         15 Allegheny North-AM   5:02.28    5:20.42        
                  29.99     1:02.93 (32.94)     1:34.71 (31.78)     2:06.41 (31.70)
        2:39.75 (33.34)     3:12.19 (32.44)     3:45.07 (32.88)     4:17.58 (32.51)
        4:49.81 (32.23)     5:20.42 (30.61)                                        
 57 Packer, Laura             17 Radnor Aquatic C-MA  5:20.14    5:22.62        
                  28.57     1:00.22 (31.65)     1:32.29 (32.07)     2:04.63 (32.34)
        2:37.55 (32.92)     3:10.21 (32.66)     3:43.27 (33.06)     4:16.48 (33.21)
        4:50.06 (33.58)     5:22.62 (32.56)                                        
 58 Kelly, Madison            15 Rockville Montgo-PV  5:11.76    5:22.87        
                  29.64     1:00.72 (31.08)     1:32.48 (31.76)     2:04.90 (32.42)
        2:37.75 (32.85)     3:10.48 (32.73)     3:43.65 (33.17)     4:16.96 (33.31)
        4:50.01 (33.05)     5:22.87 (32.86)                                        
 59 Garrigan, Juliet          15 Nittany Lion Aqu-MA  5:08.61    5:23.20        
                  27.70       58.20 (30.50)     1:29.84 (31.64)     2:02.36 (32.52)
        2:35.47 (33.11)     3:08.64 (33.17)     3:42.21 (33.57)     4:16.28 (34.07)
        4:50.13 (33.85)     5:23.20 (33.07)                                        
 60 Haggerty, Margaret F      17 Tidal Wave Swim-AM   5:12.73    5:24.27        
                  29.24     1:01.56 (32.32)     1:33.85 (32.29)     2:06.48 (32.63)
        2:38.93 (32.45)     3:11.83 (32.90)     3:44.92 (33.09)     4:18.32 (33.40)
        4:51.67 (33.35)     5:24.27 (32.60)                                        
 61 Wareham, Sydney K         16 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  5:13.79    5:24.52        
                  28.29       59.44 (31.15)     1:31.73 (32.29)     2:04.68 (32.95)
        2:37.54 (32.86)     3:10.93 (33.39)     3:44.56 (33.63)     4:18.24 (33.68)
        4:51.75 (33.51)     5:24.52 (32.77)                                        
 62 Carella, Emily R          15 Naval Academy Aq-MD  5:19.16    5:24.73        
                  28.55     1:00.02 (31.47)     1:32.09 (32.07)     2:05.12 (33.03)
        2:38.66 (33.54)     3:12.42 (33.76)     3:45.64 (33.22)     4:18.78 (33.14)
        4:51.99 (33.21)     5:24.73 (32.74)                                        
 63 McKnight, Kristen H       17 Hampton Dolphins-AM  5:47.56    5:30.61        
                  27.95       59.84 (31.89)     1:32.35 (32.51)     2:05.39 (33.04)
        2:38.99 (33.60)     3:12.98 (33.99)     3:47.42 (34.44)     4:22.34 (34.92)
      5:30.61 (1:08.27)                                                            
 -- Namestnik, Alexa R        18 Jewish Community-AM  5:08.66        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Jones, Julianna L         14 Williamsburg Aqu-VA  5:06.31        SCR        
 -- Treuth, Alice L           17 Coastal Aquatics-MD  4:58.27        SCR        
 -- Potis, Danielle M         17 North Baltimore-MD   4:52.16        SCR        
 -- Harrington, Sydney A      13 Nation's Capital-PV  5:08.17        SCR        
 -- Lee, Isabella C           13 Arlington Aquati-PV  5:19.64        SCR        
 -- Caulfield, Alissa C       17 Retriever Aquati-MD  5:05.35        SCR        
 -- Dougherty, Erin P         16 Naval Academy Aq-MD  5:04.30        SCR        
Event 25  Women 400 Yard Freestyle Relay
        EZSC: # 3:23.86   3/14/2009 Peddie Aquatic, PAA-NJ                     
                         C. Fittin, J. Lee, K. Raplee, L. Loughran         
 Meet Qualifying:  3:45.79
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Central Bucks Swim Team-MA  'A'             3:24.86    3:24.30         40  
     1) Szekely, Alexandra E 16         2) Scott, Morgan E 13             
     3) Zurmuhl, Hannah C 15            4) Kosten, Emily S 16             
                  24.43       51.00 (51.00)     1:15.27 (24.27)     1:42.20 (51.20)
        2:06.81 (24.61)     2:33.87 (51.67)     2:57.95 (24.08)     3:24.30 (50.43)
  2 Eagle Swim Team Inc.-MD  'A'                3:28.00    3:28.99         34  
     1) Enoch, Geordie A 18             2) Nielson, Alayna R 13           
     3) St. Martin, Brooke T 17         4) Chabbott, Amanda H 16          
                  25.13       52.00 (52.00)     1:16.66 (24.66)     1:43.69 (51.69)
        2:08.97 (25.28)     2:37.34 (53.65)     2:50.61 (13.27)     3:28.99 (51.65)
  3 Allegheny North Swim Club-AM  'A'           3:26.55    3:29.06         32  
     1) McGrath, Lauren N 15            2) Churman, Kayla M 16            
     3) Brickner, Charlie K 17          4) Soulia, Morgan A 16            
                  25.51       52.94 (52.94)     1:17.79 (24.85)     1:45.39 (52.45)
        2:10.59 (25.20)     2:38.12 (52.73)     3:02.32 (24.20)     3:29.06 (50.94)
  4 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'A'      3:29.18    3:29.72         30  
     1) Richter, Audrey L 15            2) Zhang, Lynn C 15               
     3) Tiberino, Alicia M 17           4) Nugent, Celine E 14            
                  25.23       52.00 (52.00)     1:17.08 (25.08)     1:44.29 (52.29)
        2:09.54 (25.25)     2:36.78 (52.49)     3:01.90 (25.12)     3:29.72 (52.94)
  5 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'A'          3:20.32    3:30.67         28  
     1) Song, Dorit G 15                2) Smith, Katherine M 14          
     3) Petit, Rosannah 17              4) Knapp, Sydney E 14             
                  25.61       53.31 (53.31)     1:18.68 (25.37)     1:46.68 (53.37)
        2:11.53 (24.85)     2:38.66 (51.98)     3:03.54 (24.88)     3:30.67 (52.01)
  6 Machine Aquatics-PV  'A'                    3:27.45    3:30.99         26  
     1) Harper, Shannon A 19            2) Grant, Sammie I 13             
     3) Schmid, Olivia F 13             4) Miller, Makenzie C 17          
                  24.83       51.59 (51.59)     1:16.55 (24.96)     1:44.01 (52.42)
        2:09.95 (25.94)     2:37.33 (53.32)     3:02.97 (25.64)     3:30.99 (53.66)
  7 Duke Aquatics-NC  'A'                       3:33.84    3:32.41         24  
     1) Liu, Danielle 17                2) Smith, Morgan P 17             
     3) Shepherd, Sarah H 15            4) Churchill, Rebecca H 16        
                  25.26       52.50 (52.50)     1:17.49 (24.99)     1:45.08 (52.58)
        2:10.63 (25.55)     2:38.61 (53.53)     3:04.07 (25.46)     3:32.41 (53.80)
  8 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'B'          3:25.20    3:33.82         22  
     1) Williams, Rachel M 18           2) Haley, Kelleigh G 16           
     3) Adams, Emily A 16               4) Landeryou, Emily K 14          
                  25.66       53.23 (53.23)     1:18.01 (24.78)     1:45.99 (52.76)
        2:11.76 (25.77)     2:40.13 (54.14)     3:05.50 (25.37)     3:33.82 (53.69)
  9 Egg Harbor Twp Seahawks-MA  'A'             3:35.56    3:34.14         18  
     1) Barnard, Emily R 16             2) Murphy, Erin N 14              
     3) Nunan, Amanda J 15              4) Kelly, Lauren A 14             
                  26.52       54.71 (54.71)     1:20.20 (25.49)     1:48.84 (54.13)
        2:14.57 (25.73)     2:41.97 (53.13)     3:06.86 (24.89)     3:34.14 (52.17)
 10 Mount Lebanon Aqua Club-AM  'A'             3:35.22    3:34.37         14  
     1) Nicholson, Kathryn A 14         2) Bumgarner, Hannah J 15         
     3) Byer, Brittany M 16             4) Ward, Trinity M 13             
                  26.36       54.31 (54.31)     1:19.94 (25.63)     1:47.71 (53.40)
        2:12.95 (25.24)     2:41.15 (53.44)     3:06.08 (24.93)     3:34.37 (53.22)
 11 Jewish Community Ctr Sailfish-AM  'A'       3:39.12    3:34.96         12  
     1) Barber, Lauren E 17             2) Mautino, Sarah L 14            
     3) Kozlina, Alexa R 14             4) Sheehan, Aurelia M 16          
                  24.32       51.01 (51.01)     1:17.63 (26.62)     1:46.38 (55.37)
        2:12.14 (25.76)     2:40.12 (53.74)     2:54.17 (14.05)     3:34.96 (54.84)
 12 Seneca Valley Swim Club-AM  'A'             3:36.27    3:35.41         10  
     1) Javens, Devin C 14              2) Antal, Katie E 18              
     3) Parsons, Abigail M 15           4) Webber, Mackenzie A 18         
                  26.40       54.72 (54.72)     1:20.14 (25.42)     1:48.23 (53.51)
        2:13.55 (25.32)     2:41.88 (53.65)     3:07.08 (25.20)     3:35.41 (53.53)
 13 Parkland Aquatic Club-MA  'A'               3:40.82    3:35.65          8  
     1) Daday, Colleen M 15             2) Karam, Sydnee S 17             
     3) Jordan, Erin K 17               4) Daday, Caitlin E 18            
                  26.44       54.95 (54.95)     1:20.69 (25.74)     1:48.10 (53.15)
        2:13.80 (25.70)     2:42.43 (54.33)     3:07.92 (25.49)     3:35.65 (53.22)
 14 Eagle Swim Team Inc.-MD  'B'                3:34.13    3:37.11          6  
     1) Kim, Brittany H 16              2) Li, Jessica 14                 
     3) Akbay, Ayris S 14               4) Vargas, Kristen G 17           
                  26.19       54.88 (54.88)     1:20.78 (25.90)     1:49.15 (54.27)
        2:15.24 (26.09)     2:43.36 (54.21)     3:08.46 (25.10)     3:37.11 (53.75)
 15 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  'A'                    3:42.25    3:37.54          4  
     1) Cochran, Jessica R 16           2) Rusinko, Hannah E 15           
     3) Painter, Kathryn M 17           4) Hubert, Courteney E 17         
                  26.86       55.58 (55.58)     1:21.35 (25.77)     1:49.83 (54.25)
        2:15.55 (25.72)     2:43.30 (53.47)     3:09.17 (25.87)     3:37.54 (54.24)
 16 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'B'      3:40.29    3:37.56          2  
     1) Rysak, Bethany G 18             2) Popera, Alexandra N 18         
     3) Sweeney, Kaitlyn L 18           4) Zarchin, Madeline C 15         
                  26.54       54.51 (54.51)     1:20.68 (26.17)     1:49.31 (54.80)
                            2:43.21 (53.90)     3:08.77 (25.56)     3:37.56 (54.35)
 17 Snow Swimming-PV  'A'                       3:33.57    3:37.91        
     1) Silpacharn, Pim 16              2) Oliver, Maddie N 15            
     3) Lee, Carrie R 16                4) Wroniewicz, Katie A 15         
                  26.14       54.68 (54.68)     1:21.07 (26.39)     1:50.25 (55.57)
        2:15.27 (25.02)     2:43.75 (53.50)     3:09.40 (25.65)     3:37.91 (54.16)
 18 Fox Chapel Killer Whales-AM  'A'            3:37.43    3:39.99        
     1) Krug, Paris M 16                2) Beasley, Sia T 17              
     3) Otwell, Bria N 16               4) Dean, Frances E 16             
                  26.09       54.24 (54.24)     1:20.55 (26.31)     1:48.81 (54.57)
        2:14.91 (26.10)     2:44.20 (55.39)     3:10.72 (26.52)     3:39.99 (55.79)
 19 Machine Aquatics-PV  'B'                    3:28.39    3:40.23        
     1) Mathis, Sydney M 14             2) Sullivan, Laura F 17           
     3) Saba, Farrin E 16               4) Storch, Katherine A 18         
                  26.50       56.30 (56.30)     1:21.44 (25.14)     1:49.74 (53.44)
        2:15.34 (25.60)     2:45.85 (56.11)     2:59.49 (13.64)     3:40.23 (54.38)
 20 Retriever Aquatic Club-MD  'A'              3:39.49L   3:40.37        
     1) Clark, Danielle B 16            2) Pearson, Kasey A 16            
     3) Long, Kelly A 17                4) Caulfield, Alissa C 17         
                  26.03       54.06 (54.06)     1:20.72 (26.66)     1:51.08 (57.02)
        2:17.70 (26.62)     2:47.79 (56.71)     3:12.79 (25.00)     3:40.37 (52.58)
 21 Pine Richland Aquatics-AM  'A'              3:35.49    3:40.38        
     1) Fernander, Katherine E 17       2) Null, Siani A 16               
     3) Laffey, Makenna K 16            4) King, Erica L 15               
                  26.74       54.78 (54.78)     1:20.55 (25.77)     1:48.98 (54.20)
        2:15.70 (26.72)     2:45.98 (57.00)     3:11.62 (25.64)     3:40.38 (54.40)
 22 Regency Park Swim Team-VA  'A'              3:40.13    3:40.50        
     1) Muilenburg, Nicole E 16         2) Paterson, Carolyn G 14         
     3) Horne, Rheagan A 15             4) Jones, Courtney E 16           
                  27.05       56.39 (56.39)     1:22.68 (26.29)     1:51.83 (55.44)
        2:17.44 (25.61)     2:45.77 (53.94)     2:58.60 (12.83)     3:40.50 (54.73)
 23 Salvation Army Kroc Aquatics-MA  'A'        3:41.87    3:40.57        
     1) Stewart, Sydni R 15             2) Opong, Ayana R 12              
     3) O'Connor, Mackenzie S 13        4) Freeland, Madison R 13         
                  26.09       54.30 (54.30)     1:20.90 (26.60)     1:50.84 (56.54)
        2:17.41 (26.57)     2:46.69 (55.85)     3:12.23 (25.54)     3:40.57 (53.88)
 24 Radnor Aquatic Club-MA  'A'                 3:38.12    3:40.69        
     1) Campbell, Samantha L 17         2) Ledwith, Madison E 14          
     3) Packer, Laura 17                4) Blewett, Hanna 16              
                  26.80       55.66 (55.66)     1:22.69 (27.03)     1:52.58 (56.92)
        2:18.51 (25.93)     2:47.20 (54.62)     3:12.41 (25.21)     3:40.69 (53.49)
 25 Diplomat Swim Club-MA  'A'                  3:38.86    3:40.98        
     1) Wareham, Sydney K 16            2) Deperrot, Danielle J 17        
     3) Depietro, Rachael F 18          4) Popalis, Madyson L 16          
                  27.39       56.89 (56.89)     1:23.25 (26.36)     1:51.81 (54.92)
        2:18.18 (26.37)     2:46.76 (54.95)     3:12.40 (25.64)     3:40.98 (54.22)
 26 Annapolis Swim Club-MD  'A'                 3:37.88    3:41.53        
     1) Eckhardt, Anna O 17             2) Markous, Marina 16             
     3) Schere, Yvonne A 15             4) Hayburn, Annie C 15            
                  26.82       55.49 (55.49)     1:22.89 (27.40)     1:52.42 (56.93)
        2:19.13 (26.71)     2:48.12 (55.70)     3:13.59 (25.47)     3:41.53 (53.41)
 26 Lancaster Aquatic Club-MA  'A'              3:42.56    3:41.53        
     1) Bieber, Brianna J 15            2) Kegel, Samantha J 17           
     3) Hauck, Sloane V 16              4) Cortazzo, Amber L 17           
                  27.12       56.24 (56.24)     1:22.87 (26.63)     1:52.65 (56.41)
        2:19.58 (26.93)     2:49.40 (56.75)     3:14.41 (25.01)     3:41.53 (52.13)
 28 Columbia Aquatics Association-MD  'A'       3:39.13    3:41.59        
     1) Cotter, Theresa J 17            2) Hanson, Kaleigh T 15           
     3) Baldinazzo, Bizunesh 17         4) Walker, Peyton G 17            
                  27.09       56.25 (56.25)     1:22.49 (26.24)     1:52.00 (55.75)
        2:17.91 (25.91)     2:46.61 (54.61)     3:01.16 (14.55)     3:41.59 (54.98)
 29 Sea Devil Swimming-PV  'A'                  3:42.39    3:41.87        
     1) Booher, Alicia L 14             2) Spillman, Emma C 17            
     3) Won, Je Moon 18                 4) Lester, Page S 14              
                  27.12       55.98 (55.98)     1:22.32 (26.34)     1:51.98 (56.00)
        2:17.99 (26.01)     2:46.94 (54.96)     3:12.98 (26.04)     3:41.87 (54.93)
 30 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'B'              3:43.19    3:42.16        
     1) Saunders, Margaret R 15         2) Lee, Isabella C 13             
     3) Vu, Belinda T 17                4) Ridgeway, Eleanor J 14         
                  26.68       55.85 (55.85)     1:08.99 (13.14)     1:50.84 (54.99)
        2:17.62 (26.78)     2:47.55 (56.71)     3:13.35 (25.80)     3:42.16 (54.61)
 30 All Star Aquatics-PV  'A'                   3:28.98    3:42.16        
     1) McGuire-Wien, Eleanore V 15     2) Lemone, Alexis A 15            
     3) Wright, Katie Q 15              4) Grube, Sydney E 16             
                  26.62       55.10 (55.10)     1:20.42 (25.32)     1:47.78 (52.68)
        2:14.48 (26.70)     2:44.11 (56.33)     3:11.44 (27.33)     3:42.16 (58.05)
 32 Naval Academy Aquatic Club-MD  'A'          3:40.26    3:42.67        
     1) Downing, Stephanie M 16         2) Bach, Janine A 18              
     3) Mulhern, Meghan S 17            4) Hoban, Rachel O 15             
                  26.98       55.19 (55.19)     1:20.92 (25.73)     1:50.04 (54.85)
        2:16.71 (26.67)     2:46.83 (56.79)     3:13.26 (26.43)     3:42.67 (55.84)
 33 Greater Latrobe Aqua Club-AM  'A'           3:28.91    3:43.30        
     1) Owens, Kayla V 19               2) Defrancesco, Gina M 18         
     3) Douds, Megan R 15               4) Sowinski, Monica H 16          
                  26.00       54.48 (54.48)     1:20.80 (26.32)     1:50.08 (55.60)
        2:17.71 (27.63)     2:48.22 (58.14)     3:14.16 (25.94)     3:43.30 (55.08)
 34 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'A'              3:37.54    3:43.36        
     1) Gieseman, Evie E 14             2) Green, Jessica F 17            
     3) Lundy, Katherine O 15           4) Morrison, Michaela 15          
                  26.64       55.34 (55.34)     1:21.54 (26.20)     1:50.19 (54.85)
        2:17.08 (26.89)     2:46.49 (56.30)     3:12.92 (26.43)     3:43.36 (56.87)
 35 York Swim Club-PV  'A'                      3:39.83    3:44.44        
     1) Whang, Lucy T 13                2) Sauger, Dominique M 13         
     3) Brooks, Emily M 13              4) Luncher, Kaitlin J 16          
                  26.88       56.92 (56.92)     1:23.70 (26.78)     1:53.23 (56.31)
        2:20.01 (26.78)     2:49.56 (56.33)     3:15.11 (25.55)     3:44.44 (54.88)
 36 H2okie Aquatics-VA  'A'                     3:38.09    3:45.23        
     1) Raber, Mckenzie M 18            2) Greiner, Kaylee G 14           
     3) Seeley, Cameron A 14            4) Raber, Shelby E 12             
                  27.09       55.49 (55.49)     1:22.37 (26.88)     1:51.49 (56.00)
        2:17.96 (26.47)     2:47.47 (55.98)     3:15.16 (27.69)     3:45.23 (57.76)
 37 Herndon Aquatic Club-PV  'A'                3:45.54    3:45.66        
     1) Stassinos, Malina M 15          2) King, Caitlyn N 15             
     3) Nguyen, Katie Q 13              4) Murphy, Ryan E 18              
                  26.90       55.60 (55.60)     1:08.49 (12.89)     1:21.98 (26.38)
        2:18.00 (56.02)   2:47.46 (1:25.48)     3:14.97 (27.51)     3:45.66 (58.20)
 38 Chartiers Valley Swim Club-AM  'A'          3:43.24    3:46.32        
     1) Besterman, Amelia R 14          2) Marcucci, Miranda L 16         
     3) Feola, Natalie M 18             4) Wroblewski, Kathryn A 16       
                  27.51       56.65 (56.65)     1:23.34 (26.69)     1:53.05 (56.40)
        2:19.43 (26.38)     2:48.89 (55.84)     3:16.00 (27.11)     3:46.32 (57.43)
 -- Golden Ram Aquatics-MA  'A'                 3:31.56         DQ        
      Early take-off swimmer #3
     1) Dobson, Julie M 17              2) McNichol, Madison J 18         
     3) Kosic, Abby M 16                4) Barthold, Laura K 17           
Event 27  Women 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        EZSC: # 1:34.05   3/15/2009 Peddie Aquatic, PAA-NJ                     
                         C. Fittin, J. Lee, K. Raplee, X. Zhao             
 Meet Qualifying:  1:44.59
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Central Bucks Swim Team-MA  'A'             1:33.74    1:34.24         40  
     1) Kosten, Emily S 16              2) Kosten, Eve J 18               
     3) Scott, Morgan E 13              4) Zurmuhl, Hannah C 15           
                  23.59       47.33 (23.74)     1:10.55 (23.22)     1:34.24 (23.69)
  2 Eagle Swim Team Inc.-MD  'A'                1:36.43    1:36.25         34  
     1) St. Martin, Brooke T 17         2) Nielson, Alayna R 13           
     3) Chabbott, Amanda H 16           4) Enoch, Geordie A 18            
                  24.50       48.17 (23.67)     1:12.33 (24.16)     1:36.25 (23.92)
  3 Allegheny North Swim Club-AM  'A'           1:36.60    1:36.61         32  
     1) Churman, Kayla M 16             2) Soulia, Morgan A 16            
     3) Root, Maggie K 17               4) McGrath, Lauren N 15           
                  24.70       48.72 (24.02)     1:12.97 (24.25)     1:36.61 (23.64)
  4 Mount Lebanon Aqua Club-AM  'A'             1:39.28    1:37.39         30  
                  25.04       49.71 (24.67)     1:13.92 (24.21)     1:37.39 (23.47)
  5 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'B'          1:34.87    1:37.75         28  
     1) Knapp, Sydney E 14              2) Haley, Kelleigh G 16           
     3) Williams, Rachel M 18           4) Tillotson, Mary Katherine L 15 
                  25.09       49.16 (24.07)     1:13.36 (24.20)     1:37.75 (24.39)
  6 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'A'      1:36.12    1:37.83         26  
     1) Richter, Audrey L 15            2) Tiberino, Alicia M 17          
     3) Zhang, Lynn C 15                4) Sweeney, Kaitlyn L 18          
                  24.15       48.96 (24.81)     1:13.24 (24.28)     1:37.83 (24.59)
  7 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'A'          1:31.09    1:38.01         24  
     1) French, Olivia R 14             2) Smith, Katherine M 14          
     3) Puskar-Beckett, Alexandria M 15 4) Petit, Rosannah 17             
                  24.90       49.30 (24.40)     1:14.18 (24.88)     1:38.01 (23.83)
  8 Duke Aquatics-NC  'A'                       1:39.30    1:38.45         22  
     1) Liu, Danielle 17                2) Smith, Morgan P 17             
     3) Shepherd, Sarah H 15            4) Stuart, Lucy A 17              
                  24.61       48.43 (23.82)     1:13.51 (25.08)     1:38.45 (24.94)
  9 Golden Ram Aquatics-MA  'A'                 1:38.50    1:38.87         18  
     1) Kosic, Abby M 16                2) Barthold, Laura K 17           
     3) McNichol, Madison J 18          4) Dobson, Julie M 17             
                  25.09       49.60 (24.51)     1:14.35 (24.75)     1:38.87 (24.52)
 10 Diplomat Swim Club-MA  'A'                  1:41.69    1:39.27         14  
     1) Wareham, Sydney K 16            2) Deperrot, Danielle J 17        
     3) Depietro, Rachael F 18          4) Popalis, Madyson L 16          
                  25.01       50.45 (25.44)     1:14.96 (24.51)     1:39.27 (24.31)
 11 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'B'      1:41.73    1:39.28         12  
     1) Zimmerman, Kate M 17            2) Nugent, Celine E 14            
     3) Kaufman, Colleen D 15           4) Zarchin, Madeline C 15         
                  25.29       49.87 (24.58)     1:14.77 (24.90)     1:39.28 (24.51)
 12 Machine Aquatics-PV  'B'                    1:35.86    1:39.43         10  
     1) Saba, Farrin E 16               2) Miller, Makenzie C 17          
     3) Storch, Katherine A 18          4) Jeter, Sierra H 17             
                  24.65       49.71 (25.06)     1:14.66 (24.95)     1:39.43 (24.77)
 13 Radnor Aquatic Club-MA  'A'                 1:42.64    1:39.52          8  
     1) Campbell, Samantha L 17         2) Zherka, Ilira 14               
     3) Packer, Laura 17                4) Blewett, Hanna 16              
                  24.66       49.85 (25.19)     1:14.90 (25.05)     1:39.52 (24.62)
 14 Salvation Army Kroc Aquatics-MA  'A'        1:43.72    1:39.58          6  
     1) Stewart, Sydni R 15             2) Freeland, Madison R 13         
     3) O'Connor, Mackenzie S 13        4) Opong, Ayana R 12              
                  24.89       49.78 (24.89)     1:14.76 (24.98)     1:39.58 (24.82)
 15 Parkland Aquatic Club-MA  'A'               1:43.19    1:39.64          4  
     1) Karam, Sydnee S 17              2) Daday, Caitlin E 18            
     3) Daday, Colleen M 15             4) Jordan, Erin K 17              
                  24.98       49.85 (24.87)     1:15.11 (25.26)     1:39.64 (24.53)
 16 Snow Swimming-PV  'A'                       1:38.03    1:39.70          2  
     1) Silpacharn, Pim 16              2) Garner, Kristen K 16           
     3) Wroniewicz, Katie A 15          4) Lee, Carrie R 16               
                  25.03       50.20 (25.17)     1:15.31 (25.11)     1:39.70 (24.39)
 17 Eagle Swim Team Inc.-MD  'B'                1:38.75    1:39.76        
     1) Kim, Brittany H 16              2) Li, Jessica 14                 
     3) Vance, Erin J 14                4) Vargas, Kristen G 17           
                  25.23       50.56 (25.33)     1:15.31 (24.75)     1:39.76 (24.45)
 18 Seneca Valley Swim Club-AM  'A'             1:40.84    1:40.16        
     1) Javens, Devin C 14              2) Antal, Katie E 18              
     3) Webber, Mackenzie A 18          4) Parsons, Abigail M 15          
                  25.72       50.57 (24.85)     1:14.40 (23.83)     1:40.16 (25.76)
 19 Lancaster Aquatic Club-MA  'A'              1:43.36    1:40.18        
     1) Kegel, Samantha J 17            2) Bieber, Brianna J 15           
     3) Hauck, Sloane V 16              4) Cortazzo, Amber L 17           
                  25.54       50.40 (24.86)     1:15.76 (25.36)     1:40.18 (24.42)
 20 Egg Harbor Twp Seahawks-MA  'A'             1:38.82    1:40.44        
     1) Murphy, Erin N 14               2) Rontos, Kirstin M 16           
     3) Kelly, Lauren A 14              4) Breazeale, Gabrielle 16        
                  25.12       50.31 (25.19)     1:15.09 (24.78)     1:40.44 (25.35)
 21 Jewish Community Ctr Sailfish-AM  'A'       1:42.22    1:40.71        
     1) Kozlina, Alexa R 14             2) Barber, Lauren E 17            
     3) Mautino, Sarah L 14             4) Sheehan, Aurelia M 16          
                  25.34       49.16 (23.82)     1:14.70 (25.54)     1:40.71 (26.01)
 22 Regency Park Swim Team-VA  'A'              1:41.54    1:40.80        
     1) Jones, Courtney E 16            2) Muilenburg, Nicole E 16        
     3) Paterson, Carolyn G 14          4) Horne, Rheagan A 15            
                  25.39       50.67 (25.28)     1:16.20 (25.53)     1:40.80 (24.60)
 23 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'B'              1:41.00    1:41.35        
     1) Saunders, Margaret R 15         2) Vu, Belinda T 17               
     3) Shumate, Anna R 14              4) Nassetta, Kirby M 17           
                  25.71       50.77 (25.06)     1:15.76 (24.99)     1:41.35 (25.59)
 24 Columbia Aquatics Association-MD  'A'       1:41.89    1:41.50        
     1) McGillicuddy, Kelly F 16        2) Cotter, Theresa J 17           
     3) Hanson, Kaleigh T 15            4) Jackson, Ila R 17              
                  25.54       50.59 (25.05)     1:17.67 (27.08)     1:41.50 (23.83)
 25 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'A'              1:39.58    1:41.51        
     1) Green, Jessica F 17             2) Morrison, Michaela 15          
     3) Lundy, Katherine O 15           4) Gieseman, Evie E 14            
                  25.49       50.48 (24.99)     1:15.99 (25.51)     1:41.51 (25.52)
 26 All Star Aquatics-PV  'A'                   1:37.13    1:42.71        
     1) Lemone, Alexis A 15             2) McGuire-Wien, Eleanore V 15    
     3) Wright, Katie Q 15              4) Grube, Sydney E 16             
                  25.55       51.23 (25.68)     1:16.53 (25.30)     1:42.71 (26.18)
 27 Sea Devil Swimming-PV  'A'                  1:43.51    1:42.87        
     1) Spillman, Emma C 17             2) Booher, Alicia L 14            
     3) Lester, Page S 14               4) Won, Je Moon 18                
                  26.23       51.91 (25.68)     1:17.38 (25.47)     1:42.87 (25.49)
 28 Pine Richland Aquatics-AM  'A'              1:41.00    1:43.22        
     1) Null, Siani A 16                2) Fernander, Katherine E 17      
     3) Laffey, Makenna K 16            4) King, Erica L 15               
                  27.10       52.76 (25.66)     1:17.82 (25.06)     1:43.22 (25.40)
 29 Annapolis Swim Club-MD  'A'                 1:39.88    1:43.25        
     1) Eckhardt, Anna O 17             2) Hayburn, Annie C 15            
     3) Markous, Marina 16              4) Schere, Yvonne A 15            
                  25.94       50.90 (24.96)     1:17.83 (26.93)     1:43.25 (25.42)
 30 York Swim Club-PV  'A'                      1:39.97    1:44.24        
     1) Whang, Lucy T 13                2) Sauger, Dominique M 13         
     3) Brooks, Emily M 13              4) Luncher, Kaitlin J 16          
                  26.42       53.17 (26.75)     1:19.08 (25.91)     1:44.24 (25.16)
 31 Herndon Aquatic Club-PV  'A'                1:44.44    1:45.07        
     1) King, Caitlyn N 15              2) Caldwell, Saralyn 13           
     3) Murphy, Ryan E 18               4) Stassinos, Malina M 15         
                  25.85       52.58 (26.73)     1:19.41 (26.83)     1:45.07 (25.66)
 32 Chartiers Valley Swim Club-AM  'A'          1:42.94    1:47.10        
     1) Bergman, Emily E 18             2) Feola, Natalie M 18            
     3) Marcucci, Miranda L 16          4) Kovacicek, Cassidy E 17        
                  30.14       55.06 (24.92)     1:21.07 (26.01)     1:47.10 (26.03)
 -- Machine Aquatics-PV  'A'                    1:35.02         DQ        
      Early take-off swimmer #4
     1) Harper, Shannon A 19            2) Grant, Sammie I 13             
     3) Mathis, Sydney M 14             4) Schmid, Olivia F 13            
 -- Greater Latrobe Aqua Club-AM  'A'           1:36.46         DQ        
      Early take-off swimmer #2
     1) Sowinski, Monica H 16           2) Owens, Kayla V 19              
     3) Brownlee, Allison L 15          4) Defrancesco, Gina M 18         
 -- Retriever Aquatic Club-MD  'A'              1:40.44        SCR        
Event 29  Women 1650 Yard Freestyle
        EZSC: # 15:40.89   3/17/2005 Kate Ziegler, FISH-PV                     
                16:25.19  NAT
                16:42.49  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  17:54.39
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Nunan, Amanda J     15 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA 16:42.46   16:43.86         20  
                  26.96       56.00 (29.04)     1:25.84 (29.84)     1:55.98 (30.14)
        2:26.09 (30.11)     2:56.16 (30.07)     3:26.50 (30.34)     3:56.48 (29.98)
        4:26.81 (30.33)     4:57.01 (30.20)     5:27.57 (30.56)     5:57.87 (30.30)
        6:28.61 (30.74)     6:59.11 (30.50)     7:29.62 (30.51)     8:00.52 (30.90)
        8:31.27 (30.75)     9:02.26 (30.99)     9:32.99 (30.73)    10:03.77 (30.78)
       10:34.45 (30.68)    11:05.28 (30.83)    11:36.18 (30.90)    12:06.96 (30.78)
       12:38.03 (31.07)    13:08.66 (30.63)    13:39.80 (31.14)    14:10.74 (30.94)
       14:41.55 (30.81)    15:12.58 (31.03)    15:43.46 (30.88)    16:14.18 (30.72)
       16:43.86 (29.68)
  2 Daday, Caitlin E    18 Parkland Aquatic-MA 17:00.35   16:55.44         17  
                  28.86       59.13 (30.27)     1:29.78 (30.65)     2:00.66 (30.88)
        2:31.51 (30.85)     3:02.63 (31.12)     3:33.73 (31.10)     4:04.41 (30.68)
        4:35.50 (31.09)     5:06.25 (30.75)     5:36.89 (30.64)     6:07.71 (30.82)
        6:38.44 (30.73)     7:09.17 (30.73)     7:39.88 (30.71)     8:10.57 (30.69)
        8:41.60 (31.03)     9:12.34 (30.74)     9:43.48 (31.14)    10:14.35 (30.87)
       10:45.19 (30.84)    11:16.53 (31.34)    11:47.66 (31.13)    12:18.83 (31.17)
       12:50.18 (31.35)    13:21.05 (30.87)    13:52.06 (31.01)    14:23.02 (30.96)
       14:53.70 (30.68)    15:24.79 (31.09)    15:55.76 (30.97)    16:26.36 (30.60)
       16:55.44 (29.08)
  3 Daday, Colleen M    15 Parkland Aquatic-MA 17:23.29   16:59.04         16  
                  28.99       59.45 (30.46)     1:29.83 (30.38)     2:00.42 (30.59)
        2:30.96 (30.54)     3:01.53 (30.57)     3:32.12 (30.59)     4:02.85 (30.73)
        4:33.59 (30.74)     5:04.61 (31.02)     5:35.46 (30.85)     6:06.31 (30.85)
        6:37.16 (30.85)     7:08.10 (30.94)     7:38.97 (30.87)     8:10.04 (31.07)
        8:41.14 (31.10)     9:12.31 (31.17)     9:43.21 (30.90)    10:14.33 (31.12)
       10:45.27 (30.94)    11:16.44 (31.17)    11:47.60 (31.16)    12:18.74 (31.14)
       12:49.76 (31.02)    13:21.25 (31.49)    13:52.72 (31.47)    14:23.90 (31.18)
       14:55.30 (31.40)    15:26.70 (31.40)    15:58.11 (31.41)    16:29.23 (31.12)
       16:59.04 (29.81)
  4 Jordan, Erin K      17 Parkland Aquatic-MA 16:48.39   17:11.92         15  
                  28.48       58.12 (29.64)     1:28.78 (30.66)     1:59.45 (30.67)
        2:30.21 (30.76)     3:00.76 (30.55)     3:31.42 (30.66)     4:02.55 (31.13)
        4:33.56 (31.01)     5:04.55 (30.99)     5:35.66 (31.11)     6:06.68 (31.02)
        6:37.93 (31.25)     7:09.17 (31.24)     7:40.57 (31.40)     8:12.09 (31.52)
        8:43.83 (31.74)     9:15.60 (31.77)     9:47.39 (31.79)    10:19.01 (31.62)
       10:50.96 (31.95)    11:22.71 (31.75)    11:54.56 (31.85)    12:26.43 (31.87)
       12:58.42 (31.99)    13:30.20 (31.78)    14:02.14 (31.94)    14:33.89 (31.75)
       15:05.67 (31.78)    15:37.58 (31.91)    16:09.22 (31.64)    16:41.03 (31.81)
       17:11.92 (30.89)
  5 Anderson, Gail F    15 Rockville Montgo-PV 17:31.49   17:20.98         14  
                  29.12     1:00.13 (31.01)     1:31.35 (31.22)     2:02.91 (31.56)
        2:34.84 (31.93)     3:06.80 (31.96)     3:38.43 (31.63)     4:10.00 (31.57)
        4:41.97 (31.97)     5:14.19 (32.22)     5:46.02 (31.83)     6:17.99 (31.97)
        6:50.20 (32.21)     7:22.38 (32.18)     7:54.66 (32.28)     8:26.89 (32.23)
        8:59.16 (32.27)     9:31.12 (31.96)    10:02.83 (31.71)    10:34.58 (31.75)
       11:06.05 (31.47)    11:37.36 (31.31)    12:08.79 (31.43)    12:40.30 (31.51)
       13:11.49 (31.19)    13:42.77 (31.28)    14:14.32 (31.55)    14:45.55 (31.23)
       15:16.73 (31.18)    15:47.85 (31.12)    16:19.20 (31.35)    16:50.51 (31.31)
       17:20.98 (30.47)
  6 Hursey, Karly M     18 Merritt Athletic-MD 17:36.07   17:24.78         13  
                  28.98     1:00.25 (31.27)     1:31.95 (31.70)     2:03.75 (31.80)
        2:35.70 (31.95)     3:07.57 (31.87)     3:39.50 (31.93)     4:11.38 (31.88)
        4:43.48 (32.10)     5:15.63 (32.15)     5:47.16 (31.53)     6:18.92 (31.76)
        6:50.76 (31.84)     7:23.02 (32.26)     7:54.93 (31.91)     8:27.23 (32.30)
        8:59.13 (31.90)     9:31.01 (31.88)    10:03.01 (32.00)    10:34.76 (31.75)
       11:07.22 (32.46)    11:38.76 (31.54)    12:10.60 (31.84)    12:42.50 (31.90)
       13:14.39 (31.89)    13:46.68 (32.29)    14:18.08 (31.40)    14:49.81 (31.73)
       15:21.58 (31.77)    15:53.12 (31.54)    16:24.49 (31.37)    16:54.67 (30.18)
       17:24.78 (30.11)
  7 Giddings, Grace B   13 Rockville Montgo-PV 17:31.53   17:28.92         12  
                  29.07       59.85 (30.78)     1:31.09 (31.24)     2:02.38 (31.29)
        2:34.01 (31.63)     3:06.07 (32.06)     3:37.55 (31.48)     4:09.58 (32.03)
        4:41.36 (31.78)     5:13.44 (32.08)     5:45.29 (31.85)     6:17.47 (32.18)
        6:49.24 (31.77)     7:21.26 (32.02)     7:53.28 (32.02)     8:25.26 (31.98)
        8:57.30 (32.04)     9:29.26 (31.96)    10:01.20 (31.94)    10:32.90 (31.70)
       11:04.88 (31.98)    11:36.66 (31.78)    12:08.47 (31.81)    12:40.43 (31.96)
       13:12.79 (32.36)    13:44.62 (31.83)    14:16.93 (32.31)    14:49.25 (32.32)
       15:21.50 (32.25)    15:53.81 (32.31)    16:26.02 (32.21)    16:57.95 (31.93)
       17:28.92 (30.97)
  8 Nguyen, Claire P    13 Nation's Capital-PV 17:42.60   17:39.12         11  
                  27.89       58.61 (30.72)     1:30.04 (31.43)     2:01.75 (31.71)
        2:33.51 (31.76)     3:05.28 (31.77)     3:37.21 (31.93)     4:09.24 (32.03)
        4:41.37 (32.13)     5:13.56 (32.19)     5:45.69 (32.13)     6:17.57 (31.88)
        6:49.99 (32.42)     7:22.35 (32.36)     7:54.57 (32.22)     8:27.04 (32.47)
        8:59.25 (32.21)     9:31.44 (32.19)    10:03.58 (32.14)    10:35.71 (32.13)
       11:08.01 (32.30)    11:40.57 (32.56)    12:13.36 (32.79)    12:46.28 (32.92)
       13:18.84 (32.56)    13:51.56 (32.72)    14:24.50 (32.94)    14:57.38 (32.88)
       15:30.11 (32.73)    16:02.77 (32.66)    16:35.44 (32.67)    17:07.67 (32.23)
       17:39.12 (31.45)
  9 Byrnes, Julia M     13 Nation's Capital-PV 17:51.79   17:39.90          9  
                  28.71     1:00.78 (32.07)     1:32.79 (32.01)     2:04.84 (32.05)
        2:37.03 (32.19)     3:09.11 (32.08)     3:41.65 (32.54)     4:14.06 (32.41)
        4:46.10 (32.04)     5:18.36 (32.26)     5:50.64 (32.28)     6:23.03 (32.39)
        6:55.56 (32.53)     7:27.61 (32.05)     8:00.05 (32.44)     8:32.28 (32.23)
        9:04.30 (32.02)     9:36.81 (32.51)    10:09.29 (32.48)    10:41.64 (32.35)
       11:14.21 (32.57)    11:46.73 (32.52)    12:18.84 (32.11)    12:51.06 (32.22)
       13:23.44 (32.38)    13:55.62 (32.18)    14:27.93 (32.31)    15:00.02 (32.09)
       15:32.63 (32.61)    16:05.20 (32.57)    16:37.82 (32.62)    17:09.41 (31.59)
       17:39.90 (30.49)
 10 Sheehan, Aurelia M  16 Jewish Community-AM 17:51.78   17:46.30          7  
                  27.75       58.71 (30.96)     1:31.26 (32.55)     2:02.98 (31.72)
        2:35.09 (32.11)     3:07.97 (32.88)     3:40.91 (32.94)     4:12.95 (32.04)
        4:45.05 (32.10)     5:17.70 (32.65)     5:49.39 (31.69)     6:21.64 (32.25)
        6:54.32 (32.68)     7:27.51 (33.19)     7:59.73 (32.22)     8:31.79 (32.06)
        9:05.17 (33.38)     9:38.07 (32.90)    10:10.55 (32.48)    10:43.17 (32.62)
       11:15.93 (32.76)    11:48.79 (32.86)    12:21.82 (33.03)    12:54.54 (32.72)
       13:27.21 (32.67)    14:00.29 (33.08)    14:33.15 (32.86)    15:06.10 (32.95)
       15:38.65 (32.55)    16:11.55 (32.90)    16:43.85 (32.30)    17:15.31 (31.46)
       17:46.30 (30.99)
 11 Carter, Hannah M    13 Snow Swimming-PV    10:34.91   17:51.05          6  
                  29.43     1:01.41 (31.98)     1:33.95 (32.54)     2:06.60 (32.65)
        2:38.95 (32.35)     3:11.65 (32.70)     3:44.54 (32.89)     4:16.88 (32.34)
        4:49.63 (32.75)     5:22.18 (32.55)     5:54.50 (32.32)     6:27.02 (32.52)
        6:59.33 (32.31)     7:32.05 (32.72)     8:04.56 (32.51)     8:36.97 (32.41)
        9:09.53 (32.56)     9:41.99 (32.46)    10:14.82 (32.83)    10:47.27 (32.45)
       11:20.04 (32.77)    11:52.84 (32.80)    12:25.54 (32.70)    12:58.43 (32.89)
       13:31.14 (32.71)    14:04.10 (32.96)    14:36.96 (32.86)    15:09.85 (32.89)
       15:42.57 (32.72)    16:15.42 (32.85)    16:48.02 (32.60)    17:20.05 (32.03)
       17:51.05 (31.00)
 12 Arel, Kelly E       16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM 18:12.61L  17:52.72          5  
                  29.38     1:01.30 (31.92)     1:33.83 (32.53)     2:06.29 (32.46)
        2:39.03 (32.74)     3:11.80 (32.77)     3:44.77 (32.97)     4:17.49 (32.72)
        4:50.11 (32.62)     5:22.95 (32.84)     5:55.61 (32.66)     6:28.12 (32.51)
        7:00.83 (32.71)     7:33.47 (32.64)     8:06.25 (32.78)     8:39.20 (32.95)
        9:11.68 (32.48)     9:44.09 (32.41)    10:16.62 (32.53)    10:49.01 (32.39)
       11:21.37 (32.36)    11:54.01 (32.64)    12:26.79 (32.78)    12:59.54 (32.75)
       13:32.16 (32.62)    14:04.70 (32.54)    14:37.43 (32.73)    15:10.17 (32.74)
       15:42.88 (32.71)    16:15.51 (32.63)    16:48.09 (32.58)    17:20.69 (32.60)
       17:52.72 (32.03)
 13 Stewart, Alexa C    15 Rockville Montgo-PV 17:45.34   17:53.89          4  
                  30.08     1:01.47 (31.39)     1:33.33 (31.86)     2:05.20 (31.87)
        2:37.19 (31.99)     3:09.08 (31.89)     3:41.13 (32.05)     4:12.90 (31.77)
        4:45.18 (32.28)     5:17.47 (32.29)     5:49.83 (32.36)     6:22.28 (32.45)
        6:54.95 (32.67)     7:27.70 (32.75)     8:00.49 (32.79)     8:33.58 (33.09)
        9:06.61 (33.03)     9:39.53 (32.92)    10:12.79 (33.26)    10:45.84 (33.05)
       11:18.84 (33.00)    11:51.85 (33.01)    12:25.08 (33.23)    12:58.30 (33.22)
       13:31.55 (33.25)    14:04.69 (33.14)    14:37.82 (33.13)    15:10.91 (33.09)
       15:43.97 (33.06)    16:16.95 (32.98)    16:49.60 (32.65)    17:22.44 (32.84)
       17:53.89 (31.45)
 14 Clark, Danielle B   16 Retriever Aquati-MD 17:43.18   17:57.55          3  
                  29.03     1:01.06 (32.03)     1:33.42 (32.36)     2:06.21 (32.79)
        2:38.39 (32.18)     3:10.69 (32.30)     3:43.39 (32.70)     4:16.15 (32.76)
        4:48.51 (32.36)     5:21.18 (32.67)     5:53.75 (32.57)     6:26.70 (32.95)
        6:59.61 (32.91)     7:32.27 (32.66)     8:05.09 (32.82)     8:38.16 (33.07)
        9:10.83 (32.67)     9:43.72 (32.89)    10:16.44 (32.72)    10:49.24 (32.80)
       11:22.27 (33.03)    11:55.24 (32.97)    12:28.33 (33.09)    13:01.23 (32.90)
       13:34.11 (32.88)    14:06.83 (32.72)    14:40.03 (33.20)    15:12.85 (32.82)
       15:46.46 (33.61)    16:19.42 (32.96)    16:52.54 (33.12)    17:25.12 (32.58)
       17:57.55 (32.43)
 15 Romano, Elizabeth   15 Nation's Capital-PV 10:37.62   18:02.46          2  
                  28.79     1:00.21 (31.42)     1:32.33 (32.12)     2:04.84 (32.51)
        2:37.23 (32.39)     3:09.95 (32.72)     3:42.76 (32.81)     4:15.75 (32.99)
        4:48.76 (33.01)     5:21.64 (32.88)     5:54.41 (32.77)     6:27.63 (33.22)
        7:00.86 (33.23)     7:34.26 (33.40)     8:07.47 (33.21)     8:40.71 (33.24)
        9:13.86 (33.15)     9:47.25 (33.39)    10:20.39 (33.14)    10:53.75 (33.36)
       11:26.91 (33.16)    11:59.83 (32.92)    12:32.75 (32.92)    13:06.20 (33.45)
       13:39.32 (33.12)    14:12.23 (32.91)    14:45.47 (33.24)    15:18.75 (33.28)
       15:51.82 (33.07)    16:25.05 (33.23)    16:57.89 (32.84)  18:02.46 (1:04.57)
 16 Garrett, Danielle   16 Occoquan Swimmin-PV 17:25.96   18:02.52          1  
                  30.54     1:03.47 (32.93)     1:36.33 (32.86)     2:09.33 (33.00)
        2:42.13 (32.80)     3:14.93 (32.80)     3:47.86 (32.93)     4:20.69 (32.83)
        4:53.65 (32.96)     5:26.66 (33.01)     5:59.74 (33.08)     6:32.49 (32.75)
        7:05.39 (32.90)     7:38.09 (32.70)     8:11.09 (33.00)     8:44.27 (33.18)
        9:17.13 (32.86)     9:49.78 (32.65)    10:23.16 (33.38)    10:55.86 (32.70)
       11:28.61 (32.75)    12:01.36 (32.75)    12:34.20 (32.84)    13:07.23 (33.03)
       13:40.43 (33.20)    14:13.46 (33.03)    14:46.69 (33.23)    15:19.66 (32.97)
       15:52.85 (33.19)    16:25.61 (32.76)    16:58.14 (32.53)    17:30.61 (32.47)
       18:02.52 (31.91)
 17 Hauck, Kacey A      15 Snow Swimming-PV    17:54.18   18:16.87        
                  29.75     1:02.37 (32.62)     1:35.08 (32.71)     2:07.50 (32.42)
        2:40.23 (32.73)     3:13.00 (32.77)     3:45.99 (32.99)     4:19.03 (33.04)
        4:51.95 (32.92)     5:25.01 (33.06)     5:58.50 (33.49)     6:31.75 (33.25)
        7:05.36 (33.61)     7:39.08 (33.72)     8:13.03 (33.95)     8:46.47 (33.44)
        9:19.72 (33.25)     9:52.28 (32.56)    10:24.90 (32.62)    10:57.84 (32.94)
       11:30.65 (32.81)    12:04.09 (33.44)    12:37.51 (33.42)    13:11.81 (34.30)
       13:45.56 (33.75)    14:19.54 (33.98)    14:53.54 (34.00)    15:28.14 (34.60)
       16:02.26 (34.12)    16:36.56 (34.30)    17:10.31 (33.75)    17:44.21 (33.90)
       18:16.87 (32.66)
 18 Martin, Isabella A  17 Rockville Montgo-PV 17:50.27   18:20.75        
                  29.83     1:02.17 (32.34)     1:35.08 (32.91)     2:08.11 (33.03)
        2:41.00 (32.89)     3:13.84 (32.84)     3:47.03 (33.19)     4:20.31 (33.28)
        4:53.47 (33.16)     5:26.58 (33.11)     5:59.90 (33.32)     6:33.43 (33.53)
        7:06.82 (33.39)     7:40.12 (33.30)     8:13.54 (33.42)     8:47.42 (33.88)
        9:21.35 (33.93)     9:55.16 (33.81)    10:29.11 (33.95)    11:03.07 (33.96)
       11:36.93 (33.86)    12:10.75 (33.82)    12:44.68 (33.93)    13:18.62 (33.94)
       13:52.66 (34.04)    14:26.78 (34.12)    15:00.78 (34.00)    15:34.57 (33.79)
       16:08.36 (33.79)    16:42.13 (33.77)    17:15.87 (33.74)    17:48.69 (32.82)
       18:20.75 (32.06)
 -- Lee, Isabella C     13 Arlington Aquati-PV 17:30.34        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Dean, Frances E     16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM 17:24.97         NS        
 -- Ling, Alissa S      17 Retriever Aquati-MD 10:37.64        SCR        
 -- Jones, Julianna L   14 Williamsburg Aqu-VA 17:28.92        SCR        
 -- Anderson, Molly E   17 Machine Aquatics-PV 17:43.46        SCR        
 -- Dougherty, Erin P   16 Naval Academy Aq-MD 17:23.71        SCR        
 -- Otwell, Bria N      16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM 17:38.45        SCR        
 -- Matusek, Ellie E    14 Rockville Montgo-PV 17:53.55        SCR        
 -- Mulhern, Meghan S   17 Naval Academy Aq-MD 17:50.42        SCR        
 -- Waters, Carly J     18 Retriever Aquati-MD 17:13.59        SCR        
 -- Namestnik, Alexa R  18 Jewish Community-AM 17:49.78        SCR        
 -- Potis, Danielle M   17 North Baltimore-MD  16:38.80        SCR        
 -- Long, Kelly A       17 Retriever Aquati-MD 17:42.05        SCR        
Event 31  Women 200 Yard Backstroke
        EZSC: # 1:55.53   3/12/2006 Julia Smit, TVSC-MR                        
                1:56.79  NAT
                1:58.09  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  2:11.09
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Szekely, Alexandra  16 Central Bucks Sw-MA  1:56.70    1:54.05#NAT     20  
                  26.82       55.10 (28.28)     1:24.27 (29.17)     1:54.05 (29.78)
  2 Treuth, Alice L     17 Coastal Aquatics-MD  2:00.51    1:58.13         17  
                  27.55       56.82 (29.27)     1:27.77 (30.95)     1:58.13 (30.36)
  3 Enoch, Geordie A    18 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:03.83    2:00.37         16  
                  28.16       58.14 (29.98)     1:29.17 (31.03)     2:00.37 (31.20)
  4 Chabbott, Amanda H  16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:03.51    2:03.22         15  
                  29.31       59.92 (30.61)     1:31.69 (31.77)     2:03.22 (31.53)
  5 Daday, Caitlin E    18 Parkland Aquatic-MA  2:04.99    2:06.42         14  
                  30.57     1:02.70 (32.13)     1:34.91 (32.21)     2:06.42 (31.51)
  6 Barnard, Emily R    16 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  2:06.66    2:06.63         13  
                  30.18     1:02.27 (32.09)     1:34.54 (32.27)     2:06.63 (32.09)
  7 Nguyen, Claire P    13 Nation's Capital-PV  2:06.62    2:07.15         12  
                  29.79     1:01.95 (32.16)     1:34.88 (32.93)     2:07.15 (32.27)
  8 Shepherd, Sarah H   15 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:06.25    2:08.21         11  
                  29.99     1:02.25 (32.26)     1:34.92 (32.67)     2:08.21 (33.29)
B - Final
  9 Lee, Carrie R       16 Snow Swimming-PV     2:06.86    2:04.18          9  
                  28.50       59.64 (31.14)     1:32.07 (32.43)     2:04.18 (32.11)
 10 Hsu, Helen          16 Unattached-MA        2:06.75    2:04.61          7  
                  28.83       59.30 (30.47)     1:31.41 (32.11)     2:04.61 (33.20)
 11 Hayburn, Annie C    15 Annapolis Swim C-MD  2:07.29    2:05.58          6  
                  29.22     1:00.86 (31.64)     1:33.35 (32.49)     2:05.58 (32.23)
 12 Mautino, Sarah L    14 Jewish Community-AM  2:07.28    2:05.76          5  
                  29.01     1:00.37 (31.36)     1:32.92 (32.55)     2:05.76 (32.84)
 13 Cotter, Theresa J   17 Columbia Aquatic-MD  2:07.62    2:06.84          4  
                  29.12     1:00.83 (31.71)     1:33.63 (32.80)     2:06.84 (33.21)
 14 Wroniewicz, Katie   15 Snow Swimming-PV     2:06.82    2:07.16          3  
                  29.35     1:01.01 (31.66)     1:34.16 (33.15)     2:07.16 (33.00)
 15 Alvarado, Carly M   16 Nation's Capital-PV  2:07.08    2:08.48          2  
                  29.14     1:01.22 (32.08)     1:34.87 (33.65)     2:08.48 (33.61)
 16 O'Connor, Mackenzi  13 Salvation Army K-MA  2:07.57    2:09.07          1  
                  29.84     1:02.35 (32.51)     1:35.71 (33.36)     2:09.07 (33.36)
C - Final
 17 Karam, Sydnee S     17 Parkland Aquatic-MA  2:08.63    2:05.37        
                  29.75     1:01.36 (31.61)     1:33.38 (32.02)     2:05.37 (31.99)
 18 Hanson, Kaleigh T   15 Columbia Aquatic-MD  2:07.65    2:05.82        
                  29.30     1:01.13 (31.83)     1:33.67 (32.54)     2:05.82 (32.15)
 19 Liberto, Morgan S   13 Columbia Aquatic-MD  2:08.18    2:06.24        
                  29.60     1:01.32 (31.72)     1:33.95 (32.63)     2:06.24 (32.29)
 20 Sullivan, Laura F   17 Machine Aquatics-PV  2:08.74    2:07.27        
                  29.18     1:00.74 (31.56)     1:33.69 (32.95)     2:07.27 (33.58)
 21 Van Netta, Alyssa   14 Retriever Aquati-MD  2:07.76    2:08.08        
                  30.25     1:02.51 (32.26)     1:35.53 (33.02)     2:08.08 (32.55)
 22 Raber, Shelby E     12 H2okie Aquatics-VA   2:08.44    2:08.65        
                  30.75     1:03.54 (32.79)     1:36.55 (33.01)     2:08.65 (32.10)
 23 Garrigan, Juliet    15 Nittany Lion Aqu-MA  2:09.47    2:10.19        
                  29.82     1:02.08 (32.26)     1:36.40 (34.32)     2:10.19 (33.79)
 -- Zhang, Gabrielle    13 Nation's Capital-PV  2:08.30         NS        
Event 31  Women 200 Yard Backstroke
        EZSC: # 1:55.53   3/12/2006 Julia Smit, TVSC-MR                        
                1:56.79  NAT
                1:58.09  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  2:11.09
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Szekely, Alexandra E      16 Central Bucks Sw-MA  1:54.37    1:56.70 qNAT   
                  27.58       56.56 (28.98)     1:26.70 (30.14)     1:56.70 (30.00)
  2 Treuth, Alice L           17 Coastal Aquatics-MD  1:56.97    2:00.51 q      
                  27.84       57.57 (29.73)     1:28.95 (31.38)     2:00.51 (31.56)
  3 Chabbott, Amanda H        16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:01.99    2:03.51 q      
                  29.64     1:00.65 (31.01)     1:32.19 (31.54)     2:03.51 (31.32)
  4 Boutant, Alice M          19 UNAT-VA              2:17.88L   2:03.71 q      
                  29.08       59.79 (30.71)     1:31.86 (32.07)     2:03.71 (31.85)
  5 Enoch, Geordie A          18 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:01.16    2:03.83 q      
                  28.94     1:00.11 (31.17)     1:32.25 (32.14)     2:03.83 (31.58)
  6 Daday, Caitlin E          18 Parkland Aquatic-MA  2:07.85    2:04.99 q      
                  30.46     1:01.77 (31.31)     1:33.83 (32.06)     2:04.99 (31.16)
  7 Churman, Kayla M          16 Allegheny North-AM   2:04.56    2:05.96 q      
                  29.95     1:01.78 (31.83)     1:33.94 (32.16)     2:05.96 (32.02)
  8 Caputo, Gianna M          16 Allegheny North-AM   2:06.55    2:06.11 q      
                  30.71     1:02.18 (31.47)     1:34.08 (31.90)     2:06.11 (32.03)
  9 Jones, Meghan L           16 Shockwaves Aquat-MA  2:06.29    2:06.18 q      
                  29.77     1:01.34 (31.57)     1:33.67 (32.33)     2:06.18 (32.51)
 10 Shepherd, Sarah H         15 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:03.77    2:06.25 q      
                  29.82     1:01.40 (31.58)     1:33.87 (32.47)     2:06.25 (32.38)
 11 Painter, Kathryn M        17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  2:08.84    2:06.55 q      
                  30.78     1:02.87 (32.09)     1:35.11 (32.24)     2:06.55 (31.44)
 12 Nguyen, Claire P          13 Nation's Capital-PV  2:07.35    2:06.62 q      
                  30.14     1:01.70 (31.56)     1:34.00 (32.30)     2:06.62 (32.62)
 13 Barnard, Emily R          16 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  2:07.37    2:06.66 q      
                  30.10     1:02.15 (32.05)     1:34.21 (32.06)     2:06.66 (32.45)
 14 Brickner, Charlie K       17 Allegheny North-AM   2:09.85    2:06.67 q      
                  30.76     1:02.45 (31.69)     1:34.29 (31.84)     2:06.67 (32.38)
 15 Hsu, Helen                16 Unattached-MA        2:04.94    2:06.75 q      
                  29.32     1:00.52 (31.20)     1:32.76 (32.24)     2:06.75 (33.99)
 16 Wroniewicz, Katie A       15 Snow Swimming-PV     2:07.83    2:06.82 q      
                  30.29     1:02.44 (32.15)     1:34.75 (32.31)     2:06.82 (32.07)
 17 Lee, Carrie R             16 Snow Swimming-PV     2:03.26    2:06.86 q      
                  29.42     1:01.72 (32.30)     1:34.50 (32.78)     2:06.86 (32.36)
 18 Alvarado, Carly M         16 Nation's Capital-PV  2:08.07    2:07.08 q      
                  29.32     1:00.97 (31.65)     1:33.81 (32.84)     2:07.08 (33.27)
 19 Mautino, Sarah L          14 Jewish Community-AM  2:05.76    2:07.28 q      
                  29.75     1:01.86 (32.11)     1:34.98 (33.12)     2:07.28 (32.30)
 20 Hayburn, Annie C          15 Annapolis Swim C-MD  2:04.87    2:07.29 q      
                  29.81     1:01.62 (31.81)     1:34.43 (32.81)     2:07.29 (32.86)
 21 O'Connor, Mackenzie S     13 Salvation Army K-MA  2:09.78    2:07.57 q      
                  29.41     1:00.98 (31.57)     1:33.88 (32.90)     2:07.57 (33.69)
 22 Cotter, Theresa J         17 Columbia Aquatic-MD  2:05.97    2:07.62 q      
                  28.96     1:00.25 (31.29)     1:33.25 (33.00)     2:07.62 (34.37)
 23 Hanson, Kaleigh T         15 Columbia Aquatic-MD  2:08.97    2:07.65 q      
                  29.90     1:01.57 (31.67)     1:34.19 (32.62)     2:07.65 (33.46)
 24 Van Netta, Alyssa A       14 Retriever Aquati-MD  2:07.43    2:07.76 q      
                  30.23     1:02.38 (32.15)     1:35.42 (33.04)     2:07.76 (32.34)
 25 Caulfield, Alissa C       17 Retriever Aquati-MD  2:06.29    2:07.83        
                  30.18     1:02.19 (32.01)     1:35.22 (33.03)     2:07.83 (32.61)
 25 Ford, Kathryn A           18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  2:02.88    2:07.83        
                  29.08     1:01.04 (31.96)     1:34.66 (33.62)     2:07.83 (33.17)
Swim-Off Required -------------------------------------------------------
 27 Krug, Paris M             16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:07.94    2:08.10        
                  30.08     1:02.17 (32.09)     1:35.06 (32.89)     2:08.10 (33.04)
 28 Liberto, Morgan S         13 Columbia Aquatic-MD  2:08.52    2:08.18        
                  30.20     1:02.48 (32.28)     1:35.72 (33.24)     2:08.18 (32.46)
 29 Nielson, Alayna R         13 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:10.81    2:08.29        
                  29.88     1:01.88 (32.00)     1:35.52 (33.64)     2:08.29 (32.77)
 30 Zhang, Gabrielle          13 Nation's Capital-PV  2:10.17    2:08.30        
                  30.48     1:02.91 (32.43)     1:35.57 (32.66)     2:08.30 (32.73)
 31 Raber, Shelby E           12 H2okie Aquatics-VA   2:06.31    2:08.44        
                  30.35     1:03.57 (33.22)     1:36.43 (32.86)     2:08.44 (32.01)
 32 Karam, Sydnee S           17 Parkland Aquatic-MA  2:05.90    2:08.63        
                  30.85     1:03.14 (32.29)     1:35.75 (32.61)     2:08.63 (32.88)
 32 Schilken, Meghan M        17 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  2:07.92    2:08.63        
                  30.27     1:02.72 (32.45)     1:35.58 (32.86)     2:08.63 (33.05)
 34 Sullivan, Laura F         17 Machine Aquatics-PV  2:08.99    2:08.74        
                  29.96     1:01.97 (32.01)     1:35.40 (33.43)     2:08.74 (33.34)
 35 Parsons, Abigail M        15 Seneca Valley Sw-AM  2:26.64L   2:08.79        
                  29.33     1:01.88 (32.55)     1:35.63 (33.75)     2:08.79 (33.16)
 36 McGlaughlin, Juliet E     16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  2:08.04    2:08.97        
                  30.61     1:02.39 (31.78)     1:35.53 (33.14)     2:08.97 (33.44)
 37 Smolyansky, Tatyana Y     17 Radnor Aquatic C-MA  2:27.15L   2:09.00        
                  30.32     1:03.35 (33.03)     1:36.07 (32.72)     2:09.00 (32.93)
 38 Sizemore, Karah M         17 Stingrays Swim T-VA  2:06.01    2:09.05        
                  30.13     1:02.43 (32.30)     1:35.63 (33.20)     2:09.05 (33.42)
 39 Brinkhoff, Allison M      17 Bethel Park Recr-AM  2:06.35    2:09.06        
                  29.78     1:01.88 (32.10)     1:35.46 (33.58)     2:09.06 (33.60)
 40 Kosic, Abby M             16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  2:07.33    2:09.10        
                  30.32     1:02.31 (31.99)     1:35.41 (33.10)     2:09.10 (33.69)
 40 McGuire-Wien, Eleanore V  15 All Star Aquatic-PV  2:07.03    2:09.10        
                  30.35     1:02.27 (31.92)     1:35.46 (33.19)     2:09.10 (33.64)
 42 Vance, Emily R            16 Una Rac-MD           2:07.25    2:09.22        
                  31.71     1:05.12 (33.41)     1:37.17 (32.05)     2:09.22 (32.05)
 43 Garrigan, Juliet          15 Nittany Lion Aqu-MA  2:14.76    2:09.47        
                  29.89     1:02.20 (32.31)     1:35.67 (33.47)     2:09.47 (33.80)
 44 Reynolds, Hope W          14 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  2:10.19    2:09.59        
                  30.22     1:02.42 (32.20)     1:35.88 (33.46)     2:09.59 (33.71)
 45 Byrnes, Julia M           13 Nation's Capital-PV  2:10.78    2:09.60        
                  30.22     1:02.60 (32.38)     1:36.48 (33.88)     2:09.60 (33.12)
 46 McGrath, Lauren N         15 Allegheny North-AM   2:07.65    2:09.64        
                  31.87     1:04.90 (33.03)     1:38.18 (33.28)     2:09.64 (31.46)
 47 Flanagan, Clare C         15 Hampton Dolphins-AM  2:07.44    2:09.80        
                  30.60     1:03.57 (32.97)     1:36.94 (33.37)     2:09.80 (32.86)
 48 Beasley, Sia T            17 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:07.69    2:09.88        
                  31.55     1:04.66 (33.11)     1:37.54 (32.88)     2:09.88 (32.34)
 49 Obando, Grace E           15 Potomac Marlins-PV   2:10.37    2:09.90        
                  30.54     1:03.51 (32.97)     1:37.00 (33.49)     2:09.90 (32.90)
 50 Hochkeppel, Shannon R     15 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:11.00    2:10.45        
                  30.16     1:02.50 (32.34)     1:36.36 (33.86)     2:10.45 (34.09)
 51 Icard, Jacy P             18 Monocacy Aquatic-MD  2:11.42    2:10.47        
                  31.45     1:04.19 (32.74)     1:37.76 (33.57)     2:10.47 (32.71)
 52 Lemone, Alexis A          15 All Star Aquatic-PV  2:09.29    2:10.48        
                  30.47     1:03.34 (32.87)     1:37.23 (33.89)     2:10.48 (33.25)
 53 Mayo, Rebecca K           15 Prince William S-VA  2:10.94    2:10.63        
                  31.30     1:03.95 (32.65)     1:37.15 (33.20)     2:10.63 (33.48)
 54 Rhodes, Caroline K        14 Nation's Capital-PV  2:09.96    2:10.67        
                  31.00     1:03.51 (32.51)     1:37.08 (33.57)     2:10.67 (33.59)
 55 Kelly, Lauren A           14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  2:09.43    2:10.74        
                  31.43     1:04.69 (33.26)     1:38.46 (33.77)     2:10.74 (32.28)
 56 Petrak, Taylor E          14 Riverside Aqua C-AM  2:10.52    2:10.75        
                  30.23     1:03.37 (33.14)     1:37.93 (34.56)     2:10.75 (32.82)
 57 Kegel, Samantha J         17 Lancaster Aquati-MA  2:10.67    2:10.99        
                  30.80     1:04.00 (33.20)     1:37.87 (33.87)     2:10.99 (33.12)
 58 Bonetta-Misteli, Frances  13 Nation's Capital-PV  2:09.78    2:11.07        
                  30.15     1:02.48 (32.33)     1:36.56 (34.08)     2:11.07 (34.51)
 59 Landeryou, Emily K        14 Nation's Capital-PV  2:10.15    2:11.10        
                  30.43     1:02.92 (32.49)     1:36.54 (33.62)     2:11.10 (34.56)
 60 Kelly, Madison            15 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:09.33    2:11.11        
                  30.34     1:02.45 (32.11)     1:36.57 (34.12)     2:11.11 (34.54)
 61 Smith, Katherine M        14 Nation's Capital-PV  2:12.37    2:11.12        
                  30.81     1:04.13 (33.32)     1:38.00 (33.87)     2:11.12 (33.12)
 62 Chewning, Stephanie R     16 Nation's Capital-PV  2:10.03    2:11.30        
                  30.27     1:02.71 (32.44)     1:36.92 (34.21)     2:11.30 (34.38)
 63 Rusinko, Hannah E         15 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  2:07.90    2:11.36        
                  30.57     1:03.19 (32.62)     1:37.36 (34.17)     2:11.36 (34.00)
 64 Schlosser, Emily N        14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:09.87    2:11.38        
                  31.20     1:03.99 (32.79)     1:37.36 (33.37)     2:11.38 (34.02)
 65 Ward, Trinity M           13 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  2:10.34    2:11.39        
                  30.42     1:03.32 (32.90)     1:37.45 (34.13)     2:11.39 (33.94)
 65 Haeberle, Lily A          15 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:09.72    2:11.39        
                  30.58     1:03.36 (32.78)     1:37.27 (33.91)     2:11.39 (34.12)
 67 Daday, Colleen M          15 Parkland Aquatic-MA  2:10.09    2:11.41        
                  30.80     1:03.76 (32.96)     1:37.85 (34.09)     2:11.41 (33.56)
 68 Wenhold, Jaimy A          14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:09.68    2:11.42        
                  30.98     1:03.96 (32.98)     1:37.46 (33.50)     2:11.42 (33.96)
 69 Matthias, Brooke D        13 Nation's Capital-PV  2:11.28    2:11.53        
                  31.11     1:04.53 (33.42)     1:38.51 (33.98)     2:11.53 (33.02)
 70 Liu, Caroline             16 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:10.25    2:11.57        
                  30.47     1:03.11 (32.64)     1:37.10 (33.99)     2:11.57 (34.47)
 71 Nunan, Amanda J           15 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  2:06.33    2:11.65        
                  31.35     1:04.14 (32.79)     1:38.40 (34.26)     2:11.65 (33.25)
 72 Mooney, Taylor A          17 Coastal Aquatics-MD  2:08.60    2:11.77        
                  30.49     1:03.51 (33.02)     1:37.96 (34.45)     2:11.77 (33.81)
 73 Fieeiki, Charlotte L      12 Nation's Capital-PV  2:13.14    2:11.81        
                  30.46     1:03.40 (32.94)     1:37.57 (34.17)     2:11.81 (34.24)
 74 Jordan, Erin K            17 Parkland Aquatic-MA  2:07.13    2:11.86        
                  30.99     1:04.18 (33.19)     1:38.03 (33.85)     2:11.86 (33.83)
 75 Catron, Sydney M          14 Nation's Capital-PV  2:10.27    2:11.90        
                  30.15     1:03.12 (32.97)     1:37.60 (34.48)     2:11.90 (34.30)
 76 Byrd, Rebecca A           16 Nation's Capital-PV  2:11.08    2:12.03        
                  31.09     1:03.88 (32.79)     1:38.19 (34.31)     2:12.03 (33.84)
 77 Merriman, Abigail F       15 Cardinal & Gold-MD   2:11.26    2:12.18        
                  30.89     1:04.36 (33.47)     1:38.41 (34.05)     2:12.18 (33.77)
 78 Bloom, Lindsey H          14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:10.68    2:12.26        
                  32.15     1:05.06 (32.91)     1:38.74 (33.68)     2:12.26 (33.52)
 79 Schmid, Olivia F          13 Machine Aquatics-PV  2:10.04    2:12.38        
                  31.03     1:04.42 (33.39)     1:38.75 (34.33)     2:12.38 (33.63)
 80 Lee, Isabella C           13 Arlington Aquati-PV  2:08.63    2:12.65        
                  29.97     1:02.73 (32.76)     1:37.76 (35.03)     2:12.65 (34.89)
 81 King, Erica L             15 Pine Richland Aq-AM  2:11.03    2:13.08        
                  30.93     1:03.57 (32.64)     1:38.31 (34.74)     2:13.08 (34.77)
 82 Byer, Brittany M          16 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  2:12.83    2:13.10        
                  30.88     1:04.65 (33.77)     1:39.35 (34.70)     2:13.10 (33.75)
 83 Dean, Frances E           16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:07.51    2:13.31        
                  31.86     1:05.19 (33.33)     1:39.28 (34.09)     2:13.31 (34.03)
 84 Pryor, Allison A          15 Burkwood Aquatic-VA  2:10.90    2:13.65        
                  30.86     1:04.23 (33.37)     1:39.02 (34.79)     2:13.65 (34.63)
 85 French, Olivia R          14 Nation's Capital-PV  2:18.06    2:13.69        
                  30.77     1:04.66 (33.89)     1:39.34 (34.68)     2:13.69 (34.35)
 86 Jones, Courtney E         16 Regency Park Swi-VA  2:09.52    2:13.81        
                  31.26     1:04.63 (33.37)     1:38.92 (34.29)     2:13.81 (34.89)
 87 Puskar-Beckett, Alexandr  15 Nation's Capital-PV  2:08.02    2:13.86        
                  30.24     1:03.85 (33.61)     1:39.00 (35.15)     2:13.86 (34.86)
 88 McGillicuddy, Kelly F     16 Columbia Aquatic-MD  2:10.26    2:14.14        
                  30.47     1:03.73 (33.26)     1:39.42 (35.69)     2:14.14 (34.72)
 89 Clark, Danielle B         16 Retriever Aquati-MD  2:09.84    2:14.51        
                  31.07     1:04.50 (33.43)     1:39.50 (35.00)     2:14.51 (35.01)
 90 Laffey, Makenna K         16 Pine Richland Aq-AM  2:10.31    2:14.67        
                  30.77     1:03.82 (33.05)     1:39.01 (35.19)     2:14.67 (35.66)
 91 Gaston, Sara N            13 Burkwood Aquatic-VA  2:10.23    2:14.76        
                  31.62     1:05.55 (33.93)     1:40.46 (34.91)     2:14.76 (34.30)
 92 Cochran, Jessica R        16 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  2:14.29    2:14.79        
                  31.36     1:04.70 (33.34)     1:39.36 (34.66)     2:14.79 (35.43)
 93 Feola, Natalie M          18 Chartiers Valley-AM  2:08.96    2:15.11        
                  31.28     1:05.07 (33.79)     1:39.95 (34.88)     2:15.11 (35.16)
 94 Otwell, Bria N            16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:10.68    2:15.36        
                  30.17     1:04.59 (34.42)     1:40.13 (35.54)     2:15.36 (35.23)
 95 Depietro, Rachael F       18 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  2:10.19    2:15.56        
                  30.53     1:04.59 (34.06)     1:40.32 (35.73)     2:15.56 (35.24)
 96 Arel, Kelly E             16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:16.66    2:16.17        
                  32.04     1:05.73 (33.69)     1:41.01 (35.28)     2:16.17 (35.16)
 97 May, Kayla R              13 Columbia Aquatic-MD  2:12.79    2:16.27        
                  30.80     1:04.22 (33.42)     1:39.55 (35.33)     2:16.27 (36.72)
 98 Murphy, Ryan E            18 Herndon Aquatic-PV   2:06.51    2:19.83        
                  31.16     1:05.33 (34.17)     1:42.19 (36.86)     2:19.83 (37.64)
 99 Mathis, Sydney M          14 Machine Aquatics-PV  2:18.26    2:24.35        
                  31.26     1:06.59 (35.33)   2:24.35 (1:17.76)                    
 -- Zurmuhl, Hannah C         15 Central Bucks Sw-MA  2:09.07        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Yu, Rona                  16 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:10.09        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Vance, Erin J             14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:11.18         NS        
 -- Smolyansky, Alexandra Y   15 Radnor Aquatic C-MA  2:10.81        SCR        
 -- Gilbert, Alexa E          15 Naval Academy Aq-MD  2:10.60        SCR        
 -- Jones, Julianna L         14 Williamsburg Aqu-VA  2:10.59        SCR        
 -- Patterson, Linnea R       17 Williamsburg Aqu-VA  2:07.18        SCR        
 -- Long, Kelly A             17 Retriever Aquati-MD  2:08.85        SCR        
Event 33  Women 100 Yard Freestyle
        EZSC: # 49.68   3/12/2006 Julia Smit, TVSC-MR                          
                49.29  NAT
                49.89  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  54.39
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Kosten, Emily S     16 Central Bucks Sw-MA    50.65      50.16         20  
                  24.15       50.16 (26.01)                                        
  2 Scott, Morgan E     13 Central Bucks Sw-MA    52.60      51.02         17  
                  24.67       51.02 (26.35)                                        
  3 Walz, Delaney R     15 G P A C-MA             52.54      51.24         16  
                  25.04       51.24 (26.20)                                        
  4 Blair, Madeline M   16 Una Paac-MA            52.24      51.54         15  
                  24.75       51.54 (26.79)                                        
  5 Harper, Shannon A   19 Machine Aquatics-PV    51.41      51.61         14  
                  24.75       51.61 (26.86)                                        
  6 Liu, Danielle       17 Duke Aquatics-NC       52.59      52.11         13  
                  25.33       52.11 (26.78)                                        
  7 Richter, Audrey L   15 Rockville Montgo-PV    52.57      52.12         12  
                  25.31       52.12 (26.81)                                        
  8 Puskar-Beckett, Al  15 Nation's Capital-PV    52.63      52.26         11  
                  25.25       52.26 (27.01)                                        
B - Final
  9 Zurmuhl, Hannah C   15 Central Bucks Sw-MA    52.75      51.14          9  
                  24.71       51.14 (26.43)                                        
 10 Zhang, Lynn C       15 Rockville Montgo-PV    53.03      52.66          7  
                  25.29       52.66 (27.37)                                        
 11 Karam, Sydnee S     17 Parkland Aquatic-MA    53.17      52.71          6  
                  25.68       52.71 (27.03)                                        
 12 Nielson, Alayna R   13 Eagle Swim Team-MD     52.67      52.87          5  
                  25.40       52.87 (27.47)                                        
 13 Caulfield, Alissa   17 Retriever Aquati-MD    52.86      53.08          4  
                  25.36       53.08 (27.72)                                        
 14 Smith, Morgan P     17 Duke Aquatics-NC       53.07      53.19          3  
                  25.47       53.19 (27.72)                                        
 15 Knibb, Taylor B     16 Una Ncap-PV            52.72      53.20          2  
                  25.83       53.20 (27.37)                                        
 16 Hsu, Helen          16 Unattached-MA          53.00      54.55          1  
                  25.58       54.55 (28.97)                                        
C - Final
 17 Petit, Rosannah     17 Nation's Capital-PV    53.20      52.68        
                  25.32       52.68 (27.36)                                        
 18 Kozlina, Alexa R    14 Jewish Community-AM    53.19      52.73        
                  25.41       52.73 (27.32)                                        
 19 Nunan, Amanda J     15 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA    53.17      52.81        
                  25.84       52.81 (26.97)                                        
 20 Cortazzo, Amber L   17 Lancaster Aquati-MA    53.28      52.89        
                  25.66       52.89 (27.23)                                        
 21 Kosten, Eve J       18 Central Bucks Sw-MA    53.23      53.11        
                  25.15       53.11 (27.96)                                        
 22 Schmid, Olivia F    13 Machine Aquatics-PV    53.66      53.12        
                  25.59       53.12 (27.53)                                        
 23 Knapp, Sydney E     14 Nation's Capital-PV    53.26      53.55        
                  25.82       53.55 (27.73)                                        
 24 Murphy, Erin N      14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA    53.40      53.94        
                  25.97       53.94 (27.97)                                        
Event 33  Women 100 Yard Freestyle
        EZSC: # 49.68   3/12/2006 Julia Smit, TVSC-MR                          
                49.29  NAT
                49.89  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  54.39
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Kosten, Emily S           16 Central Bucks Sw-MA    50.14      50.65 q      
                  24.36       50.65 (26.29)                                        
  2 Harper, Shannon A         19 Machine Aquatics-PV    51.66      51.41 q      
                  24.66       51.41 (26.75)                                        
  3 Sowinski, Monica H        16 Greater Latrobe-AM     51.09      52.13 q      
                  25.20       52.13 (26.93)                                        
  4 Blair, Madeline M         16 Una Paac-MA            52.00      52.24 q      
                  25.04       52.24 (27.20)                                        
  5 Walz, Delaney R           15 G P A C-MA             52.38      52.54 q      
                  25.47       52.54 (27.07)                                        
  6 Richter, Audrey L         15 Rockville Montgo-PV    52.41      52.57 q      
                  25.39       52.57 (27.18)                                        
  7 Liu, Danielle             17 Duke Aquatics-NC       51.88      52.59 q      
                  25.30       52.59 (27.29)                                        
  8 Scott, Morgan E           13 Central Bucks Sw-MA    51.58      52.60 q      
                  25.53       52.60 (27.07)                                        
  9 Puskar-Beckett, Alexandr  15 Nation's Capital-PV    52.54      52.63 q      
                  25.46       52.63 (27.17)                                        
 10 Nielson, Alayna R         13 Eagle Swim Team-MD     52.79      52.67 q      
                  25.51       52.67 (27.16)                                        
 11 Knibb, Taylor B           16 Una Ncap-PV            53.73      52.72 q      
                  25.64       52.72 (27.08)                                        
 12 Zurmuhl, Hannah C         15 Central Bucks Sw-MA    51.79      52.75 q      
                  25.48       52.75 (27.27)                                        
 13 McGrath, Lauren N         15 Allegheny North-AM     51.58      52.81 q      
                  25.44       52.81 (27.37)                                        
 14 Caulfield, Alissa C       17 Retriever Aquati-MD    52.43      52.86 q      
                  25.59       52.86 (27.27)                                        
 15 Hsu, Helen                16 Unattached-MA          51.91      53.00 q      
                  25.56       53.00 (27.44)                                        
 16 Tanner, Lindsay M         15 Mercersburg Acad-MA    53.14      53.01 q      
                  25.86       53.01 (27.15)                                        
 17 Zhang, Lynn C             15 Rockville Montgo-PV    52.98      53.03 q      
                  25.64       53.03 (27.39)                                        
 18 Smith, Morgan P           17 Duke Aquatics-NC       52.60      53.07 q      
                  25.57       53.07 (27.50)                                        
 19 Ford, Kathryn A           18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    50.63      53.11 q      
                  25.53       53.11 (27.58)                                        
 20 Soulia, Morgan A          16 Allegheny North-AM     50.82      53.12 q      
                  25.45       53.12 (27.67)                                        
 21 Karam, Sydnee S           17 Parkland Aquatic-MA    52.47      53.17 q      
                  25.87       53.17 (27.30)                                        
 22 Nunan, Amanda J           15 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA    53.67     J53.17 q      
                  26.03       53.17 (27.14)                                        
 23 Song, Dorit G             15 Nation's Capital-PV    52.98     J53.17 q      
                  25.82       53.17 (27.35)                                        
 24 Kozlina, Alexa R          14 Jewish Community-AM    52.28      53.19 q      
                  25.55       53.19 (27.64)                                        
 25 Petit, Rosannah           17 Nation's Capital-PV    52.17      53.20        
                  25.75       53.20 (27.45)                                        
 26 Kosten, Eve J             18 Central Bucks Sw-MA    52.53      53.23        
                  25.53       53.23 (27.70)                                        
 27 Knapp, Sydney E           14 Nation's Capital-PV    53.16      53.26        
                  25.87       53.26 (27.39)                                        
 28 Cortazzo, Amber L         17 Lancaster Aquati-MA  1:01.71L     53.28        
                  25.58       53.28 (27.70)                                        
 29 Murphy, Erin N            14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA    53.94      53.40        
                  25.88       53.40 (27.52)                                        
 30 Manning, Eliza K          15 Monocacy Aquatic-MD    52.50      53.46        
                  25.77       53.46 (27.69)                                        
 31 Petrak, Taylor E          14 Riverside Aqua C-AM    53.65      53.59        
                  25.68       53.59 (27.91)                                        
 32 Kosic, Abby M             16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    53.63      53.62        
                  26.22       53.62 (27.40)                                        
 33 McComas, Katherine R      16 North Baltimore-MD     52.99      53.65        
                  25.71       53.65 (27.94)                                        
 34 Schmid, Olivia F          13 Machine Aquatics-PV    53.59      53.66        
                  25.81       53.66 (27.85)                                        
 35 Sweeney, Kaitlyn L        18 Rockville Montgo-PV    54.79      53.72        
                  25.53       53.72 (28.19)                                        
 36 Dobson, Julie M           17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    53.48      53.77        
                  25.80       53.77 (27.97)                                        
 37 Stewart, Sydni R          15 Salvation Army K-MA    53.71      53.78        
                  26.06       53.78 (27.72)                                        
 38 Horne, Rheagan A          15 Regency Park Swi-VA    53.65      53.80        
                  25.93       53.80 (27.87)                                        
 39 Nugent, Celine E          14 Rockville Montgo-PV    54.31      53.83        
                  26.03       53.83 (27.80)                                        
 40 Brinkhoff, Allison M      17 Bethel Park Recr-AM    53.56      53.86        
                  25.77       53.86 (28.09)                                        
 41 Churman, Kayla M          16 Allegheny North-AM     53.66      53.89        
                  26.07       53.89 (27.82)                                        
 42 Wilson, Sarah K           16 Monocacy Aquatic-MD    53.77      53.90        
                  25.54       53.90 (28.36)                                        
 42 Barthold, Laura K         17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    52.85      53.90        
                  26.09       53.90 (27.81)                                        
 44 Lee, Carrie R             16 Snow Swimming-PV       53.20      53.91        
                  25.89       53.91 (28.02)                                        
 45 Blewett, Hanna            16 Radnor Aquatic C-MA    53.02      53.94        
                  25.70       53.94 (28.24)                                        
 46 Tiberino, Alicia M        17 Rockville Montgo-PV    53.13      53.95        
                  26.17       53.95 (27.78)                                        
 47 Dingman, Kelsey L         17 Virginia Gators-VA     54.48      53.98        
                  25.47       53.98 (28.51)                                        
 48 Grant, Sammie I           13 Machine Aquatics-PV    53.65      53.99        
                  25.94       53.99 (28.05)                                        
 49 Miller, Makenzie C        17 Machine Aquatics-PV    53.05      54.09        
                  13.87       54.09 (40.22)                                        
 50 Williams, Rachel M        18 Nation's Capital-PV    54.03      54.11        
                  26.14       54.11 (27.97)                                        
 51 McNichol, Madison J       18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    52.55      54.13        
                  26.05       54.13 (28.08)                                        
 52 Walker, Peyton G          17 Columbia Aquatic-MD    53.60      54.15        
                  26.15       54.15 (28.00)                                        
 53 Brickner, Charlie K       17 Allegheny North-AM     54.04      54.16        
                  26.56       54.16 (27.60)                                        
 54 Bowne, Jamie O            14 G P A C-MA             54.02      54.17        
                  26.06       54.17 (28.11)                                        
 55 Gaston, Sara N            13 Burkwood Aquatic-VA    53.41      54.21        
                  26.19       54.21 (28.02)                                        
 56 Hayburn, Annie C          15 Annapolis Swim C-MD    53.60      54.22        
                  26.16       54.22 (28.06)                                        
 56 Weiss, Brittany M         16 Central Bucks Sw-MA    52.47      54.22        
                  25.99       54.22 (28.23)                                        
 58 Popalis, Madyson L        16 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    53.25      54.23        
                  26.25       54.23 (27.98)                                        
 59 Krug, Paris M             16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM    53.29      54.26        
                  25.93       54.26 (28.33)                                        
 60 Brownlee, Allison L       15 Greater Latrobe-AM     53.86      54.28        
                  26.62       54.28 (27.66)                                        
 60 Tillotson, Mary Katherin  15 Nation's Capital-PV    54.97      54.28        
                  26.59       54.28 (27.69)                                        
 60 Silpacharn, Pim           16 Snow Swimming-PV       53.34      54.28        
                  26.23       54.28 (28.05)                                        
 63 Bracken, Alison M         17 Greater Baltimor-MD    54.18      54.30        
                  26.04       54.30 (28.26)                                        
 64 Mann, Madeline R          16 Cardinal & Gold-MD     54.78      54.31        
                  26.14       54.31 (28.17)                                        
 65 Harrington, Sydney A      13 Nation's Capital-PV    54.06      54.32        
                  26.69       54.32 (27.63)                                        
 66 St. Martin, Brooke T      17 Eagle Swim Team-MD     53.52      54.33        
                  26.27       54.33 (28.06)                                        
 66 Miller, Olivia C          13 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    54.13      54.33        
                  26.37       54.33 (27.96)                                        
 68 Barnard, Emily R          16 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA    54.54      54.35        
                  26.59       54.35 (27.76)                                        
 69 Kelly, Lauren A           14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA    54.36      54.38        
                  26.39       54.38 (27.99)                                        
 69 Carozza, Ann M            13 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    53.14      54.38        
                  26.37       54.38 (28.01)                                        
 71 McCulla, Christine C      16 Nation's Capital-PV    54.26      54.44        
                  26.27       54.44 (28.17)                                        
 72 Haley, Kelleigh G         16 Nation's Capital-PV    55.92      54.45        
                  26.19       54.45 (28.26)                                        
 73 Lemone, Alexis A          15 All Star Aquatic-PV    53.74      54.47        
                  26.48       54.47 (27.99)                                        
 74 Kim, Brittany H           16 Eagle Swim Team-MD     53.82      54.48        
                  26.54       54.48 (27.94)                                        
 75 Akbay, Ayris S            14 Eagle Swim Team-MD     54.00      54.51        
                  26.42       54.51 (28.09)                                        
 76 Breazeale, Gabrielle      16 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  1:01.11L     54.52        
                  26.44       54.52 (28.08)                                        
 77 Null, Siani A             16 Pine Richland Aq-AM    53.23      54.59        
                  26.27       54.59 (28.32)                                        
 78 Landeryou, Emily K        14 Nation's Capital-PV    54.36      54.60        
                  26.20       54.60 (28.40)                                        
 79 Bumgarner, Hannah J       15 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    53.72      54.64        
                  26.27       54.64 (28.37)                                        
 80 Douds, Megan R            15 Greater Latrobe-AM     53.80      54.70        
                  26.75       54.70 (27.95)                                        
 81 Icard, Jacy P             18 Monocacy Aquatic-MD    55.32      54.71        
                  26.17       54.71 (28.54)                                        
 82 Packer, Laura             17 Radnor Aquatic C-MA    53.70      54.73        
                  26.06       54.73 (28.67)                                        
 83 Hubert, Courteney E       17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM    53.95      54.76        
                  26.22       54.76 (28.54)                                        
 84 Wareham, Sydney K         16 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    53.65      54.80        
                  26.66       54.80 (28.14)                                        
 84 Sullivan, Laura F         17 Machine Aquatics-PV    53.77      54.80        
                  26.31       54.80 (28.49)                                        
 86 Joseph, Morgan J          17 Cavalier Swim Cl-AM    54.94      54.84        
                  26.41       54.84 (28.43)                                        
 87 Adams, Emily A            16 Nation's Capital-PV    54.10      54.85        
                  26.21       54.85 (28.64)                                        
 88 Baldinazzo, Bizunesh      17 Columbia Aquatic-MD    53.91      54.88        
                  26.28       54.88 (28.60)                                        
 89 Ward, Trinity M           13 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    53.70      54.89        
                  26.34       54.89 (28.55)                                        
 90 Quinn, Courtney R         18 Nittany Lion Aqu-MA    57.20      54.95        
                  26.18       54.95 (28.77)                                        
 91 McGlaughlin, Juliet E     16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    56.48      54.96        
                  26.55       54.96 (28.41)                                        
 92 Mautino, Sarah L          14 Jewish Community-AM    53.64      55.03        
                  26.73       55.03 (28.30)                                        
 92 Storch, Katherine A       18 Machine Aquatics-PV    54.35      55.03        
                  26.24       55.03 (28.79)                                        
 92 Wright, Katie E           15 Allegheny North-AM     56.23      55.03        
                  26.63       55.03 (28.40)                                        
 95 Rontos, Kirstin M         16 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA    54.62      55.07        
                  26.98       55.07 (28.09)                                        
 96 Schilken, Meghan M        17 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    52.55      55.10        
                  26.69       55.10 (28.41)                                        
 97 Freeland, Madison R       13 Salvation Army K-MA  1:01.74L     55.11        
                  26.82       55.11 (28.29)                                        
 98 Hoban, Rachel O           15 Naval Academy Aq-MD    54.93      55.12        
                  26.51       55.12 (28.61)                                        
 99 Campbell, Samantha L      17 Radnor Aquatic C-MA    55.06      55.13        
                  26.28       55.13 (28.85)                                        
100 Standfield, Gabrielle R   12 Nation's Capital-PV    54.79      55.15        
                  26.56       55.15 (28.59)                                        
100 Saba, Farrin E            16 Machine Aquatics-PV    54.41      55.15        
                  26.04       55.15 (29.11)                                        
102 Fanua, Lilieni N          14 Y Randallstown A-MD    54.55      55.26        
                  26.82       55.26 (28.44)                                        
103 Root, Maggie K            17 Allegheny North-AM     54.73      55.29        
                  27.07       55.29 (28.22)                                        
104 Gieseman, Evie E          14 Arlington Aquati-PV    53.52      55.31        
                  26.20       55.31 (29.11)                                        
105 Jones, Courtney E         16 Regency Park Swi-VA    53.76      55.33        
                  26.52       55.33 (28.81)                                        
105 Williams, Avery E         15 Nation's Capital-PV    53.75      55.33        
                  26.79       55.33 (28.54)                                        
105 Showers, Rachel M         17 Stingrays Swim T-VA  1:01.72L     55.33        
                  26.83       55.33 (28.50)                                        
108 Nash, Savannah R          13 Nation's Capital-PV    54.39      55.34        
                  26.20       55.34 (29.14)                                        
109 Wright, Katie Q           15 All Star Aquatic-PV    55.50      55.38        
                  26.40       55.38 (28.98)                                        
109 Zherka, Ilira             14 Radnor Aquatic C-MA    54.99      55.38        
                  26.55       55.38 (28.83)                                        
109 Green, Jessica F          17 Arlington Aquati-PV    54.75      55.38        
                  26.82       55.38 (28.56)                                        
112 Vance, Emily R            16 Una Rac-MD             55.65      55.43        
                  26.51       55.43 (28.92)                                        
113 Morgan, Kelly L           14 Nation's Capital-PV    54.01      55.48        
                  26.48       55.48 (29.00)                                        
113 Van Netta, Alyssa A       14 Retriever Aquati-MD    55.04      55.48        
                  27.07       55.48 (28.41)                                        
115 McGillicuddy, Kelly F     16 Columbia Aquatic-MD    55.38      55.49        
                  26.93       55.49 (28.56)                                        
116 Byer, Brittany M          16 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    54.29      55.54        
                  26.59       55.54 (28.95)                                        
117 Pearson, Kasey A          16 Retriever Aquati-MD    54.32      55.56        
                  26.74       55.56 (28.82)                                        
117 Won, Je Moon              18 Sea Devil Swimmi-PV    54.34      55.56        
                  26.47       55.56 (29.09)                                        
119 Oliver, Maddie N          15 Snow Swimming-PV       54.92      55.59        
                  26.42       55.59 (29.17)                                        
120 Smith, Katherine M        14 Nation's Capital-PV    56.86      55.60        
                  26.83       55.60 (28.77)                                        
121 Juneau, Ann               13 Allegheny North-AM     56.22      55.62        
                  26.81       55.62 (28.81)                                        
122 Schere, Yvonne A          15 Annapolis Swim C-MD  1:01.49L     55.65        
                  26.93       55.65 (28.72)                                        
123 Garrity, Keara E          15 Boris Rybatsky-VA      53.73      55.67        
                  27.18       55.67 (28.49)                                        
124 Nicholson, Kathryn A      14 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    53.61      55.68        
                  27.05       55.68 (28.63)                                        
125 Sheffer, Julia J          16 Virginia Gators-VA     53.96      55.69        
                  26.75       55.69 (28.94)                                        
126 Bach, Janine A            18 Naval Academy Aq-MD    55.22      55.74        
                  26.45       55.74 (29.29)                                        
127 Stuart, Lucy A            17 Duke Aquatics-NC       55.23      55.80        
                  26.70       55.80 (29.10)                                        
128 Yarish, Emily A           17 Unattached-AM          53.96      55.91        
                  26.55       55.91 (29.36)                                        
129 Luncher, Kaitlin J        16 York Swim Club-PV      55.32      55.94        
                  26.15       55.94 (29.79)                                        
130 Depietro, Rachael F       18 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    53.95      55.95        
                  26.83       55.95 (29.12)                                        
131 Ritter, Sarah E           18 Merritt Athletic-MD    57.17      55.99        
                  27.28       55.99 (28.71)                                        
132 Shapiro, Alison J         16 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    55.41      56.01        
                  26.59       56.01 (29.42)                                        
132 Brown, Keyla M            12 Machine Aquatics-PV    55.57      56.01        
                  26.86       56.01 (29.15)                                        
134 Martin, Katlyn E          16 HoCo Aquatics-MD       54.22      56.05        
                  26.69       56.05 (29.36)                                        
135 Pryor, Allison A          15 Burkwood Aquatic-VA    54.14      56.10        
                  26.76       56.10 (29.34)                                        
136 O'Connor, Mackenzie S     13 Salvation Army K-MA    55.50      56.12        
                  26.91       56.12 (29.21)                                        
137 Long, Kelly A             17 Retriever Aquati-MD  1:01.76L     56.36        
                  26.96       56.36 (29.40)                                        
138 Huckenpoehler, Grace A    16 Cardinal & Gold-MD     56.91      56.42        
                  26.87       56.42 (29.55)                                        
139 Beasley, Sia T            17 Fox Chapel Kille-AM    53.88      56.50        
                  27.10       56.50 (29.40)                                        
140 Opong, Ayana R            12 Salvation Army K-MA    55.28      56.57        
                  26.87       56.57 (29.70)                                        
141 Douds, Megan L            18 Bethel Park Recr-AM    53.76      56.66        
                  26.83       56.66 (29.83)                                        
142 Morrison, Michaela        15 Arlington Aquati-PV    54.11      56.86        
                  26.98       56.86 (29.88)                                        
143 Jacobson, Anastasia E     14 Naval Academy Aq-MD    54.16      56.90        
                  27.27       56.90 (29.63)                                        
144 Bonetta-Misteli, Frances  13 Nation's Capital-PV    56.43      56.92        
                  27.04       56.92 (29.88)                                        
145 Littlepage, Madison G     14 Potomac Marlins-PV     55.28      56.95        
                  27.01       56.95 (29.94)                                        
146 Nassetta, Kirby M         17 Arlington Aquati-PV    55.66      57.01        
                  27.07       57.01 (29.94)                                        
147 Kenis, Samantha N         17 Machine Aquatics-PV  1:00.01      57.02        
                  27.25       57.02 (29.77)                                        
148 Alvarado, Carly M         16 Nation's Capital-PV    56.36      57.12        
                  27.20       57.12 (29.92)                                        
149 Markous, Marina           16 Annapolis Swim C-MD    57.36      57.13        
                  27.82       57.13 (29.31)                                        
150 Russoniello, Erin B       17 Chartiers Valley-AM    58.41      57.87        
                  27.69       57.87 (30.18)                                        
151 Saladino, Nicole N        16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    59.30      58.48        
                  27.92       58.48 (30.56)                                        
152 Mooney, Taylor A          17 Coastal Aquatics-MD    59.08      58.83        
                  28.14       58.83 (30.69)                                        
 -- Saunders, Margaret R      15 Arlington Aquati-PV    55.20         DQ        
      False start
 -- Rysak, Bethany G          18 Rockville Montgo-PV    53.85        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Popera, Alexandra N       18 Rockville Montgo-PV    54.31        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Morrisey, Michelle L      15 Poseidon Swimmin-VA    54.15        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Tankle, Bernadette L      18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    53.02        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Macaluso, Kaylyn A        16 Machine Aquatics-PV    59.38         NS        
 -- Owens, Kayla V            19 Greater Latrobe-AM     51.43         NS        
 -- Chabbott, Amanda H        16 Eagle Swim Team-MD     53.32        SCR        
 -- Carlin, Samantha A        15 Potomac Marlins-PV     54.28        SCR        
 -- Szekely, Alexandra E      16 Central Bucks Sw-MA    52.44        SCR        
 -- Romine, Paige E           14 Occoquan Swimmin-PV    55.90        SCR        
 -- Patterson, Linnea R       17 Williamsburg Aqu-VA    54.36        SCR        
 -- Jones, Julianna L         14 Williamsburg Aqu-VA    53.86        SCR        
 -- Greguric, Hannah N        16 Peters Township-AM     54.43        SCR        
 -- McKnight, Kristen H       17 Hampton Dolphins-AM    53.55        SCR        
 -- Smolyansky, Alexandra Y   15 Radnor Aquatic C-MA    57.40        SCR        
Event 35  Women 200 Yard IM
        EZSC: # 1:59.02   3/28/2010 Emily Cameron, LAC-MA                      
                1:59.39  NAT
                2:00.99  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  2:11.69
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Barber, Lauren E    17 Jewish Community-AM  2:03.50    2:01.10         20  
                  26.76       58.29 (31.53)     1:32.66 (34.37)     2:01.10 (28.44)
  2 Enoch, Geordie A    18 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:06.51    2:04.45         17  
                  27.65       58.34 (30.69)     1:34.58 (36.24)     2:04.45 (29.87)
  3 Liu, Danielle       17 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:07.23    2:05.33         16  
                  27.43       59.25 (31.82)     1:36.97 (37.72)     2:05.33 (28.36)
  4 Walz, Delaney R     15 G P A C-MA           2:07.69    2:05.38         15  
                  27.28       59.75 (32.47)     1:37.42 (37.67)     2:05.38 (27.96)
  5 Vance, Erin J       14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:08.65    2:07.08         14  
                  28.03     1:00.67 (32.64)     1:37.11 (36.44)     2:07.08 (29.97)
  6 Cortazzo, Amber L   17 Lancaster Aquati-MA  2:08.54    2:07.09         13  
                  27.66     1:00.56 (32.90)     1:37.80 (37.24)     2:07.09 (29.29)
  7 Treuth, Alice L     17 Coastal Aquatics-MD  2:08.48    2:07.98         12  
                  27.50       57.92 (30.42)     1:37.73 (39.81)     2:07.98 (30.25)
  8 Nugent, Celine E    14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:08.75    2:12.22         11  
                  28.10     1:01.14 (33.04)     1:40.90 (39.76)     2:12.22 (31.32)
B - Final
  9 Gribble, Dylan R    14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:09.18    2:07.65          9  
                  27.94     1:00.37 (32.43)     1:37.16 (36.79)     2:07.65 (30.49)
 10 Hsu, Helen          16 Unattached-MA        2:10.75    2:07.86          7  
                  27.44       59.12 (31.68)     1:36.98 (37.86)     2:07.86 (30.88)
 11 McElrath, Isabella  16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:11.46    2:08.36          6  
                  27.65     1:00.75 (33.10)     1:38.17 (37.42)     2:08.36 (30.19)
 12 Vargas, Kristen G   17 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:11.20    2:09.06          5  
                  28.16     1:00.92 (32.76)     1:38.57 (37.65)     2:09.06 (30.49)
 13 Chabbott, Amanda H  16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:09.64    2:10.52          4  
                  27.39       59.52 (32.13)     1:39.36 (39.84)     2:10.52 (31.16)
 14 Smith, Morgan P     17 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:10.74    2:12.01          3  
                  28.00     1:02.36 (34.36)     1:42.25 (39.89)     2:12.01 (29.76)
 15 Thomas, Danielle M  18 Parkland Aquatic-MA  2:10.86    2:12.18          2  
                  28.89     1:02.07 (33.18)     1:40.65 (38.58)     2:12.18 (31.53)
 16 Li, Jessica         14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:11.56    2:12.71          1  
                  28.42     1:02.29 (33.87)     1:41.89 (39.60)     2:12.71 (30.82)
C - Final
 17 Luigard, Claire     16 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:11.68    2:09.69        
                  28.50     1:03.02 (34.52)     1:40.09 (37.07)     2:09.69 (29.60)
 18 Zarchin, Madeline   15 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:12.16    2:11.16        
                  26.71     1:00.84 (34.13)     1:40.70 (39.86)     2:11.16 (30.46)
 19 St. John, Molly C   18 Nation's Capital-PV  2:11.85    2:11.84        
                  27.99     1:02.18 (34.19)     1:41.55 (39.37)     2:11.84 (30.29)
 20 Shepherd, Sarah H   15 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:12.02    2:13.09        
                  29.46     1:02.93 (33.47)     1:42.10 (39.17)     2:13.09 (30.99)
 21 Sarhan, Leenah H    14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  2:13.27    2:13.61        
                  28.31     1:03.29 (34.98)     1:42.61 (39.32)     2:13.61 (31.00)
 22 Levendusky, Sarah   14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:13.82    2:13.66        
                  28.54     1:02.37 (33.83)     1:42.45 (40.08)     2:13.66 (31.21)
 23 Zimmerman, Kate M   17 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:14.32    2:14.49        
                  29.13     1:05.65 (36.52)     1:44.27 (38.62)     2:14.49 (30.22)
 -- Hansen, Grace A     16 North Baltimore-MD   2:14.22         NS        
Event 35  Women 200 Yard IM
        EZSC: # 1:59.02   3/28/2010 Emily Cameron, LAC-MA                      
                1:59.39  NAT
                2:00.99  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  2:11.69
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Barber, Lauren E          17 Jewish Community-AM  2:00.78    2:03.50 q      
                  26.76       59.29 (32.53)     1:34.71 (35.42)     2:03.50 (28.79)
  2 Painter, Kathryn M        17 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  2:02.69    2:05.49 q      
                  28.12     1:00.48 (32.36)     1:36.75 (36.27)     2:05.49 (28.74)
  3 Enoch, Geordie A          18 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:01.18    2:06.51 q      
                  27.86       59.15 (31.29)     1:36.17 (37.02)     2:06.51 (30.34)
  4 Liu, Danielle             17 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:04.34    2:07.23 q      
                  27.69     1:00.53 (32.84)     1:38.17 (37.64)     2:07.23 (29.06)
  5 Walz, Delaney R           15 G P A C-MA           2:08.34    2:07.69 q      
                  27.30     1:00.26 (32.96)     1:39.09 (38.83)     2:07.69 (28.60)
  6 Harper, Shannon A         19 Machine Aquatics-PV  2:08.94    2:07.97 q      
                  27.19       59.65 (32.46)     1:38.25 (38.60)     2:07.97 (29.72)
  7 Treuth, Alice L           17 Coastal Aquatics-MD  2:08.97    2:08.48 q      
                  27.66       58.00 (30.34)     1:38.29 (40.29)     2:08.48 (30.19)
  8 Cortazzo, Amber L         17 Lancaster Aquati-MA  2:26.33L   2:08.54 q      
                  28.02     1:01.93 (33.91)     1:38.51 (36.58)     2:08.54 (30.03)
  9 Vance, Erin J             14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:08.58    2:08.65 q      
                  28.00     1:01.48 (33.48)     1:38.64 (37.16)     2:08.65 (30.01)
 10 Nugent, Celine E          14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:08.60    2:08.75 q      
                  28.30       59.93 (31.63)     1:38.56 (38.63)     2:08.75 (30.19)
 11 Gribble, Dylan R          14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:09.69    2:09.18 q      
                  28.39     1:01.45 (33.06)     1:38.42 (36.97)     2:09.18 (30.76)
 12 Manning, Eliza K          15 Monocacy Aquatic-MD  2:07.48    2:09.60 q      
                  27.74     1:00.48 (32.74)     1:39.15 (38.67)     2:09.60 (30.45)
 13 Chabbott, Amanda H        16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:06.37    2:09.64 q      
                  28.55     1:00.54 (31.99)     1:41.24 (40.70)     2:09.64 (28.40)
 14 Antal, Katie E            18 Seneca Valley Sw-AM  2:09.91    2:10.53 q      
                  28.62     1:01.31 (32.69)     1:38.73 (37.42)     2:10.53 (31.80)
 15 Smith, Morgan P           17 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:08.91    2:10.74 q      
                  27.66     1:01.27 (33.61)     1:40.73 (39.46)     2:10.74 (30.01)
 16 Hsu, Helen                16 Unattached-MA        2:09.45    2:10.75 q      
                  28.19     1:01.76 (33.57)     1:40.63 (38.87)     2:10.75 (30.12)
 17 Thomas, Danielle M        18 Parkland Aquatic-MA  2:12.86    2:10.86 q      
                  29.49     1:02.55 (33.06)     1:40.07 (37.52)     2:10.86 (30.79)
 18 Vargas, Kristen G         17 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:06.97    2:11.20 q      
                  28.17     1:01.56 (33.39)     1:39.97 (38.41)     2:11.20 (31.23)
 19 Barthold, Laura K         17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  2:09.63    2:11.40 q      
                  28.63     1:03.96 (35.33)     1:41.39 (37.43)     2:11.40 (30.01)
 20 McElrath, Isabella O      16 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:10.98    2:11.46 q      
                                  48.21 ( )     1:26.93 (38.72)     2:11.46 (44.53)
 21 Li, Jessica               14 Eagle Swim Team-MD   2:11.77    2:11.56 q      
                  28.06     1:01.59 (33.53)     1:41.07 (39.48)     2:11.56 (30.49)
 22 Zhang, Gabrielle          13 Nation's Capital-PV  2:11.29    2:11.58 q      
                  28.25     1:01.70 (33.45)     1:41.67 (39.97)     2:11.58 (29.91)
 23 Luigard, Claire           16 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:10.04    2:11.68 q      
                  28.41     1:02.84 (34.43)     1:40.99 (38.15)     2:11.68 (30.69)
 24 Juneau, Ann               13 Allegheny North-AM   2:10.98    2:11.70 q      
                                  50.36 ( )     1:27.40 (37.04)     2:11.70 (44.30)
 25 Caputo, Gianna M          16 Allegheny North-AM   2:10.89    2:11.78        
                                  48.31 ( )     1:27.47 (39.16)     2:11.78 (44.31)
 26 St. John, Molly C         18 Nation's Capital-PV  2:13.23    2:11.85        
                  28.15     1:01.23 (33.08)     1:41.10 (39.87)     2:11.85 (30.75)
 27 Fernander, Katherine E    17 Pine Richland Aq-AM  2:11.54    2:11.92        
                  29.62     1:04.50 (34.88)     1:40.67 (36.17)     2:11.92 (31.25)
 28 Krug, Paris M             16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:09.54    2:11.94        
                  28.53     1:01.44 (32.91)     1:40.66 (39.22)     2:11.94 (31.28)
 29 Shepherd, Sarah H         15 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:09.06    2:12.02        
                  28.83     1:01.82 (32.99)     1:40.82 (39.00)     2:12.02 (31.20)
 30 Zarchin, Madeline C       15 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:08.53    2:12.16        
                  27.34     1:01.35 (34.01)     1:41.55 (40.20)     2:12.16 (30.61)
 31 Kosten, Emily S           16 Central Bucks Sw-MA  2:09.18    2:12.19        
                  27.41     1:01.22 (33.81)     1:41.30 (40.08)     2:12.19 (30.89)
 32 Brinkhoff, Allison M      17 Bethel Park Recr-AM  2:06.70    2:12.26        
                  28.91     1:02.51 (33.60)     1:42.75 (40.24)     2:12.26 (29.51)
 33 McNichol, Madison J       18 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  2:07.98    2:12.50        
                  30.16     1:04.10 (33.94)     1:42.31 (38.21)     2:12.50 (30.19)
 34 Deglau, Elizabeth N       16 Poseidon Swimmin-VA  2:09.98    2:12.98        
                  29.10     1:03.02 (33.92)     1:42.53 (39.51)     2:12.98 (30.45)
 35 Sarhan, Leenah H          14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  2:12.31    2:13.27        
                  28.63     1:02.67 (34.04)     1:41.30 (38.63)     2:13.27 (31.97)
 36 Song, Dorit G             15 Nation's Capital-PV  2:10.64    2:13.29        
                                  50.38 ( )     1:28.91 (38.53)     2:13.29 (44.38)
 37 Levendusky, Sarah A       14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:10.17    2:13.82        
                  29.28     1:03.08 (33.80)     1:42.69 (39.61)     2:13.82 (31.13)
 38 Zukowski, Brooke A        15 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:09.54    2:13.83        
                  29.17     1:04.95 (35.78)     1:41.96 (37.01)     2:13.83 (31.87)
 39 Downing, Stephanie M      16 Naval Academy Aq-MD  2:10.73    2:13.86        
                  14.37       47.91 (33.54)     1:28.38 (40.47)     2:13.86 (45.48)
 40 Zangla, Lisa V            15 Nation's Capital-PV  2:14.33    2:14.14        
                  29.78     1:04.26 (34.48)     1:42.91 (38.65)     2:14.14 (31.23)
 41 Hansen, Grace A           16 North Baltimore-MD   2:12.86    2:14.22        
                  28.74     1:02.66 (33.92)     1:43.14 (40.48)     2:14.22 (31.08)
 42 Zimmerman, Kate M         17 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:13.59    2:14.32        
                  29.41     1:05.69 (36.28)     1:44.07 (38.38)     2:14.32 (30.25)
 43 Lundy, Katherine O        15 Arlington Aquati-PV  2:10.04    2:14.41        
                2:04.40                             1:29.79 ( )     2:14.41 (44.62)
 44 Holmes, Abbey A           15 Fairland Aquatic-PV  2:11.77    2:14.43        
                  28.82     1:02.54 (33.72)     1:42.93 (40.39)     2:14.43 (31.50)
 45 Garrity, Keara E          15 Boris Rybatsky-VA    2:11.15    2:14.55        
                  30.00     1:04.07 (34.07)     1:43.78 (39.71)     2:14.55 (30.77)
 46 Williams, Rachel M        18 Nation's Capital-PV  2:11.59    2:14.61        
                  29.11     1:03.68 (34.57)     1:44.01 (40.33)     2:14.61 (30.60)
 46 Williams, Sydney N        17 Monocacy Aquatic-MD  2:12.24    2:14.61        
                  28.68     1:02.21 (33.53)     1:43.27 (41.06)     2:14.61 (31.34)
 48 Vogel, Elisabeth G        16 Occoquan Swimmin-PV  2:15.76    2:14.69        
                  29.45     1:05.63 (36.18)     1:43.94 (38.31)     2:14.69 (30.75)
 49 Popalis, Madyson L        16 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  2:10.82    2:14.80        
                                  50.16 ( )     1:28.56 (38.40)     2:14.80 (46.24)
 50 Churchill, Rebecca H      16 Duke Aquatics-NC     2:10.78    2:14.85        
                2:04.93                             1:28.74 ( )     2:14.85 (46.11)
 51 Williams, Jessie D        14 Monocacy Aquatic-MD  2:11.52    2:15.02        
                  28.85     1:04.66 (35.81)     1:44.91 (40.25)     2:15.02 (30.11)
 51 Dean, Frances E           16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:08.92    2:15.02        
                  30.40     1:05.27 (34.87)     1:43.56 (38.29)     2:15.02 (31.46)
 53 Paterson, Carolyn G       14 Regency Park Swi-VA  2:13.26    2:15.45        
                  29.46     1:05.95 (36.49)     1:44.41 (38.46)     2:15.45 (31.04)
 54 Ritter, Sarah E           18 Merritt Athletic-MD  2:16.21    2:15.50        
                  30.45     1:05.63 (35.18)     1:43.41 (37.78)     2:15.50 (32.09)
 55 Holm, Allison J           17 Nation's Capital-PV  2:12.86    2:15.51        
                  29.57     1:05.08 (35.51)     1:43.31 (38.23)     2:15.51 (32.20)
 56 Hockman, Amy E            18 Machine Aquatics-PV  2:13.70    2:15.55        
                  29.20     1:05.54 (36.34)     1:43.07 (37.53)     2:15.55 (32.48)
 57 Root, Maggie K            17 Allegheny North-AM   2:19.77    2:15.59        
                  28.85     1:04.89 (36.04)     1:45.18 (40.29)     2:15.59 (30.41)
 58 Defrancesco, Gina M       18 Greater Latrobe-AM   2:12.85    2:16.00        
                  29.00     1:03.81 (34.81)     1:45.23 (41.42)     2:16.00 (30.77)
 59 Wright, Katie E           15 Allegheny North-AM   2:17.93    2:16.04        
                  30.12     1:07.30 (37.18)     1:46.23 (38.93)     2:16.04 (29.81)
 60 Grant, Sammie I           13 Machine Aquatics-PV  2:14.11    2:16.13        
                  29.77     1:05.76 (35.99)     1:46.66 (40.90)     2:16.13 (29.47)
 61 Jones, Meghan L           16 Shockwaves Aquat-MA  2:11.27    2:17.04        
                  29.85     1:02.74 (32.89)     1:44.69 (41.95)     2:17.04 (32.35)
 62 Murphy, Erin N            14 Egg Harbor Twp S-MA  2:13.58    2:17.16        
                  29.62     1:04.42 (34.80)     1:46.31 (41.89)     2:17.16 (30.85)
 63 Kosten, Eve J             18 Central Bucks Sw-MA  2:18.62    2:17.58        
                  29.32     1:05.00 (35.68)     1:45.25 (40.25)     2:17.58 (32.33)
 64 Markous, Marina           16 Annapolis Swim C-MD  2:16.92    2:17.79        
                  30.82     1:07.07 (36.25)     1:45.91 (38.84)     2:17.79 (31.88)
 65 Feola, Natalie M          18 Chartiers Valley-AM  2:10.74    2:17.82        
                                  51.32 ( )     1:32.78 (41.46)     2:17.82 (45.04)
 66 Flanagan, Clare C         15 Hampton Dolphins-AM  2:12.13    2:18.27        
                  30.39     1:04.82 (34.43)     1:47.07 (42.25)     2:18.27 (31.20)
 67 Nicholson, Kathryn A      14 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  2:14.89    2:18.33        
                  28.90     1:05.18 (36.28)     1:46.76 (41.58)     2:18.33 (31.57)
 68 Bieber, Brianna J         15 Lancaster Aquati-MA  2:15.48    2:18.92        
                  30.48     1:08.29 (37.81)     1:46.77 (38.48)     2:18.92 (32.15)
 69 Grube, Sydney E           16 All Star Aquatic-PV  2:18.41    2:19.30        
                  30.15     1:06.61 (36.46)     1:45.63 (39.02)     2:19.30 (33.67)
 70 Fieeiki, Charlotte L      12 Nation's Capital-PV  2:16.06    2:19.95        
                  29.16     1:04.02 (34.86)     1:46.61 (42.59)     2:19.95 (33.34)
 71 Smolyansky, Tatyana Y     17 Radnor Aquatic C-MA  2:22.65    2:20.22        
                  30.42     1:03.11 (32.69)     1:48.79 (45.68)     2:20.22 (31.43)
 72 Parsons, Abigail M        15 Seneca Valley Sw-AM  2:16.71    2:21.03        
                  29.34     1:06.33 (36.99)     1:48.43 (42.10)     2:21.03 (32.60)
 73 Blewett, Hanna            16 Radnor Aquatic C-MA  2:22.40    2:21.38        
                  29.37     1:05.63 (36.26)     1:48.80 (43.17)     2:21.38 (32.58)
 74 Wilson, Sarah K           16 Monocacy Aquatic-MD  2:15.91    2:23.09        
                  32.62     1:07.15 (34.53)     1:49.81 (42.66)     2:23.09 (33.28)
 75 Schlosser, Emily N        14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:24.87    2:26.49        
                  32.44     1:06.80 (34.36)     1:53.23 (46.43)     2:26.49 (33.26)
 -- Karam, Sydnee S           17 Parkland Aquatic-MA  2:11.42        DFS        
      Declared false start - Misc
 -- Reynolds, Hope W          14 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  2:18.48        DFS        
      Declared false start - Misc
 -- Soulia, Morgan A          16 Allegheny North-AM   2:04.65        DFS        
      Declared false start - Misc
 -- Ward, Trinity M           13 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  2:16.80         NS        
 -- Bodin, Alyssa B           20 UNAT-VA              2:03.29         NS        
 -- Macaluso, Kaylyn A        16 Machine Aquatics-PV  2:26.55         NS        
 -- Otwell, Bria N            16 Fox Chapel Kille-AM  2:08.54        SCR        
 -- McKnight, Kristen H       17 Hampton Dolphins-AM  2:58.53        SCR        
 -- Owens, Kayla V            19 Greater Latrobe-AM   2:03.11        SCR        
 -- Gilbert, Alexa E          15 Naval Academy Aq-MD  2:11.63        SCR        
Event 37  Women 400 Yard Medley Relay
        EZSC: # 3:46.22   3/28/2010 North Baltimore, NBAC-MD                   
                         F. Lee, R. Schaffer, A. Staub, J. Krebs           
 Meet Qualifying:  4:12.29
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Central Bucks Swim Team-MA  'A'             3:46.76    3:48.42         40  
     1) Szekely, Alexandra E 16         2) Weiss, Brittany M 16           
     3) Zurmuhl, Hannah C 15            4) Kosten, Emily S 16             
                  26.73       54.56 (54.56)     1:24.64 (30.08)   1:59.51 (1:04.95)
        2:26.36 (26.85)     2:57.87 (58.36)     3:21.95 (24.08)     3:48.42 (50.55)
  2 Eagle Swim Team Inc.-MD  'A'                3:52.38    3:50.62         34  
     1) Enoch, Geordie A 18             2) Vance, Erin J 14               
     3) Chabbott, Amanda H 16           4) Nielson, Alayna R 13           
                  27.79       57.12 (57.12)     1:27.03 (29.91)   2:01.11 (1:03.99)
        2:28.17 (27.06)     2:58.80 (57.69)     3:23.19 (24.39)     3:50.62 (51.82)
  3 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'A'      3:57.33    3:55.82         32  
     1) Tiberino, Alicia M 17           2) Gribble, Dylan R 14            
     3) Zarchin, Madeline C 15          4) Richter, Audrey L 15           
                  28.80       59.70 (59.70)     1:30.79 (31.09)   2:05.74 (1:06.04)
        2:32.34 (26.60)     3:03.88 (58.14)     3:28.77 (24.89)     3:55.82 (51.94)
  4 Eagle Swim Team Inc.-MD  'B'                3:54.30    3:56.54         30  
     1) Hochkeppel, Shannon R 15        2) Vargas, Kristen G 17           
     3) McElrath, Isabella O 16         4) St. Martin, Brooke T 17        
                  28.94       59.92 (59.92)     1:30.41 (30.49)   2:05.35 (1:05.43)
        2:32.52 (27.17)     3:03.61 (58.26)     3:29.24 (25.63)     3:56.54 (52.93)
  5 Allegheny North Swim Club-AM  'A'           3:49.66    3:56.64         28  
     1) Churman, Kayla M 16             2) Juneau, Ann 13                 
     3) Soulia, Morgan A 16             4) Brickner, Charlie K 17         
                  28.51       58.07 (58.07)     1:29.69 (31.62)   2:05.63 (1:07.56)
        2:32.14 (26.51)     3:03.45 (57.82)     3:29.03 (25.58)     3:56.64 (53.19)
  6 Machine Aquatics-PV  'A'                    3:46.23    3:57.38         26  
     1) Sullivan, Laura F 17            2) Hockman, Amy E 18              
     3) Harper, Shannon A 19            4) Grant, Sammie I 13             
                  29.08       59.66 (59.66)     1:31.05 (31.39)   2:14.93 (1:15.27)
        2:33.90 (18.97)     3:04.87 (49.94)     3:17.36 (12.49)     3:57.38 (52.51)
  7 Duke Aquatics-NC  'A'                       3:53.62    3:58.46         24  
     1) Shepherd, Sarah H 15            2) Churchill, Rebecca H 16        
     3) Smith, Morgan P 17              4) Liu, Danielle 17               
                  29.69   1:00.78 (1:00.78)     1:32.39 (31.61)   2:08.68 (1:07.90)
        2:35.34 (26.66)     3:06.70 (58.02)     3:58.46 (51.76)                    
  8 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'A'          3:36.99    3:58.69         22  
     1) Fieeiki, Charlotte L 12         2) Cahill, Sarah A 16             
     3) Landeryou, Emily K 14           4) Haley, Kelleigh G 16           
                  28.83       59.63 (59.63)     1:30.02 (30.39)   2:33.44 (1:33.81)
        3:05.45 (32.01)     3:30.65 (57.21)     3:58.69 (28.04)                    
  9 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'B'          3:44.42    3:59.40         18  
     1) Catron, Sydney M 14             2) Song, Dorit G 15               
     3) Zhang, Gabrielle 13             4) Petit, Rosannah 17             
                  29.48   1:00.76 (1:00.76)     1:32.25 (31.49)   2:08.59 (1:07.83)
        2:36.24 (27.65)     3:07.39 (58.80)     3:32.25 (24.86)     3:59.40 (52.01)
 10 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'B'      4:02.61    3:59.98         14  
     1) Kelly, Madison 15               2) Luigard, Claire 16             
     3) Stewart, Alexa C 15             4) Zhang, Lynn C 15               
                  29.49   1:00.41 (1:00.41)     1:31.74 (31.33)   2:07.76 (1:07.35)
        2:35.54 (27.78)     3:07.60 (59.84)     3:32.78 (25.18)     3:59.98 (52.38)
 11 Salvation Army Kroc Aquatics-MA  'A'        4:00.35    4:00.13         12  
     1) O'Connor, Mackenzie S 13        2) Jackson, India 13              
     3) Opong, Ayana R 12               4) Stewart, Sydni R 15            
                  29.20   1:00.04 (1:00.04)     1:32.90 (32.86)   2:10.38 (1:10.34)
        2:36.25 (25.87)     3:07.27 (56.89)     3:32.46 (25.19)     4:00.13 (52.86)
 12 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  'A'                    4:01.92    4:00.24         10  
     1) Rusinko, Hannah E 15            2) Painter, Kathryn M 17          
     3) Cochran, Jessica R 16           4) Hubert, Courteney E 17         
                  29.53   1:00.89 (1:00.89)     1:31.97 (31.08)   2:07.28 (1:06.39)
        2:34.84 (27.56)   3:10.81 (1:03.53)     3:31.85 (21.04)     4:00.24 (49.43)
 13 Egg Harbor Twp Seahawks-MA  'A'             3:59.43    4:02.58          8  
     1) Barnard, Emily R 16             2) Sarhan, Leenah H 14            
     3) Breazeale, Gabrielle 16         4) Kelly, Lauren A 14             
                  29.40   1:00.32 (1:00.32)     1:33.04 (32.72)   2:10.29 (1:09.97)
        2:37.73 (27.44)     3:09.94 (59.65)     3:35.25 (25.31)     4:02.58 (52.64)
 14 Snow Swimming-PV  'A'                       3:51.81    4:02.65          6  
     1) Lee, Carrie R 16                2) Garner, Kristen K 16           
     3) Oliver, Maddie N 15             4) Silpacharn, Pim 16             
                  27.48       57.06 (57.06)     1:31.14 (34.08)   2:10.84 (1:13.78)
        2:37.57 (26.73)     3:09.18 (58.34)     3:34.50 (25.32)     4:02.65 (53.47)
 15 Golden Ram Aquatics-MA  'A'                 3:58.25    4:03.16          4  
     1) Reynolds, Hope W 14             2) Saladino, Nicole N 16          
     3) Carozza, Ann M 13               4) Miller, Olivia C 13            
                  29.42   1:01.26 (1:01.26)     1:33.39 (32.13)   2:10.90 (1:09.64)
        2:37.60 (26.70)     3:08.89 (57.99)     3:34.43 (25.54)     4:03.16 (54.27)
 16 Lancaster Aquatic Club-MA  'A'              4:04.86    4:03.59          2  
     1) Kegel, Samantha J 17            2) Bieber, Brianna J 15           
     3) Cortazzo, Amber L 17            4) Hauck, Sloane V 16             
                  29.05   1:00.26 (1:00.26)     1:32.90 (32.64)   2:09.70 (1:09.44)
        2:36.48 (26.78)     3:07.34 (57.64)     3:33.90 (26.56)     4:03.59 (56.25)
 17 Columbia Aquatics Association-MD  'A'       3:59.38    4:04.30        
     1) Cotter, Theresa J 17            2) McDonald, Kellen L 17          
     3) Liberto, Morgan S 13            4) Walker, Peyton G 17            
                  29.09       59.91 (59.91)     1:33.40 (33.49)   2:10.83 (1:10.92)
        2:38.24 (27.41)     3:09.78 (58.95)     3:36.29 (26.51)     4:04.30 (54.52)
 18 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'A'              3:59.77    4:04.36        
     1) Lee, Isabella C 13              2) Shumate, Anna R 14             
     3) Ridgeway, Eleanor J 14          4) Gieseman, Evie E 14            
                  29.36   1:01.53 (1:01.53)     1:32.58 (31.05)   2:09.64 (1:08.11)
        2:36.97 (27.33)     3:08.72 (59.08)     3:35.07 (26.35)     4:04.36 (55.64)
 19 Annapolis Swim Club-MD  'A'                 4:04.47    4:05.40        
     1) Schere, Yvonne A 15             2) Markous, Marina 16             
     3) Hayburn, Annie C 15             4) Eckhardt, Anna O 17            
                  31.15   1:03.68 (1:03.68)     1:36.63 (32.95)   2:13.61 (1:09.93)
        2:26.32 (12.71)     3:11.15 (57.54)     3:36.69 (25.54)     4:05.40 (54.25)
 20 Pine Richland Aquatics-AM  'A'              4:01.43    4:05.91        
     1) Null, Siani A 16                2) Fernander, Katherine E 17      
     3) Laffey, Makenna K 16            4) King, Erica L 15               
                  30.30   1:02.54 (1:02.54)     1:33.01 (30.47)   2:07.31 (1:04.77)
        2:36.45 (29.14)   3:11.23 (1:03.92)     3:25.01 (13.78)     4:05.91 (54.68)
 21 Regency Park Swim Team-VA  'A'              4:07.90    4:07.17        
     1) Jones, Courtney E 16            2) Muilenburg, Nicole E 16        
     3) Paterson, Carolyn G 14          4) Horne, Rheagan A 15            
                  28.94       59.21 (59.21)     1:32.66 (33.45)   2:10.63 (1:11.42)
        2:39.18 (28.55)   3:12.71 (1:02.08)     3:38.43 (25.72)     4:07.17 (54.46)
 22 Fox Chapel Killer Whales-AM  'A'            3:57.33    4:07.39        
     1) Krug, Paris M 16                2) Zukowski, Brooke A 15          
     3) Otwell, Bria N 16               4) Beasley, Sia T 17              
                  29.26   1:00.99 (1:00.99)     1:32.53 (31.54)   2:09.39 (1:08.40)
        2:37.57 (28.18)   3:11.09 (1:01.70)     3:37.83 (26.74)     4:07.39 (56.30)
 23 Merritt Athletic Swimming-MD  'A'           4:03.50    4:07.67        
     1) Crim, Allison M 17              2) Ritter, Sarah E 18             
     3) Hager, Mary E 17                4) Hursey, Karly M 18             
                  31.39   1:04.34 (1:04.34)     1:35.64 (31.30)   2:11.28 (1:06.94)
        2:40.50 (29.22)   3:13.60 (1:02.32)     3:39.38 (25.78)     4:07.67 (54.07)
 24 Diplomat Swim Club-MA  'A'                  4:08.14    4:07.79        
     1) Depietro, Rachael F 18          2) Deperrot, Danielle J 17        
     3) Popalis, Madyson L 16           4) Wareham, Sydney K 16           
                  30.16   1:01.95 (1:01.95)     1:34.58 (32.63)   2:11.95 (1:10.00)
        2:40.11 (28.16)   3:14.07 (1:02.12)     3:40.18 (26.11)     4:07.79 (53.72)
 25 Mount Lebanon Aqua Club-AM  'A'             4:06.60    4:07.98        
                  29.11   1:00.23 (1:00.23)     1:14.25 (14.02)   2:12.97 (1:12.74)
        2:41.13 (28.16)   3:14.06 (1:01.09)     3:39.40 (25.34)     4:07.98 (53.92)
 26 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'B'              4:04.47    4:09.53        
     1) Morrison, Michaela 15           2) Lundy, Katherine O 15          
     3) Nassetta, Kirby M 17            4) Green, Jessica F 17            
                  30.66   1:04.08 (1:04.08)     1:37.20 (33.12)   2:15.00 (1:10.92)
        2:42.08 (27.08)     3:14.98 (59.98)     3:28.93 (13.95)     4:09.53 (54.55)
 27 Machine Aquatics-PV  'B'                    4:07.22    4:09.84        
     1) Schmid, Olivia F 13             2) Kenis, Samantha N 17           
     3) Jeter, Sierra H 17              4) Miller, Makenzie C 17          
                  30.22   1:02.07 (1:02.07)     1:36.21 (34.14)   2:14.70 (1:12.63)
        2:42.14 (27.44)     3:14.58 (59.88)     3:40.77 (26.19)     4:09.84 (55.26)
 28 H2okie Aquatics-VA  'A'                     4:09.97    4:10.29        
     1) Raber, Shelby E 12              2) Greiner, Kaylee G 14           
     3) Whitesell, Erin R 15            4) Raber, Mckenzie M 18           
                  29.06   1:00.00 (1:00.00)     1:13.69 (13.69)   2:13.05 (1:13.05)
        2:41.39 (28.34)   3:14.91 (1:01.86)     3:41.42 (26.51)     4:10.29 (55.38)
 29 All Star Aquatics-PV  'A'                   3:54.58    4:11.10        
     1) Lemone, Alexis A 15             2) Grube, Sydney E 16             
     3) McGuire-Wien, Eleanore V 15     4) Wright, Katie Q 15             
                  30.08   1:00.91 (1:00.91)     1:33.73 (32.82)   2:11.53 (1:10.62)
        2:39.93 (28.40)   3:13.58 (1:02.05)     3:40.31 (26.73)     4:11.10 (57.52)
 30 Chartiers Valley Swim Club-AM  'A'          4:02.10    4:11.29        
     1) Wroblewski, Kathryn A 16        2) Russoniello, Erin B 17         
     3) Besterman, Amelia R 14          4) Feola, Natalie M 18            
                  30.59   1:03.13 (1:03.13)     1:34.61 (31.48)   2:12.31 (1:09.18)
        2:25.40 (13.09)   3:15.22 (1:02.91)     3:41.68 (26.46)     4:11.29 (56.07)
 31 Naval Academy Aquatic Club-MD  'A'          4:06.28    4:12.79        
     1) Jacobson, Anastasia E 14        2) Bach, Janine A 18              
     3) Downing, Stephanie M 16         4) Mulhern, Meghan S 17           
                  31.12   1:03.71 (1:03.71)     1:37.37 (33.66)   2:15.62 (1:11.91)
        2:44.12 (28.50)   3:16.49 (1:00.87)     3:43.26 (26.77)     4:12.79 (56.30)
 32 Columbia Aquatics Association-MD  'B'       4:05.19    4:12.84        
     1) McGillicuddy, Kelly F 16        2) Elshafei, Sabrina E 17         
     3) Baldinazzo, Bizunesh 17         4) Hanson, Kaleigh T 15           
                  29.13       59.93 (59.93)     1:35.43 (35.50)   2:14.98 (1:15.05)
        2:43.23 (28.25)   3:16.66 (1:01.68)     3:43.76 (27.10)     4:12.84 (56.18)
 33 Sea Devil Swimming-PV  'A'                  4:10.39    4:13.54        
     1) Booher, Alicia L 14             2) Won, Je Moon 18                
     3) Haviland, Victoria L 17         4) Spillman, Emma C 17            
                  30.79   1:04.11 (1:04.11)     1:37.49 (33.38)   2:16.19 (1:12.08)
        2:44.39 (28.20)   3:16.73 (1:00.54)     3:43.55 (26.82)     4:13.54 (56.81)
 34 York Swim Club-PV  'A'                      4:00.08    4:14.01        
     1) Brooks, Emily M 13              2) Edwards, Bryn S 16             
     3) Luncher, Kaitlin J 16           4) Whang, Lucy T 13               
                  30.29   1:02.89 (1:02.89)     1:17.52 (14.63)   2:14.21 (1:11.32)
        2:42.49 (28.28)   3:16.45 (1:02.24)     3:29.16 (12.71)     4:14.01 (57.56)
 35 Chartiers Valley Swim Club-AM  'B'          4:11.26    4:17.76        
     1) Kovacicek, Cassidy E 17         2) Neft, Sierra R 18              
     3) Marcucci, Miranda L 16          4) Schott, Logan M 18             
                  30.64   1:03.03 (1:03.03)     1:36.18 (33.15)   2:14.17 (1:11.14)
        2:42.52 (28.35)   3:17.68 (1:03.51)     3:45.96 (28.28)   4:17.76 (1:00.08)
 36 Herndon Aquatic Club-PV  'A'                4:10.85    4:18.91        
     1) King, Caitlyn N 15              2) Nguyen, Katie Q 13             
     3) Caldwell, Saralyn 13            4) Stassinos, Malina M 15         
                  30.31   1:02.35 (1:02.35)     1:38.66 (36.31)   2:21.23 (1:18.88)
        2:49.40 (28.17)   3:22.81 (1:01.58)     3:49.09 (26.28)     4:18.91 (56.10)
 -- Seneca Valley Swim Club-AM  'A'             4:01.19        DFS        
      Declared false start - Misc
 -- Radnor Aquatic Club-MA  'A'                 4:07.79        DFS        
      Declared false start - Misc
 -- Greater Baltimore Swim Assoc-MD  'A'        4:11.75        SCR        
 -- Parkland Aquatic Club-MA  'A'               4:01.21        SCR        
 -- Jewish Community Ctr Sailfish-AM  'A'       3:55.60        SCR        
 -- Retriever Aquatic Club-MD  'A'              4:08.67        SCR        
Event 107  Women 100 Yard Butterfly Swim-off
                53.49  NAT
                54.19  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  59.59
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  - Swim-off
  1 Landeryou, Emily K        14 Nation's Capital-PV       NT      58.08        
                  26.87       58.08 (31.21)                                        
  2 Scott, Madison L          17 Virginia Gators-VA        NT      58.54        
                  27.51       58.54 (31.03)                                        
  3 Quinn, Courtney R         18 Nittany Lion Aqu-MA       NT      58.89        
                  27.33       58.89 (31.56)                                        
Event 117  Women 50 Yard Freestyle Swim-off
                22.59  NAT
                22.89  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  25.19
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 McGrath, Lauren N         15 Allegheny North-AM        NT      23.92        
  1 Nielson, Alayna R         13 Eagle Swim Team-MD        NT      23.92        
  3 Manning, Eliza K          15 Monocacy Aquatic-MD       NT      24.39        
  4 Smith, Katherine M        14 Nation's Capital-PV       NT      24.45        
Event 121  Women 100 Yard Backstroke Swim-off
                53.89  NAT
                54.69  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  1:00.69
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Blair, Madeline M         16 Una Paac-MA               NT      58.10        
                  28.18       58.10 (29.92)                                        
  2 Jones, Courtney E         16 Regency Park Swi-VA       NT      59.17        
                  28.88       59.17 (30.29)                                        
Event 217  Women 50 Yard Freestyle Swim-off
                22.59  NAT
                22.89  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  25.19
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Blewett, Hanna            16 Radnor Aquatic C-MA       NT      24.35        
  2 Petrak, Taylor E          14 Riverside Aqua C-AM       NT      24.55        
  3 Wilson, Sarah K           16 Monocacy Aquatic-MD       NT      24.64        
  4 Knapp, Sydney E           14 Nation's Capital-PV       NT      24.66        
Event 317  Women 50 Yard Freestyle Swim-off
                22.59  NAT
                22.89  JRN
 Meet Qualifying:  25.19
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 McGrath, Lauren N         15 Allegheny North-AM        NT      23.87        
  2 Nielson, Alayna R         13 Eagle Swim Team-MD        NT      23.88